A&O SCI 121
Climate Mitigation Solutions
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: one course from course 1, 2, 3, 51, M100, 102, or 112. Critical survey of potential strategies to address climate change, including solutions in infrastructure, transportation, energy, waste, and agricultural sectors, as well as geoengineering. Exploration of roles of communication, equity, religion, social change, and education in mitigating climate change. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - This class was chill, and Paulson is overall a pretty solid professor. The class has weekly quizzes on the readings, and they were pretty fair for the most part. Some of them asked really bogus or random questions, but if you do the readings you'll be fine. The bulk of your grade is based on a final group project in which you do a deep dive into an emergent technology/practice that will reduce carbon emissions. Sometimes the lectures could get a little boring, as it was offered in weekly three hour seminars, but she normally gave us project work time which was nice. Overall I would recommend this class if you're looking for a relatively chill UD to take!
Spring 2024 - This class was chill, and Paulson is overall a pretty solid professor. The class has weekly quizzes on the readings, and they were pretty fair for the most part. Some of them asked really bogus or random questions, but if you do the readings you'll be fine. The bulk of your grade is based on a final group project in which you do a deep dive into an emergent technology/practice that will reduce carbon emissions. Sometimes the lectures could get a little boring, as it was offered in weekly three hour seminars, but she normally gave us project work time which was nice. Overall I would recommend this class if you're looking for a relatively chill UD to take!