Lecture, three hours. Enforced requisite: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing requirement or course 2 or 2I (C or better). Not open for credit to students with credit for course 3D, 3DS, 3E, or 3SL. …
Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour. Study of nature and function of communication in political sphere; analysis of contemporary and historical communications within established political insti…
Lecture, three hours; discussion, 75 minutes. Enforced requisites: course 2, and Chemistry 14C or 30A. Corequisite: course 23L (students must take 23L concurrently with course 3 if they do not plan t…
Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours. Biogeographic exploration of plant and animal diversity and conservation issues on continents and islands around world. Study of physical, biotic, and hum…
Justin Zackey
Overall rating
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