540 Kelton Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 8 Users
Noise Level 2.4 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.0 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.2 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.2 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (8)

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Lease Year: 2019
May 22, 2019

The building is incredibly old and in general is not a nice place to live.


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Feb. 19, 2015

The review about Lisa below is the exact same response posted on yelp. It seems like the company caught wind of the bad internet PR and is trying to rectify it. I would believe the new manager is a descendent of Satan, quite possibly the worst human being I've ever encountered. I don't know who Nina or the big guy were, but there is no conceivable way they could be worse than her. You have to sign a "no party" contract upon move in, with a 400 fine and possible eviction if you break it. Sounds like a fair deal for the more quiet, studious type. WRONG. This applies to having more than 3 guests in your apartment at one time. So no study groups, even if you're doing ASL and mutely signing to each other. Or maybe you can't have anyone if the manager's in a bad mood. She's been known to scream at tenants if the mood strikes. I don't care how quiet, respectful, polite, etc you are, she WILL FIND A WAY TO MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL. Living there is expensive and NOT WORTH. WORST YEAR OF MY LIFE HERE! I will literally personally help you find an apartment if it means saving you from this hell. Bruins don't let Buins live in Kelton Towers, hell I wouldn't let my own worst enemy live there.


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Aug. 3, 2013

I find the reviews below to not be representative of this apt so I decided to write one myself. This apartment building has improved a lot it seems from the old reviews under the new manager Lisa. The units are getting renovated, her team is quick to make repairs (usually within a day's notice), and she is a live-in manager so she is always there if you need something. She is also very nice and wants to make sure you are having a good living experience while studying. I am thankful we moved in after the lazy guy manager left.

The only downside of living here is probably the cost for the amount of space you get (however, most places near campus is pretty expensive)and there is a tendency for bugs to come in (we had to have an exterminator come several times but now it seems the bugs have gone away). Other than that I think this is a more than decent building to rent.


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Feb. 1, 2013

Never gave back the deposit


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June 3, 2012

If you are thinking about living here you should reconsider it. The landlord is absolutely terrible, impossible to work with. I made the mistake of living here for a second year only to find out that you will never get your full security deposit back. The maintenance in the building is horrible, old appliances and the whole place is really kind of disgusting. The cockroaches are really a problem. Again if you think this is the place for you don't be fooled. There are many other better places in the area, go find them.


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June 3, 2012



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May 7, 2012

The new manager is the worst one ever!
The manager is the worst one in the world. I mean the new big guy. he is rude and has no manners. Comparing with Nina, he is worse. I don't know how he can be hired. The onwer is an idiot. I am not going to sign a new contract next year because I don't want to see the cow boy any more. One day I went to see him since my toilet was jammed. I don't know what happened. you know what, he said: FUCK YOU, I am not working.


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June 28, 2011

The rooms are okay. It's ideal if you don't want the parties at your apartment. Rats and cockroaches were a minor problem, they were in the hall, and occasionally mosquitos from the trash came over to our building, but you get used to it. It's college life. (sarcasm) But my biggest issue was my landlord Nina: she wanted me to pay for something that wasn't working prior to when I moved in. Worse of all the repairman never did anything, other than an occasional visit once every four months and on top of that I was charged.


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Overall Rating
Based on 8 Users
Noise Level 2.4 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.0 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.2 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.2 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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