
Randa Reslan

Overall Ratings
Based on 39 Users
Easiness 3.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (39)

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Aug. 13, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

When I took 14A with Reslan, it was her first time teaching at ucla. So of course, she's not gonna be perfect, and at times she was a bit disorganized and made few errors since it was her first time teaching the quarter system. Many students would hate on her and wouldn't appreciate what she did for the class which pissed me off. However, from her growth and quality as a professor, I would say she is an amazing professor and the majority of the students with a brain would agree. If she is teaching this class again, take it with her! After the first few weeks, she assimilated into the class, became way more organized, and more helpful in our learning. The exams were so fair and similar to the practice in the class. She provides so many practice problems and wanted us to get an A. She tried her best to simplify complex topics and would try to answer as many questions as possible. She was also extremely nice and accommodating (even though she had to deal with some annoying ungrateful students so I felt bad for her throughout the quarter). She might have changed her class structure from when I took it, but overall, she is goated, so take the class with her!


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March 28, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Professor Reslan is an awesome professor who truly cares about her students. The review sessions she hosted were very helpful. Tough material but Professor Reslan's teaching makes it bearable and easily understandable.Cannot recommend this class enough!


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Feb. 19, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

I loved this class. I am not a chemistry person in the slightest and have always detested it in the past, and by no means did she dumb the class down, but she made it very approachable and frequently said she wanted everyone to succeed. She is a good, clear lecturer, and provides very good practice exams. She provides outlines for her lectures printed to write on, and would provide a filled version later so you could make sure you had the math worked out right. The content on the exams was never a surprise and never a trick, and matched the difficulty of the practice problems very well. The exams are forgiving in that there were sometimes two long questions worth the same amount where you needed only to choose whichever one you preferred to answer. The final was all multiple choice so did not have that, but it did have extra credit questions to pad the grade. I don't think I've ever learned more from a chemistry course, nor have I ever taken one so low stress.


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Feb. 17, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I am not a fan of chemistry, but if you have to take 14A, I recommend professor Reslan. She was slightly disorganized at the beginning of the quarter, but everything was running smoothly by the end. She is very caring, will always admit to and remedy her mistakes, and often sides with students' wishes. I struggled initially, but she took time to hold helpful office hours, which I highly recommended attending. She also curved the final grades, which I believe helped many people.


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April 1, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A

This class is pretty tough, but I think having an AP chemistry background (from what I heard) makes this a lot easier, which is good for those who did it. For people who didn't (like myself), the concepts kind of come at you really fast and there is a lot of information where somtimes you are just writing random stuff down to process later. I definitely think as a paper and pen user myself that this class is structured so that those who have an IPad will flourish a lot better, otherwise you lose out on info. Her review sessions and practice problems are pretty helpful, but you will often encounter stuff in the exam that are WAY harder, though they follow the same concept, or just random problems. The grading is a mixed bag, sometimes it is too harsh and it is fair, but just know curving is highly unlikely. I don't suggest reading the textbook in depth because it is just too much, and focus more on like the homework and get the basics of what she is saying in lectures. Professor Reslan is pretty nice, but this class overall can get difficult.


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March 30, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: NP

This class was very hard and is even harder when you don't have a good background with chemistry or never took chemistry before coming here. Her notes are all on her ipad which makes it hard to take notes if you don't have one since she has them half complete then adds a lot of important information. Note taking was really hard for me personally having to try to take them on paper. She does a lot of review sessions which are helpful. Her office hours were always directly after class. There is weekly homework assignments. Her grading scheme is horrible. The two midterms together are 25% of your grade, the final is 35%, and the hw and discussion assignments are the rest. She is strongly against rounding and curving.


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March 5, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-

I did not enjoy taking this class with Professor Reslan. The lectures were very disorganized at the beginning of the quarter so it was difficult to study for the exams without knowing which topics to prioritize. Towards the end of the quarter, the lectures were better prepared, but the exams were still on the more difficult end of the spectrum with the averages being a B- (Midterm 1) and C- (Midterm 2).


