Special Courses in Chicana and Chicano Studies: Chicanos and Latinos in Hollywood

Description: Seminar, three hours. Some sections may require prior coursework. Departmentally sponsored experimental or temporary courses, such as those taught by visiting faculty members. May be repeated for credit. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating 5.0
Easiness 4.5/ 5
Clarity 4.0/ 5
Workload 4.0/ 5
Helpfulness 5.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2022 - This was my first class at UCLA as a transfer student and it was AMAZING! I enjoyed this class a lot and I was able to connect with my roots. The class consisted of 5 journal entries that were 500 words each, double-spaced, and about the film of the week (she provides 10 journal entries but you only have to do 5, they're really easy too!). There are two textbooks (really easy read) required that went into depth about the films and needed to be used for the term paper. Each week she assigns a film to watch on your own time before class (she provides the films on canvas/bruin learn) and what chapters to read of each book (usually 1 chapter of each book). The midterm was a creative project which was super easy! She includes the rubric of what she expects and if you complete each area you'll get full points. The final was an 8-10 page term paper (double-spaced) in which you need to analyze one of the films by answering a prompt or two that she offers or you can make up you're own prompt, you must include quotes from the readings (she also sends out the rubric and instructions). Attendance is mandatory, she makes you sign in on a notebook everyday day for class. As for participation, you can either participate during class by answering questions, asking questions, commenting on something from the books or films, by talking with a partner, or if you couldn't attend class or didn't do any of the above options of participation, you can answer the weekly question in the discussion post and you don't have to respond to anyone's post. She also responds to emails quickly. 10/10 recommend this class
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