C&EE 123

Advanced Geotechnical Design

Description: (Formerly numbered C123.) Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours; active learning, two hours; outside study, six hours. Requisite: course 121. Slope stability analysis, including limit equilibrium procedures, finite element method, seepage analysis, and advanced topics such as rapid drawdown, construction of embankments on soft soil, and seismic slope stability. Lateral earth retention systems including gravity walls and excavation support systems. Capstone design project involving appropriate engineering standards and realistic constraints. Letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
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