516 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash



2 bed
2 bath

Monthly Rent: $900 - $900

Reviews (123)

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Lease Year: 2019
May 9, 2019


Signed the contract with Premier Student Housing, and they are THE WORST LANDLORD I’ve experienced or heard of. Starting day one there’s confusion about key pick up, we assumed it’s done at the management but it’s not. And we are not the only one confused. Some people asked Ruthie but she has no clue. And nobody from the company was here. Cable not from companies I’ve heard of. Parking is not the same as we thought it’ll be. The utility is also $400 per apt instead of the number they said and we are not the only apt got that level of utility. The AC is constantly leaking and you see that damn water bucket every fucking day. Ruthie will fix AC but they break so quickly. There’s at least one broken elevator or laundry machine like always. It’s impossible to find Ruthie when you need her, her kid will tell you she’s not well. She will seem nice but what matters to you is that you never get what you want. Even the maintenance people come the problem rarely don’t come back. For the price you’re paying for you deserve to be treated MUCH better. This is literal hell hole. They have multiple sites too, and I don't think anyone should rent with apartment that even work with this kind of company.

Can’t possibly make this clearer: DO NOT COME HERE!!!!


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Lease Year: 2018
Dec. 19, 2018

I cant speak for peoples experiences with Ruthie as I dont interact with her much I signed up with Premier Student Housing. My apartment was clean when I moved in, super spacious, and my manager is young and nice. Everytime I needed something they were always super fast to respond but then again I havent needed much. Is it the nicest apartment in westwood? no. but it is one of the most spacious I can say which is what counts. Its about a ten minute walk to south campus as its just south of DeNeve so it worked out great for me. I cant say if your on North campus what the walk would be like as it is on a huge hill. Nose was bearable. Furniture was new and comfortable. They take care of their apartments, I cant say how Ruthie does but I havent heard good things.


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Lease Year: 2018
Dec. 14, 2018

The apartment itself is relatively fine. very spacious. My complaint is Ruthie the onsite manager is literally NEVER available. Or she is but chooses not to answer her door ( If she even lives here like she says) if you do see her she will be friendly but unavailable unless of course she wants to barge into your apartment with no 24 hour notice. We chose the fourth floor because it was "the most update" was it worth no carpet in the hallways to spend the extra money? No. She doesnt respond to any request and definitely isnt qualified for the job. Im going to sublet or get out of my lease A.S.A.P


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Lease Year: 2018
Dec. 11, 2018



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Lease Year: 2018
Dec. 2, 2018

When I moved in the furniture was new which was great. The complex is older but I have had a good experience with management. When financial aid was late I wasent charged a late fee this month. The rooms are huge the largest we could find in Westwood. The unit came with a large tv and the balconies are a good size with view. The cons ? Maintenance could be quicker but they do what they can


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Lease Year: 2018
Nov. 19, 2018

I lived here for fall quarter and it was spacious the onsite manager is slow but it was worth the price. Typical you get what you pay for close to class but walking up the hill can be a little tiring. Came furnished with utility nice management. A little loud at times but not out of control. Worth it for the space you get


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Lease Year: 2018
Nov. 17, 2018

I choose this apartment because it was close to south campus and the rooms are by far the largest in size I was able to find. Is the building new? No. but the bedrooms are larger then most places I checked out and we have a huge balcony. The WiFi was included and is high speed and the Furniture with Premier Housing was new and included when I moved in which made it convenient especially because I plan to sublet and dont want to move a bunch of stuff. Maintenance comes out they arent the quickest but we havent had any pressing issues either. I face the backside hasent been too loud management has been easy to deal with they fixed my bed the same day when I broke it.


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Lease Year: 2018
Sept. 7, 2018

What I like about this complex is how it came fully furnished, internet/cable/water/power were included, and they did individual leases (meaning if my roommates didn't pay their portion, I would not be affected). They also help find subletters if you let them know in advance.

But at what cost? This complex is the cheapest of the three. The mattresses are okay. The bed frames are really wonky/cheap. The bottom bunk is really low so you can barely sit up if you're 5 ft, and I wouldn't trust climbing on the top bunk if you're more than 140lbs lol. The desks that come with the place are super tiny. There's little to no storage spaces. They make sure the maids clean up, but even then they can only do so much. Toilets constantly get clogged, could used new cabinents, oh and maybe less roaches. I feel that they should fumigate this place every 3 months considering how old it is. It's hard to blame the previous tenants when they're harboring in the walls.

There's some people in the leasing department that work really hard to manage the properties, and I think even they know that this place is the bottom of the barrel. Ruthie probably only glances at her emails, doesn't read. Still, I guess she gets the important stuff done promptly (i.e. the stuff that is illegal to not fix asap). Typical "you get what you pay for".


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Lease Year: 2018
June 18, 2018

This place is such a mixed bag for me.

The facilities seem to be old and in pretty poor shape, including some construction decisions that are just plain weird-- why are the outdoor walkways carpeted? From the beginning of the year, we've experienced clogged plumbing, leaky or even corroded pipes, faulty fire alarms, and a broken garbage disposal. A lot of these are to be expected living in any apartment, but in some cases I question whether one can blame regular wear and tear-- specifically, our kitchen sink pipes were held together with duct tape. The elevators are the definition of jank and are completely unreliable. I wouldn't go in the pool if I were you. Also, the facilities aren't super secure as I had a package stolen from the "mailing room" (literally a box in the garage) at one point.

The landlord, Ruthie, certainly has a tough job with such a problem-ridden building, and I think she actually does a decent job. She has been generally responsive to me and seems to like you if you aren't too noisy. She seems sweet and I haven't seen her giving anyone a hard time. The facilities have improved a little since the beginning of the year, so it seems she puts in effort to make things more livable for tenants. That being said, I have NO idea what is going on with all the previous reviews for this place and feel a lot more distrustful of the management if they left fake reviews.

The complex is right by Triangle, Board Club, and the Co-Op, where lots of loud events happen. This will definitely get you to socialize more on a Thursday night if you like to party, but if you want a night in, you may have some trouble. There are also plenty of parties that happen in the complex itself. The building is a good distance from everything-- you have the Hill, campus, and Westwood each in a different direction but still at a walkable distance. Parking is not bad.

We paid $3,300 for 2BR/2BA, which is just barely cheap enough to make it an alright deal. If I were to choose again, I would probably have chosen to live somewhere else, though Westwood really isn't the place for affordable housing that isn't in shambles. Pets are allowed which is a plus and some of the balconies have really nice views. The top floor apartments have high ceilings which open the rooms up much more. Overall, I think any improvements to make this place more livable are probably too expensive to do and won't happen. To be honest this building should probably be evacuated and demolished. Sorry Ruthie, you tried.


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Lease Year: 2018
April 23, 2018

Do not move here if possible! The prices are ridiculously high, the landlord is impatient and does not seem to care at all about the rooms, and the entire place is just generally really dirty. The only good thing about this place is that it is bigger than your average Westwood apartment.


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Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash

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