
Cody Trojan

Overall Ratings
Based on 48 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (48)

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March 14, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I learned a lot in this class & once you understand the requirements, it's smooth sailing. While Trojan requires that you purchase the course reader, I found that I didn't really need it. Homework each week consisted of digitally annotating the reading 3 times through a program called Perusall, I found myself skimming it for the most part, and I was still able to follow along in class. We had mini-essays due every couple weeks called "interventions" where we challenged a way of thinking. I did poorly on the first one since I analyzed a quote, rather than dismantling the logic behind it, but my TA left helpful comments and I was able to recover my grade. We had one main paper & no final. There was a lot of freedom with our final paper so I used one of my intervention topics and just expanded on it. The course topics were all very abstract, so Trojan was the perfect professor for it. He is very much the teacher to answer your question with a question, or respond to "Can I go to the bathroom?" with "Can you?" However, I kind of loved that as it really forced me to think and analyze words in a way I've never had to before. He was very engaging with what otherwise may have been boring content and utilized the class space in a great way. I would recommend going to office hours which were held in the sculpture garden, as they prepare you for discussion and are actually quite thought-provoking. Overall, great class!


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Dec. 30, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR

I dropped this class after the first two weeks, so my words are not the most reliable on his class. You have to be a theory (i.e. philosophy) person to enjoy this class, or to even want to be in the classroom. I am sure that for theory nuts this class is super interesting, but if you can't understand the material, then you better drop it before it's too late.

I feel a little bit too happy once I hit the drop button. I got all As in my other classes and I thank God I dropped it for my GPA. Professor Trojan is a good person, and his class is very interesting. If only the course material is not all "alien letters" then I would continue with this class. Be warned that this class is beyond your imagination of hardness.


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Dec. 1, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A

Idk how i feel about this class tbvh. the prof is really nice and clearly passionate about what he's teaching but overall i just didnt love the material too much so it was pretty boring for me. the workload is a decent amount and sometimes the assignments were unclear because it wouldnt be thoroughly discussed (structure, requirements) but once i got the hang of it my grades were pretty decent.
i took it as a ge so for anyone else doing that - don't add onto your own work for no reason.
also to be fair after a point i just stopped showing up to lectures and even discussions because of how bored i was


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Nov. 28, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A

Prof. Cody Trojan is a marvelous lecturer and incredibly thoughtful professor. He is an indisputable genius in his field and has such a noticeable passion for political theory. The workload for this class is quite heavy and it goes quite fast, but that's honestly just the nature of the subject, and no fault of Prof. Trojan's. He makes writing the term paper at the end such a smooth process by having multiple mini-papers throughout the quarter to build up your skills. 100% Would take this class over and over again.


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Nov. 14, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A

This class has several very dense required texts, but I would not let that deter you from taking it. Dr. Trojan is funny, engaging, knowledgable, and personable. Attending the lectures is a MUST for this class if you want to understand the material. He translates the dense and difficult texts into material that is easy to digest. This class made me think differently about politics and the world in general. Be prepared to write and attend class.


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

So this review is for 114B but I don't see an option to do that class. Regardless, I've talked to people who have taken 114A and it's literally the same class (same structure, grading scheme, etc.) with the only difference being the books you read.
tbh I was seriously considering dropping this class... I'm not a pol sci or humanities major, and I don't like reading so the reading was pretty overwhelming and people were telling me he grades the quizzes and essay hard. You have to read at least a full book every week, sometimes even two, which I was totally not used to. I'm so glad I stuck w/ it tho cuz it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, and I needed this class for a GE requirement right before I was about to graduate.
So someone here already posted the grading breakdown. For starters, the close reading assignment is very easy. You literally just take a passage from any book and produce a 1-2 page analyzation. He essentially gave everyone full credit for this assignment.
Now the quizzes are a bulk of your grade, and I would fully recommend coming to class because he gives you at least half the answers in lecture. And this is important b/c sometimes the texts aren't obvious and require a certain interpretation, so it's nice for him to give you those interpretations in lecture. I went to practically every class, and while I merely skimmed thru all the books (except for the one I did my essay on), I still got a 100 on all the quizzes because of the lecture and study guides. All I would do is the day before class, I would use the study guides as a reference and skim thru chapters until I found a passage related to the study guide questions. Then I would memorize all of these. The quizzes are only two questions at most, but they're short essay style. After the first quiz or two, I kinda had a grasp of what types of questions he likes to ask. There wasn't a single question on the quizzes that wasn't on the study guide, so make sure you use it as a reference. Sometimes there are lots of questions on the study guide, but usually he picks the questions that cover the overarching topics of the book. And like I said, they're always gonna be short essay style so focus on the ones that cover big concepts rather than just small facts. If you do this you can easily get a good grade on the quizzes. Also, he drops one quiz so you get one freebee.
Now for the peer review, I felt like he graded it harder than the close reading. Everyone I talked to got full credit on the close reading, but I came across a good # of students who didn't get full credit on the peer review. Although it's only worth 10%, it's important that you maximize your points on everything up until the essay because the essay is worth half of your grade and he's known to be a relatively tough grader. So make sure you actually spend time on the peer review and analyze your peer's essay to a deep level.
Now the big boy- the essay. I spent a lot of time on this, and it showed cuz I got a pretty good grade on it. MAKE SURE you get your argument checked out by him before you work on it. He has OH after every class and he is very good with making sure he spends time w/ everybody. Once it gets to week 9, it's gonna get crammed w/ literally everybody there so you may wanna get it checked out before then. It's absolutely imperative that you get his okay on the argument b/c it's the biggest portion of your paper. And it may be sort of confusing on what he expects, I know I was confused and overwhelmed in the beginning, cuz basically he wants you to make sort of a controversial interpretation of the reading, and then spend 10-15 pages proving that interpretation. You wanna go to OH and get his verification cuz he'll give you tips, and if you know your argument is good, that's almost half the battle right there. Also he doesn't like emailing about specific questions about the essay b/c he reserves a lot of time in OH for that (which is understandable), so you wanna make sure you use OH to your advantage... don't expect to just be able to email him about it like you may have done for other classes
Overall, this was a good class and I learned a lot from it. I would take it w/ him if you're a pol sci major and this is a major requirement, but if you're someone like me who just needed a GE req it may be better for you to go w/ an easier class. This class was far from an easy A and required a lot of work, but Trojan is a great, helpful professor