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March 15, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Dr.Resland is a good professor, her lectures are helpful. If she ended up not being clear on some topics (or unable to finish it) she'll exempt it from the exams. Although she tells you what will be on her exams, her exams are still hard (72/100 for my second mid term), so don't be too excited ig for this class... Chem 20B is similar to the second half of AP Chemistry so this class should be easy if you had ap chem before. However, many materials goes beyond what we learned from AP (using calculus for example: w = -∫P dV, Δs = ∫dq/T). So this class would definitely be a nightmare for people who doesn't have prior experience with chem or being bad at math.


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March 14, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C-

Personally, I hate Chemistry, with a burning passion. I did not have chemistry at my high school, so I came in with no experience. So, if you are similar to me in that aspect, I wish you the best of luck. However, I adore Dr. Reslan, she is an amazing lecturer and professor, I do not blame her for my grade, it is genuinely just me trying to learn chemistry for the first time, which is why it has been so hard. Reslan CARES about her students, she curved a midterm because a lot of students did poorly on it. She is extremely fair and genuinely funny. I really enjoyed Reslan as a professor, I just loathe the subject. You get 10 tries per question on the homework ( on OWL ) and she often extends the homework due date, I believe there was only two instances where she did not extend the homework deadline. She has many reviews for her midterms and finals and wants the class to do well. This class is easier if you have taken AP chemistry in high school. If you have no chemsitry experience... Good Luck, Charlie.


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March 11, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B

Professor Reslan is a great professor. She is someone who really cares about the students. She always asks if we understand and encourages us to seek help during office hours as class is only 50 minutes. Whenever I asked her questions, she answered them with care and without judgement. She makes funny jokes in class but gets distracted by the laughter which adds to her charm. Our class had just under 500 people which must have been overwhelming for her but she did so well with communicating and making sure the majority of the class was on track and understood the material. She held so many review sessions for a professor. Amazing professor! Highly recommend!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Aug. 13, 2023

When I took 14A with Reslan, it was her first time teaching at ucla. So of course, she's not gonna be perfect, and at times she was a bit disorganized and made few errors since it was her first time teaching the quarter system. Many students would hate on her and wouldn't appreciate what she did for the class which pissed me off. However, from her growth and quality as a professor, I would say she is an amazing professor and the majority of the students with a brain would agree. If she is teaching this class again, take it with her! After the first few weeks, she assimilated into the class, became way more organized, and more helpful in our learning. The exams were so fair and similar to the practice in the class. She provides so many practice problems and wanted us to get an A. She tried her best to simplify complex topics and would try to answer as many questions as possible. She was also extremely nice and accommodating (even though she had to deal with some annoying ungrateful students so I felt bad for her throughout the quarter). She might have changed her class structure from when I took it, but overall, she is goated, so take the class with her!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 28, 2024

Professor Reslan is an awesome professor who truly cares about her students. The review sessions she hosted were very helpful. Tough material but Professor Reslan's teaching makes it bearable and easily understandable.Cannot recommend this class enough!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Feb. 19, 2023

I loved this class. I am not a chemistry person in the slightest and have always detested it in the past, and by no means did she dumb the class down, but she made it very approachable and frequently said she wanted everyone to succeed. She is a good, clear lecturer, and provides very good practice exams. She provides outlines for her lectures printed to write on, and would provide a filled version later so you could make sure you had the math worked out right. The content on the exams was never a surprise and never a trick, and matched the difficulty of the practice problems very well. The exams are forgiving in that there were sometimes two long questions worth the same amount where you needed only to choose whichever one you preferred to answer. The final was all multiple choice so did not have that, but it did have extra credit questions to pad the grade. I don't think I've ever learned more from a chemistry course, nor have I ever taken one so low stress.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Feb. 17, 2023

