679-685 Levering Ave.

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Reviews (1)

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June 10, 2014

This landlord is a shady asshole who lied to us. We contacted him about a unit. He told us he would know for sure if the place was available in a week. We waited and took a look at the place, it seemed nice nothing extraordinary, but decent. He then proceeded to tell us he "would prefer not to lease to students." there was no mention of this in our phone call with him. The next day he leased the place to some non students without even giving us a chance at getting the place. What kind of non-student would want to live in the heart of student housing of the north village? That is discrimination and the students of UCLA should punish this landlord for that by never leasing from him. We missed out on another apartment because we were banking on this place being nice but now we got screwed over. Now its finals week and im still looking for housing because of this asshole.


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