Genes, Disease, and Culture
Description: (Formerly numbered 126N.) (Same as Society and Genetics M126.) Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Introduction to genes, disease, and culture. Introduction to basic concepts in human genetics, expanding upon evolutionary genetic concepts learned in course 1, and survey of both inherited and infectious disease on global level. Wide range of topics include gene-culture co-evolution, niche construction theory, cultural perceptions of disease, cultural selection, biological and environmental determinism, and evolutionary origins of disease. Course is broken down into genes and genomes, Mendelian disease, complex disease, and infectious disease. Discussion of selected readings that integrate cultural perceptions with biological/genetic phenomena. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - This is probably my favorite class I have taken at UCLA so far. If you're pre-health you'd definitely love this class. It has basic concepts from LS7B but is not super difficult. If you have never taken a biology class it may be a bit tough but Dr. Bigham is a great lecturer with good, informative slides. The tests were not hard at all because your TA's would tell you what was on it, if not, give you sample questions that are a slightly harder to ensure you do well. Only 2 exams (1 midterm & 1 final) but they are weighed the same and Dr. Bigham is super receptive to student concerns and advice and willing to adjust grading to address low scores. No paper, no quiz, no lecture attendance, weekly reflection paragraph based on readings, but you honestly did not need to read them to do well in the class since she only takes content from the lecture, which are recorded. I say it's easy, but you still have to put in the time to study and watch the lectures in order to do well. This class is for people who are genuinely interested in diseases, may not appeal to non-biology lovers.
Fall 2024 - This is probably my favorite class I have taken at UCLA so far. If you're pre-health you'd definitely love this class. It has basic concepts from LS7B but is not super difficult. If you have never taken a biology class it may be a bit tough but Dr. Bigham is a great lecturer with good, informative slides. The tests were not hard at all because your TA's would tell you what was on it, if not, give you sample questions that are a slightly harder to ensure you do well. Only 2 exams (1 midterm & 1 final) but they are weighed the same and Dr. Bigham is super receptive to student concerns and advice and willing to adjust grading to address low scores. No paper, no quiz, no lecture attendance, weekly reflection paragraph based on readings, but you honestly did not need to read them to do well in the class since she only takes content from the lecture, which are recorded. I say it's easy, but you still have to put in the time to study and watch the lectures in order to do well. This class is for people who are genuinely interested in diseases, may not appeal to non-biology lovers.