James Schopf
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - This class is one of the best I have taken thus far at UCLA because of Professor Schopf. In an academic setting where rigor is often the status quo, Schopf really takes the time to make his class accessible and open. He gives out the textbook, which he wrote, for free. He tells funny jokes and offers nearly ten office hours a week. Taking this class was always a breath of fresh air and an added dose of positivity to my day. Throughout the class myself and a friend wrote down some of the funny things that Schopf says, so if you take his class you can hear some of these gems firsthand: --Schopf: If you are Chinese I say Ni-How! (Student he was Speaking to): I’m Korean. Schopf: Then I say hi in Korean! --I'm gonna make a t-shirt, I really really am! Then I am gonna sell it on Youtube! I’ve never watched Youtube in my life. --Bobo Head --(YOU CAN DO IT)x 4 Belieeeeeeve in yourself! --Soviet Hoopster! Chinese Hoopster? --Oh My Golly Gosh --SYAD, That's Russian for sit down, because you are rushing to sit in your seat. --If you pass by a car with a headlight out, that means you can kiss your girlfriend! --Bologna! --Just like you it has a low index of crunchability; I made that up to sound scientific --A big brouhaha --My hole is bigger than your hole! (talking about ripped jeans) --Everyone thinks they look stylish when they look like a Hobo!! --When the daffodils are daffing. They know about daffing --Not a spelling bee but a buzzing bee. --China has gone gangbusters --I’m not even friends with no beetles --Here. Is. Clam. --MY SPECIMEN IS BETTER THAN THE ONE IN THE FRENCH NATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM. THE OTHER ONES HAVE BROKEN TEETH BUT MINE IS PRISTINE!! --Next time you are at a dorm party, walk up to someone and call them a coelomate deuterostome --At this point when I’m by myself I swear and that seems to help Student: Feel free. Schopf: I can’t, I would teach you new words. --Hey mom put the stuffing in the coelom (Talking about stuffing Turkeys) --They get attracted to the wiggleferousness --I don’t know about Jeff, he probably likes the taste of earthworms --Friendly fish? I like friendly fish --Stay away from me bobo! --Nice Doggy. Thank you very much. Do you want to date? (Talking about men who walk their dogs)
Winter 2019 - This class is one of the best I have taken thus far at UCLA because of Professor Schopf. In an academic setting where rigor is often the status quo, Schopf really takes the time to make his class accessible and open. He gives out the textbook, which he wrote, for free. He tells funny jokes and offers nearly ten office hours a week. Taking this class was always a breath of fresh air and an added dose of positivity to my day. Throughout the class myself and a friend wrote down some of the funny things that Schopf says, so if you take his class you can hear some of these gems firsthand: --Schopf: If you are Chinese I say Ni-How! (Student he was Speaking to): I’m Korean. Schopf: Then I say hi in Korean! --I'm gonna make a t-shirt, I really really am! Then I am gonna sell it on Youtube! I’ve never watched Youtube in my life. --Bobo Head --(YOU CAN DO IT)x 4 Belieeeeeeve in yourself! --Soviet Hoopster! Chinese Hoopster? --Oh My Golly Gosh --SYAD, That's Russian for sit down, because you are rushing to sit in your seat. --If you pass by a car with a headlight out, that means you can kiss your girlfriend! --Bologna! --Just like you it has a low index of crunchability; I made that up to sound scientific --A big brouhaha --My hole is bigger than your hole! (talking about ripped jeans) --Everyone thinks they look stylish when they look like a Hobo!! --When the daffodils are daffing. They know about daffing --Not a spelling bee but a buzzing bee. --China has gone gangbusters --I’m not even friends with no beetles --Here. Is. Clam. --MY SPECIMEN IS BETTER THAN THE ONE IN THE FRENCH NATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM. THE OTHER ONES HAVE BROKEN TEETH BUT MINE IS PRISTINE!! --Next time you are at a dorm party, walk up to someone and call them a coelomate deuterostome --At this point when I’m by myself I swear and that seems to help Student: Feel free. Schopf: I can’t, I would teach you new words. --Hey mom put the stuffing in the coelom (Talking about stuffing Turkeys) --They get attracted to the wiggleferousness --I don’t know about Jeff, he probably likes the taste of earthworms --Friendly fish? I like friendly fish --Stay away from me bobo! --Nice Doggy. Thank you very much. Do you want to date? (Talking about men who walk their dogs)