
Hyeonjin Park

Overall Ratings
Based on 7 Users
Easiness 4.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (7)

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June 8, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

This was genuinely of the best courses I have ever taken. The content was so engaging, the ordering of it was was perfectly crafted to introduce us to ideas, expand on them over the course of the class, and then reference them later on as points of discussion/analysis; the growth and timeline of the course content was masterfully designed. This is all a result of the instructor, Hyeonjin, who was also one of the best instructors I have ever had the pleasure of having. They genuinely cared about their students' success and well-being, and they were extremely engaging as both a lecturer and a discussion leader. They made class enjoyable every time, and I always looked forward to going every week - maybe it was because I liked playing video games in class lol. Aside from the gaming in the middle of class, I thoroughly enjoyed the formula of having the students lead the presentation and the discussion at the beginning of class, lecturing briefly on the content assigned for the following week, and then learning by reading outside of class. It forced me to engage in the very interesting content in a different way than simply being spoken at, and I appreciated and enjoyed how Hyeonjin trusted us as students and gave us independence in absorbing the material, enough to have a thoughtful discussion the week after. Not many instructors do that, let alone professors, and it made me want to put in the effort to succeed and be prepared so our class discussions went well. For being one of the first times this class was offered, it was masterfully crafted by Hyeonjin, and a fantastic and extremely fun course to take. Thank you Hyeonjin! You are truly the best!


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Dec. 28, 2023
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+

VERY EASY. I took this over summer my freshman year and I found a way to BS all the assignments that took 2- min per week and the final essay was 600 words and super easy (got 100%). The midterm was take home and open book, so you could literally look up the answers in the slides that the prof made. I think I ended with a 102% this class was so easy. If you can take it as a GE, do it, you wont regret it.


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Sept. 27, 2023
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+

I enjoyed taking Musicology 7 in the summer. It was really easy and the professor was really helpful.


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Sept. 16, 2022
Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A+

Taking this class over the summer quarter before my freshman year was an absolute blast and an easy transition. The class consists of annotating papers(short and easy to understand), watching animations, writing weekly discussion posts(300 words each), taking an open-note midterm(with access to the lectures), and writing a final paper with guidance. The workload was very manageable and the midterm and final paper were graded fairly according to provided rubrics. Beyond the class being easy and enjoyable, both the professor, Jin, and the TA, Ross, were a blast to work with. They were available and ready to help at any time and went above and beyond to support students. I truly felt supported in the class regardless of the assignment. I would recommend this class to everyone, specially those interested in music or film!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 20, 2021
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: P

I definitely love this course! The instructor cares everyone. Attending their class is such a pleasure. They believe students don't have to pay for extra material since we enrolled in this class and this university. They reply email on Sunday night and respond to my request of recording the lectures although they didn't plan to because of unstable internet. They relieve any worry you have. You can take this course with any level of musical knowledge. The content of the course is super interesting. It introduces music in animated films in Hollywood, Japan, and other parts of the world. There is only one midterm and a short final paper which are designed not to destroy anyone's confidence or curiosity. I attended the discussion at midnight, so I could barely speak. It's kind of the TA, Moore, didn't force anyone to speak. But he and the classmates in the discussion group are so funny and just listening their thoughts are inspiring for me. I was moved by the inclusiveness and freedom shown by this course. Taking this course is a precious experience for me. I would recommend it to anyone interested in film or music.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 8, 2024

This was genuinely of the best courses I have ever taken. The content was so engaging, the ordering of it was was perfectly crafted to introduce us to ideas, expand on them over the course of the class, and then reference them later on as points of discussion/analysis; the growth and timeline of the course content was masterfully designed. This is all a result of the instructor, Hyeonjin, who was also one of the best instructors I have ever had the pleasure of having. They genuinely cared about their students' success and well-being, and they were extremely engaging as both a lecturer and a discussion leader. They made class enjoyable every time, and I always looked forward to going every week - maybe it was because I liked playing video games in class lol. Aside from the gaming in the middle of class, I thoroughly enjoyed the formula of having the students lead the presentation and the discussion at the beginning of class, lecturing briefly on the content assigned for the following week, and then learning by reading outside of class. It forced me to engage in the very interesting content in a different way than simply being spoken at, and I appreciated and enjoyed how Hyeonjin trusted us as students and gave us independence in absorbing the material, enough to have a thoughtful discussion the week after. Not many instructors do that, let alone professors, and it made me want to put in the effort to succeed and be prepared so our class discussions went well. For being one of the first times this class was offered, it was masterfully crafted by Hyeonjin, and a fantastic and extremely fun course to take. Thank you Hyeonjin! You are truly the best!


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 28, 2023

VERY EASY. I took this over summer my freshman year and I found a way to BS all the assignments that took 2- min per week and the final essay was 600 words and super easy (got 100%). The midterm was take home and open book, so you could literally look up the answers in the slides that the prof made. I think I ended with a 102% this class was so easy. If you can take it as a GE, do it, you wont regret it.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Sept. 27, 2023

I enjoyed taking Musicology 7 in the summer. It was really easy and the professor was really helpful.


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Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A+
Sept. 16, 2022

Taking this class over the summer quarter before my freshman year was an absolute blast and an easy transition. The class consists of annotating papers(short and easy to understand), watching animations, writing weekly discussion posts(300 words each), taking an open-note midterm(with access to the lectures), and writing a final paper with guidance. The workload was very manageable and the midterm and final paper were graded fairly according to provided rubrics. Beyond the class being easy and enjoyable, both the professor, Jin, and the TA, Ross, were a blast to work with. They were available and ready to help at any time and went above and beyond to support students. I truly felt supported in the class regardless of the assignment. I would recommend this class to everyone, specially those interested in music or film!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: P
Sept. 20, 2021

I definitely love this course! The instructor cares everyone. Attending their class is such a pleasure. They believe students don't have to pay for extra material since we enrolled in this class and this university. They reply email on Sunday night and respond to my request of recording the lectures although they didn't plan to because of unstable internet. They relieve any worry you have. You can take this course with any level of musical knowledge. The content of the course is super interesting. It introduces music in animated films in Hollywood, Japan, and other parts of the world. There is only one midterm and a short final paper which are designed not to destroy anyone's confidence or curiosity. I attended the discussion at midnight, so I could barely speak. It's kind of the TA, Moore, didn't force anyone to speak. But he and the classmates in the discussion group are so funny and just listening their thoughts are inspiring for me. I was moved by the inclusiveness and freedom shown by this course. Taking this course is a precious experience for me. I would recommend it to anyone interested in film or music.


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