
Linda Zanontian

Overall Ratings
Based on 51 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (51)

3 of 5
3 of 5
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Dec. 11, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Pretty easy class. The amount of work in this class was fair. Homework usually consisted of about 6 problems. Code was due every two weeks but you could easily finish it in class if you go to discussion. There were also quizzes every week you take on ccle. First test was very easy, second test was a little harder but she allows a cheat sheet. The professor was also very nice and clear in her explanations. Overall a solid class you shouldn't have to stress about too much.


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Dec. 24, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Prof. Zanontian is a great professor who actually cares about her students and their mastery of the material in the class. The themes in this class are pretty repetitive so even when new concepts are introduced throughout the quarter it is not very difficult at all. She offers a lot of help throughout the quarter by conducting office hours and Q&A review sessions and she also lets us use a cheat sheet for exams! Participation and clickers are necessary in this class. I think this class is very fair, and I genuinely feel like I learned a lot.


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Feb. 5, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Take Stats 13 with Professor Zanontian if you can! Her exams are extremely straightforward. To study, I just read the textbook and reviewed the slides. She posts study guides that provide you with everything you need to know for the exams and also allows 1 page cheat-sheets. In lecture, she just reads off the slides, so it can get boring. I also stopped going to lab and discussion after week 3 because attendance is not mandatory. The labs were hard because they use a different program than the LS30 series, but if you can find someone's old labs to reference, they are do-able.


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Feb. 8, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I found this class to be easy and require little effort compared to major classes. The professor required you to go to lecture (clicker questions used for attendance), but the lab/discussion section was not mandatory. After taking LS30A/B, the coding portion of this class was actually fairly simple and I did not actually attend the lab/discussion after the first week. She posted detailed slides from lecture, so I referenced these when studying for the midterm/final. She also let us use an entire letter-size one-sided cheat sheet to write down formulas/definitions to use on both the midterm and final. I found the exams to be fair and did well on them as long as I had all of the formulas written down on my cheat sheet. In addition to the exams and labs, we also had a homework assignment from the textbook and a quiz on CCLE every week (or every other week I'm not sure) but both were fairly short. Overall, I would recommend taking the class with Zanontian because you can put in minimal effort as long as you are understanding the homework and quizzes.


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Feb. 15, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Professor Zanontian is one of the kindest and most understanding professors at UCLA. She's extremely helpful, I used to ask her questions about the homeworks before and after lecture and she always took the time to help me out and work toward the answer. Even though she's great, I did have some issues with the class, specifically the unnecessary workload.

The tests in this class are fine, there are no tricks and it's very clear to know what she wants from you as long as you review the key points. She usually posts a review powerpoint with an outline of everything you should know for the test, and if you understand all of that, you should be fine.

But the workload outside of the midterm and final was too much. The labs are not the worst, usually you just have to follow directions and it should be pretty easy, but definitely start on them early so you have time to ask your TA for help, because these are easy points you can get if you manage to score well on labs. The homework was the worst part of this class, though. Most of it was easy, but there are some questions that honestly can be really tricky and hard, and the TAs do not hesitate to take points off. My biggest stressor in this class was making sure I was doing well on my homework, not the midterm and final, because in my opinion, the homework was harder than either of the tests. She doesn't curve up even a point, so it's really important to make sure you get every single point you can from the rest of the class. Try and do your homework early just like the labs so you can ask Zanontian if you have any questions.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 2, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Great class overall! The grading scheme is very fair and not test-heavy. There is enough lab, quiz, and homework points to help your grade if you need it. Discussion sections are super helpful, and I would recommend attending if you want to excel in this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 19, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Professor Zanontian was very very kind especially during this time when everyone was still trying to figure things out. Her lectures were pre-recorded so there weren't opportunities for questions there but her teaching style was great, it was a good pace and she sectioned everything clearly. Without having a strong background in statistics, I thought this class was very manageable. And her office hours were great, she has a really kind and calm presence.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Zanontian is the best! She genuinely cares about her students and is passionate about what she teaches. For someone who has never taken stats before this course, I found the stats 13 very approachable, but also very time consuming. Weekly homework assignments were very easy and didn't take much time to complete, but labs would always take a while (assigned every two weeks). TAs do a good job of giving hints and explaining what you need to know in R in order to complete the lab, but often I needed extra help. This is where TA office hours come in. If you're ever struggling with a problem and want to make sure you answer what the question is asking, I can't stress enough TA office hours are the way to go. I regret not going more to save unnecessary stress and time not being able to figure out how to get my code to work before Sunday night (the due date). Exams are very approachable and the class overall does well on them. Much of the class is just staying on top of things ie HW, Labs, Quizzes, Participation Polls, and Exams and I'm thankful the other classes I took weren't as time consuming so I could focus more on this one. Overall though, I found it very manageable if I allowed yourself enough time, kept track of deadlines, and sought out help when I needed it.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 26, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

This class is pretty easy, interesting, but a lot more busywork; overall it's pretty easy though and helps you during the exams. There are weekly 10 question quizzes, a weekly poll for participation points which is graded on completion and 5% of your grade (free points!) There were weekly homework assignments and biweekly labs for R. This class was taking during COVID so Dr. Zanontian was very understanding and super nice! Her lectures were very straightforward and clear. She listened to her students when they requested to not do breakout rooms anymore but instead actually lecture during class time and that really helped. She also made the midterm and final 4 and 5 hours long so very very helpful and accommodating. Take Stats 13 with Dr. Zanontian!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 27, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Dr. Zanontian was a great professor. I thought that this class felt like it had quite a bit of busy work (biweekly labs, weekly homework, and weekly quizzes and participation polls because of COVID-19). That being said, Dr. Zanontian was extremely lenient and understanding throughout the quarter, and the midterm and final were both extremely doable if you prepare well.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 11, 2019

