442-446 Kelton Ave.

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Nov. 8, 2011

Flat out, the manager Suzie does not know what she is doing at all. She isn't dumb, but she just won't fix anything. Her boyfriend Toby however, is a dumb and angry individual.

The problem began when our oven stopped working early on in our tenancy. Toby came over and had a look and said the pilot was out. Well, we had the man from the gas company come out and take a look, and it wasn't the pilot. Well, I asked him again to fix the oven or replace it. This went on for months and months and he was always a day late and a dollar short. Everytime making promises to fix it and never doing jack.

Then, the 1st Department of Housing inspection. Toby comes over, no 24 hours notice, and tells us we have to move my roommates bed out of his room and into the garage because the house is listed as a two bedroom, and it isn't legal for my roommmate to live in the dining room. We were never informed of this in our lease! He left the bed in the garage on an oil slick and didn't even help put it back.

Everyone in the complex had problems with Suzie. During our tenancy, one of our neighbors in the complex paid for a parking spot although he didn't have a car. Suzie decided to sell the space to another resident and keep charging him anyhow.

The place was nice when we moved in. We had twenty tall trees that gave a nice amount of privacy and shade. One morning she had them all cut down. This just shows the kind of person she is. She claimed they would tear up the driveway.

Basically, she doesn't care about anything but making money. She collects the rent for her parents and will try to say you owe her a late penalty if you don't pay on the 1st, although you have until the fifth. Probably so she can put a couple gallons into her range rover.

The last straw came when I woke up to Toby screaming at one of his hispanic workers. He was calling this poor guy and idiot and cursing him out. It just so happens that 2 hours after this a housing inspector came by to check the place. So, I told the inspector about the unit in back. Toby had converted a garage space into a single unit without any permits and was charging this girl from Brazil 1000/ a month. When the inspector saw this unit he immediately red-flagged it. Toby came back to the house after he heard the news and began to pound on the door. When I opened it he screamed, "somebody is gonna beat your ass someday". I asked, "is that a threat?"
He replied, "No, I just said somebody..." I told him to get off the property or I'd call the cops and he left reluctantly.

As for our $3100 Deposit, they kept the whole thing. Even though we cleaned the house spotless and even used a pressure washer outside. We have sued them in court and Suzie didn't even appear, so now we will collect our money.

Don't rent from Suzie.


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