C&EE 135B
Intermediate Structural Analysis
Description: Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Requisite: course 135A. Analysis of truss and frame structures using matrix methods; matrix force methods; matrix displacement method; analysis concepts based on theorem of virtual work; moment distribution. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2025 - 50% assignments, 10% group quizzes, 20% midterm, 20% final. The exams were very similar in difficulty to the practice exams but overall not too difficult if you study. The assignments are sometimes hard so I’d start early. He’s actually a very good lecturer, clear speaker and overall a good professor.
Winter 2025 - 50% assignments, 10% group quizzes, 20% midterm, 20% final. The exams were very similar in difficulty to the practice exams but overall not too difficult if you study. The assignments are sometimes hard so I’d start early. He’s actually a very good lecturer, clear speaker and overall a good professor.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - Agree with the other review; however, the midterm was not tricky—it just covered material that we didn't go over in class in-depth enough—I doubt that'll happen again in future quarters. I was fortunate to have had practice in such material enough to get the highest grade, pre-curve. Oh, and by the way, the curve was based on class attendance, so make sure you attend every class; I decided to be lazy one week for attendance and I no longer had the highest midterm grade post-curve :( Still happy about my final grade tho. Awesome professor, really cool case studies. 10/10 would take again
Spring 2022 - Agree with the other review; however, the midterm was not tricky—it just covered material that we didn't go over in class in-depth enough—I doubt that'll happen again in future quarters. I was fortunate to have had practice in such material enough to get the highest grade, pre-curve. Oh, and by the way, the curve was based on class attendance, so make sure you attend every class; I decided to be lazy one week for attendance and I no longer had the highest midterm grade post-curve :( Still happy about my final grade tho. Awesome professor, really cool case studies. 10/10 would take again