I am not a fan of chemistry, but if you have to take 14A, I recommend professor Reslan. She was slightly disorganized at the beginning of the quarter, but everything was running smoothly by the end. She is very caring, will always admit to and remedy her mistakes, and often sides with students' wishes. I struggled initially, but she took time to hold helpful office hours, which I highly recommended attending. She also curved the final grades, which I believe helped many people.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
April 1, 2024

This class is pretty tough, but I think having an AP chemistry background (from what I heard) makes this a lot easier, which is good for those who did it. For people who didn't (like myself), the concepts kind of come at you really fast and there is a lot of information where somtimes you are just writing random stuff down to process later. I definitely think as a paper and pen user myself that this class is structured so that those who have an IPad will flourish a lot better, otherwise you lose out on info. Her review sessions and practice problems are pretty helpful, but you will often encounter stuff in the exam that are WAY harder, though they follow the same concept, or just random problems. The grading is a mixed bag, sometimes it is too harsh and it is fair, but just know curving is highly unlikely. I don't suggest reading the textbook in depth because it is just too much, and focus more on like the homework and get the basics of what she is saying in lectures. Professor Reslan is pretty nice, but this class overall can get difficult.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: NP
March 30, 2024

This class was very hard and is even harder when you don't have a good background with chemistry or never took chemistry before coming here. Her notes are all on her ipad which makes it hard to take notes if you don't have one since she has them half complete then adds a lot of important information. Note taking was really hard for me personally having to try to take them on paper. She does a lot of review sessions which are helpful. Her office hours were always directly after class. There is weekly homework assignments. Her grading scheme is horrible. The two midterms together are 25% of your grade, the final is 35%, and the hw and discussion assignments are the rest. She is strongly against rounding and curving.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
March 5, 2024

I did not enjoy taking this class with Professor Reslan. The lectures were very disorganized at the beginning of the quarter so it was difficult to study for the exams without knowing which topics to prioritize. Towards the end of the quarter, the lectures were better prepared, but the exams were still on the more difficult end of the spectrum with the averages being a B- (Midterm 1) and C- (Midterm 2).


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 15, 2024

Dr.Resland is a good professor, her lectures are helpful. If she ended up not being clear on some topics (or unable to finish it) she'll exempt it from the exams. Although she tells you what will be on her exams, her exams are still hard (72/100 for my second mid term), so don't be too excited ig for this class... Chem 20B is similar to the second half of AP Chemistry so this class should be easy if you had ap chem before. However, many materials goes beyond what we learned from AP (using calculus for example: w = -∫P dV, Δs = ∫dq/T). So this class would definitely be a nightmare for people who doesn't have prior experience with chem or being bad at math.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C-
March 14, 2024

Personally, I hate Chemistry, with a burning passion. I did not have chemistry at my high school, so I came in with no experience. So, if you are similar to me in that aspect, I wish you the best of luck. However, I adore Dr. Reslan, she is an amazing lecturer and professor, I do not blame her for my grade, it is genuinely just me trying to learn chemistry for the first time, which is why it has been so hard. Reslan CARES about her students, she curved a midterm because a lot of students did poorly on it. She is extremely fair and genuinely funny. I really enjoyed Reslan as a professor, I just loathe the subject. You get 10 tries per question on the homework ( on OWL ) and she often extends the homework due date, I believe there was only two instances where she did not extend the homework deadline. She has many reviews for her midterms and finals and wants the class to do well. This class is easier if you have taken AP chemistry in high school. If you have no chemsitry experience... Good Luck, Charlie.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
March 11, 2024

Professor Reslan is a great professor. She is someone who really cares about the students. She always asks if we understand and encourages us to seek help during office hours as class is only 50 minutes. Whenever I asked her questions, she answered them with care and without judgement. She makes funny jokes in class but gets distracted by the laughter which adds to her charm. Our class had just under 500 people which must have been overwhelming for her but she did so well with communicating and making sure the majority of the class was on track and understood the material. She held so many review sessions for a professor. Amazing professor! Highly recommend!


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