Selected Topics in Arts of Indigenous Americas

Description: Lecture, three hours. Variable topics in artistic production of Native people across Americas that reflect interests of individual regular and/or visiting faculty members. May be repeated twice for credit. Concurrently scheduled with course C240A. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating 1.0
Easiness 2.0/ 5
Clarity 3.0/ 5
Workload 2.0/ 5
Helpfulness 3.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - First, I would like to start off this review by saying that Professor Muro is knowledgeable about the Moche Civilization. However, that doesn't mean that he's a good professor. The "Moche Scholars" will say otherwise, but these are the students that Muro knows by name and I'm sure they spend hours going back and forth about the subject. So where does that leave the "other" art history students or even the non-art history students? Well...let me put it this way, by week 5, I wasn't sure if lecture 1 was over or if I was hallucinating due to boredom. He assigns readings that were barely covered in class (which means he relies on the readings to bueno). He was 90% always tardy to class. His syllabus was fictitious (the man thought we would have time for in-class "group projects"...which never happened). We were told that reading quizzes would be every week...he barely started doing them by week 9 and he only did this for people to get a better grade since most of us bombed the midterm (what does that tell you). He gave the midterms back during week 8 and his excuse was because he has so many to grade...okay, if you can't handle the work load then don't assign it or make it a scantron test. LAST but not least...I dropped the course because I didn't have confidence in doing well in this class due to his erratic teaching style and grading. I had meetings with the department and the school counseling department about my experience with him and if dropping the class was the right move; they didn't hesitate and said it was a good idea (all my other current classes and past classes had good marks) and were very supportive.
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