512 Veteran Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 8 Users
Noise Level 2.8 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.4 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.6 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Trash



2 bed
2 bath

Monthly Rent: $1000 - $1000

Reviews (7)

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Lease Year: 2024
May 30, 2024

Our rent was very cheap, 3400 including all utilities except gas and electriicty for a 2bed 2bath in westwood is insane. But we soon found out this was for a good reason. At the beginning of the year our water was absolute shit, like it would take 5-10 minutes to heat up the shower. They then tried to fix the water, but this meant that they would shut off the water from like 9-4 for the entire apartment: this happened like 10 or so times, and there was little communication. Sometimes they would do this with no warning, and when we would complain, the manager said she sent out an email (she didnt).

The unit itself has a really spacious living room but rooms that are pretty small, but the kitchen is HELLA jank. The apartment is hella old. The cupboards are very old and the paint chips off (gross), the fridge is really cold at the top for some reason to the point it would freeze our shit, etc. To fix these problems, we would call the handyman, who made racist comments about chinese tenants, was rude, and broke our lamp.

I really can't recommend this place in good faith, but if you are really looking for a cheap 2b2b then maybe consider this place. I'm leaving tho fuck this place.


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Lease Year: 2021
July 27, 2021

I called twice to inquire about available 2 bedroom apartments. I was not expecting someone to answer the phone a second time, but the building manager picked up the second call and rudely told me that I was interrupting a meeting she was having. She said that she is the only person working in the building and that she only answered so that the phone would stop ringing, and so that she could tell me to stop calling. She continued to act angry and very condescending by telling me that if someone does not answer the phone, you leave a message. She simply could have not picked up the phone call, instead of being very rude and off-putting. Or, she could have said, "I am busy in a meeting right now, can please call back at ___ time" instead of wasting her time giving me a speech. Definitely lost a prospective tenant and can't imagine what it is like interacting with this person if you live in the building.


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June 30, 2016

Highly not recommend this place. Once you move in you are going to struggle with the poor living situation, the bad attitude from manager, and continuous worry about if you would be able to get your deposit back (cuz she takes away money due to small issue). Can you possibly imagine a manager would ask for different amount of security deposit from different apts even tho their apt prices are completely the same? She also gave you attitude whenever you need anything from her. It's a pain in the ass to try to tell her anything (which you will still have to cuz she's the one in charge). The elevator is broken from time to time, the trash chute is under construction for god damn half a month already so you will need to take down your trash to the first floor all the time, and when you walk into the garage where the trash bin is ? You will know what hell smells like. One word conclusion: horrible.


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June 3, 2016

This apartment is one of the best value for price apartments around UCLA. Walk able distance to UCLA as well as Westwood. A lot has changed recently in this apartment for good. Landlord Susan is helpful and friendly. You are all good if you don't party really hard and pay your rent at the right times. Only disadvantage I can think of is that it is not possible to extend lease on a monthly basis. I would totally recommend this apartment.


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July 25, 2011

This place is terrible. It's a real $hit hole and the landlady is a fuc5ing nutcase. They take a bunch of your deposit for no reason at all because they say its "standard". Do yourself a favor and stay away from this place. There's plenty of better places. Made a horrible mistake going with this place.


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Sept. 22, 2009

Manager is actually quite helpful; she assisted us in finding another roommate when ours graduated. Decent building. It is safe an comfortable. We haven't had any of the terrible problems listed with plumbing, elevators... Noise level is reasonable. Considering the price, it is a really good deal in Westwood.


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Aug. 27, 2009

This place started out ok, but then went downhill from there. Pipes burst in the apartment above us, flooding our bathroom. A mirror fell out of our bathroom, the rods fell down in our closet, both elevators didn't work for a full month, the dryers accepted your money but then didn't dry your clothes, and we had cockroaches for more than half the time we were there. The landlady said they had never had any before, but that was a bold faced lie. She was very unhelpful and often impossible to reach since she didn't live there and was never in her office.


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Overall Rating
Based on 8 Users
Noise Level 2.8 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.4 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.6 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Trash

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