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 25, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Before taking his PS 114A class, I was a little nervous after seeing some negative reviews about him on BruinWalk, but he's actually an outstanding professor. I came away from this class with a lot of knowledge, and Professor Trojan really helped facilitate that. The workload can be pretty heavy depending on the week, so make sure you set aside some extra time for this class to get the work done. The final is a term paper, and he's great about helping students come up with topics and write great papers. Overall, this class is really rewarding, and I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who wants to learn more about early American authors.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 23, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: C+

A horrible class definitely do not recommend taking! He just strays from the subjects and then the time flies by and its just frustrating plus he is a hard grader and does not allow tardy work


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 1, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B+

The best professor I have ever had in my three years at UCLA. Very knowledgeable with the subject, is very helpful in mastering the coursework, flexible and understanding, adds humor to the class, workload is perfect and assigned weekly, not overwhelming and reinforces the knowledge being learned that given week. Overall a great professor, would recommend to anyone looking for an awesome class/professor to have.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 7, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Dr. Trojan is one of the best professors I have ever had. Every class, he brings the texts to life, and you can really tell how passionate he is about political theory, literature, and political science in general. He's also extremely helpful and cares a lot about his students' success and understanding. If you enjoy political theory, you will enjoy taking a class by him!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
March 14, 2023

I learned a lot in this class & once you understand the requirements, it's smooth sailing. While Trojan requires that you purchase the course reader, I found that I didn't really need it. Homework each week consisted of digitally annotating the reading 3 times through a program called Perusall, I found myself skimming it for the most part, and I was still able to follow along in class. We had mini-essays due every couple weeks called "interventions" where we challenged a way of thinking. I did poorly on the first one since I analyzed a quote, rather than dismantling the logic behind it, but my TA left helpful comments and I was able to recover my grade. We had one main paper & no final. There was a lot of freedom with our final paper so I used one of my intervention topics and just expanded on it. The course topics were all very abstract, so Trojan was the perfect professor for it. He is very much the teacher to answer your question with a question, or respond to "Can I go to the bathroom?" with "Can you?" However, I kind of loved that as it really forced me to think and analyze words in a way I've never had to before. He was very engaging with what otherwise may have been boring content and utilized the class space in a great way. I would recommend going to office hours which were held in the sculpture garden, as they prepare you for discussion and are actually quite thought-provoking. Overall, great class!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR
Dec. 30, 2019

I dropped this class after the first two weeks, so my words are not the most reliable on his class. You have to be a theory (i.e. philosophy) person to enjoy this class, or to even want to be in the classroom. I am sure that for theory nuts this class is super interesting, but if you can't understand the material, then you better drop it before it's too late.

I feel a little bit too happy once I hit the drop button. I got all As in my other classes and I thank God I dropped it for my GPA. Professor Trojan is a good person, and his class is very interesting. If only the course material is not all "alien letters" then I would continue with this class. Be warned that this class is beyond your imagination of hardness.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A
Dec. 1, 2022

Idk how i feel about this class tbvh. the prof is really nice and clearly passionate about what he's teaching but overall i just didnt love the material too much so it was pretty boring for me. the workload is a decent amount and sometimes the assignments were unclear because it wouldnt be thoroughly discussed (structure, requirements) but once i got the hang of it my grades were pretty decent.
i took it as a ge so for anyone else doing that - don't add onto your own work for no reason.
also to be fair after a point i just stopped showing up to lectures and even discussions because of how bored i was


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A
Nov. 28, 2022

Prof. Cody Trojan is a marvelous lecturer and incredibly thoughtful professor. He is an indisputable genius in his field and has such a noticeable passion for political theory. The workload for this class is quite heavy and it goes quite fast, but that's honestly just the nature of the subject, and no fault of Prof. Trojan's. He makes writing the term paper at the end such a smooth process by having multiple mini-papers throughout the quarter to build up your skills. 100% Would take this class over and over again.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A
Nov. 14, 2022