Pretty easy class. The amount of work in this class was fair. Homework usually consisted of about 6 problems. Code was due every two weeks but you could easily finish it in class if you go to discussion. There were also quizzes every week you take on ccle. First test was very easy, second test was a little harder but she allows a cheat sheet. The professor was also very nice and clear in her explanations. Overall a solid class you shouldn't have to stress about too much.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2019

Prof. Zanontian is a great professor who actually cares about her students and their mastery of the material in the class. The themes in this class are pretty repetitive so even when new concepts are introduced throughout the quarter it is not very difficult at all. She offers a lot of help throughout the quarter by conducting office hours and Q&A review sessions and she also lets us use a cheat sheet for exams! Participation and clickers are necessary in this class. I think this class is very fair, and I genuinely feel like I learned a lot.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 5, 2020

Take Stats 13 with Professor Zanontian if you can! Her exams are extremely straightforward. To study, I just read the textbook and reviewed the slides. She posts study guides that provide you with everything you need to know for the exams and also allows 1 page cheat-sheets. In lecture, she just reads off the slides, so it can get boring. I also stopped going to lab and discussion after week 3 because attendance is not mandatory. The labs were hard because they use a different program than the LS30 series, but if you can find someone's old labs to reference, they are do-able.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 8, 2020

I found this class to be easy and require little effort compared to major classes. The professor required you to go to lecture (clicker questions used for attendance), but the lab/discussion section was not mandatory. After taking LS30A/B, the coding portion of this class was actually fairly simple and I did not actually attend the lab/discussion after the first week. She posted detailed slides from lecture, so I referenced these when studying for the midterm/final. She also let us use an entire letter-size one-sided cheat sheet to write down formulas/definitions to use on both the midterm and final. I found the exams to be fair and did well on them as long as I had all of the formulas written down on my cheat sheet. In addition to the exams and labs, we also had a homework assignment from the textbook and a quiz on CCLE every week (or every other week I'm not sure) but both were fairly short. Overall, I would recommend taking the class with Zanontian because you can put in minimal effort as long as you are understanding the homework and quizzes.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 15, 2020

Professor Zanontian is one of the kindest and most understanding professors at UCLA. She's extremely helpful, I used to ask her questions about the homeworks before and after lecture and she always took the time to help me out and work toward the answer. Even though she's great, I did have some issues with the class, specifically the unnecessary workload.

The tests in this class are fine, there are no tricks and it's very clear to know what she wants from you as long as you review the key points. She usually posts a review powerpoint with an outline of everything you should know for the test, and if you understand all of that, you should be fine.

But the workload outside of the midterm and final was too much. The labs are not the worst, usually you just have to follow directions and it should be pretty easy, but definitely start on them early so you have time to ask your TA for help, because these are easy points you can get if you manage to score well on labs. The homework was the worst part of this class, though. Most of it was easy, but there are some questions that honestly can be really tricky and hard, and the TAs do not hesitate to take points off. My biggest stressor in this class was making sure I was doing well on my homework, not the midterm and final, because in my opinion, the homework was harder than either of the tests. She doesn't curve up even a point, so it's really important to make sure you get every single point you can from the rest of the class. Try and do your homework early just like the labs so you can ask Zanontian if you have any questions.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
July 2, 2020

Great class overall! The grading scheme is very fair and not test-heavy. There is enough lab, quiz, and homework points to help your grade if you need it. Discussion sections are super helpful, and I would recommend attending if you want to excel in this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
Sept. 19, 2020

Professor Zanontian was very very kind especially during this time when everyone was still trying to figure things out. Her lectures were pre-recorded so there weren't opportunities for questions there but her teaching style was great, it was a good pace and she sectioned everything clearly. Without having a strong background in statistics, I thought this class was very manageable. And her office hours were great, she has a really kind and calm presence.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2020

Zanontian is the best! She genuinely cares about her students and is passionate about what she teaches. For someone who has never taken stats before this course, I found the stats 13 very approachable, but also very time consuming. Weekly homework assignments were very easy and didn't take much time to complete, but labs would always take a while (assigned every two weeks). TAs do a good job of giving hints and explaining what you need to know in R in order to complete the lab, but often I needed extra help. This is where TA office hours come in. If you're ever struggling with a problem and want to make sure you answer what the question is asking, I can't stress enough TA office hours are the way to go. I regret not going more to save unnecessary stress and time not being able to figure out how to get my code to work before Sunday night (the due date). Exams are very approachable and the class overall does well on them. Much of the class is just staying on top of things ie HW, Labs, Quizzes, Participation Polls, and Exams and I'm thankful the other classes I took weren't as time consuming so I could focus more on this one. Overall though, I found it very manageable if I allowed yourself enough time, kept track of deadlines, and sought out help when I needed it.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 26, 2020

This class is pretty easy, interesting, but a lot more busywork; overall it's pretty easy though and helps you during the exams. There are weekly 10 question quizzes, a weekly poll for participation points which is graded on completion and 5% of your grade (free points!) There were weekly homework assignments and biweekly labs for R. This class was taking during COVID so Dr. Zanontian was very understanding and super nice! Her lectures were very straightforward and clear. She listened to her students when they requested to not do breakout rooms anymore but instead actually lecture during class time and that really helped. She also made the midterm and final 4 and 5 hours long so very very helpful and accommodating. Take Stats 13 with Dr. Zanontian!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 27, 2020

Dr. Zanontian was a great professor. I thought that this class felt like it had quite a bit of busy work (biweekly labs, weekly homework, and weekly quizzes and participation polls because of COVID-19). That being said, Dr. Zanontian was extremely lenient and understanding throughout the quarter, and the midterm and final were both extremely doable if you prepare well.


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