This class has several very dense required texts, but I would not let that deter you from taking it. Dr. Trojan is funny, engaging, knowledgable, and personable. Attending the lectures is a MUST for this class if you want to understand the material. He translates the dense and difficult texts into material that is easy to digest. This class made me think differently about politics and the world in general. Be prepared to write and attend class.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

So this review is for 114B but I don't see an option to do that class. Regardless, I've talked to people who have taken 114A and it's literally the same class (same structure, grading scheme, etc.) with the only difference being the books you read.
tbh I was seriously considering dropping this class... I'm not a pol sci or humanities major, and I don't like reading so the reading was pretty overwhelming and people were telling me he grades the quizzes and essay hard. You have to read at least a full book every week, sometimes even two, which I was totally not used to. I'm so glad I stuck w/ it tho cuz it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, and I needed this class for a GE requirement right before I was about to graduate.
So someone here already posted the grading breakdown. For starters, the close reading assignment is very easy. You literally just take a passage from any book and produce a 1-2 page analyzation. He essentially gave everyone full credit for this assignment.
Now the quizzes are a bulk of your grade, and I would fully recommend coming to class because he gives you at least half the answers in lecture. And this is important b/c sometimes the texts aren't obvious and require a certain interpretation, so it's nice for him to give you those interpretations in lecture. I went to practically every class, and while I merely skimmed thru all the books (except for the one I did my essay on), I still got a 100 on all the quizzes because of the lecture and study guides. All I would do is the day before class, I would use the study guides as a reference and skim thru chapters until I found a passage related to the study guide questions. Then I would memorize all of these. The quizzes are only two questions at most, but they're short essay style. After the first quiz or two, I kinda had a grasp of what types of questions he likes to ask. There wasn't a single question on the quizzes that wasn't on the study guide, so make sure you use it as a reference. Sometimes there are lots of questions on the study guide, but usually he picks the questions that cover the overarching topics of the book. And like I said, they're always gonna be short essay style so focus on the ones that cover big concepts rather than just small facts. If you do this you can easily get a good grade on the quizzes. Also, he drops one quiz so you get one freebee.
Now for the peer review, I felt like he graded it harder than the close reading. Everyone I talked to got full credit on the close reading, but I came across a good # of students who didn't get full credit on the peer review. Although it's only worth 10%, it's important that you maximize your points on everything up until the essay because the essay is worth half of your grade and he's known to be a relatively tough grader. So make sure you actually spend time on the peer review and analyze your peer's essay to a deep level.
Now the big boy- the essay. I spent a lot of time on this, and it showed cuz I got a pretty good grade on it. MAKE SURE you get your argument checked out by him before you work on it. He has OH after every class and he is very good with making sure he spends time w/ everybody. Once it gets to week 9, it's gonna get crammed w/ literally everybody there so you may wanna get it checked out before then. It's absolutely imperative that you get his okay on the argument b/c it's the biggest portion of your paper. And it may be sort of confusing on what he expects, I know I was confused and overwhelmed in the beginning, cuz basically he wants you to make sort of a controversial interpretation of the reading, and then spend 10-15 pages proving that interpretation. You wanna go to OH and get his verification cuz he'll give you tips, and if you know your argument is good, that's almost half the battle right there. Also he doesn't like emailing about specific questions about the essay b/c he reserves a lot of time in OH for that (which is understandable), so you wanna make sure you use OH to your advantage... don't expect to just be able to email him about it like you may have done for other classes
Overall, this was a good class and I learned a lot from it. I would take it w/ him if you're a pol sci major and this is a major requirement, but if you're someone like me who just needed a GE req it may be better for you to go w/ an easier class. This class was far from an easy A and required a lot of work, but Trojan is a great, helpful professor


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 25, 2020

Before taking his PS 114A class, I was a little nervous after seeing some negative reviews about him on BruinWalk, but he's actually an outstanding professor. I came away from this class with a lot of knowledge, and Professor Trojan really helped facilitate that. The workload can be pretty heavy depending on the week, so make sure you set aside some extra time for this class to get the work done. The final is a term paper, and he's great about helping students come up with topics and write great papers. Overall, this class is really rewarding, and I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who wants to learn more about early American authors.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: C+
Feb. 23, 2021

A horrible class definitely do not recommend taking! He just strays from the subjects and then the time flies by and its just frustrating plus he is a hard grader and does not allow tardy work


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B+
April 1, 2021

The best professor I have ever had in my three years at UCLA. Very knowledgeable with the subject, is very helpful in mastering the coursework, flexible and understanding, adds humor to the class, workload is perfect and assigned weekly, not overwhelming and reinforces the knowledge being learned that given week. Overall a great professor, would recommend to anyone looking for an awesome class/professor to have.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
Nov. 7, 2021

Dr. Trojan is one of the best professors I have ever had. Every class, he brings the texts to life, and you can really tell how passionate he is about political theory, literature, and political science in general. He's also extremely helpful and cares a lot about his students' success and understanding. If you enjoy political theory, you will enjoy taking a class by him!


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