Chicana Lesbian Literature

Description: (Formerly numbered CM133.) (Same as Gender Studies M133 and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies M133.) Lecture, four hours. Exploration of intersection of radical First and Third World feminist politics, lesbian sexuality and its relationship to Chicana identity, representation of lesbianism in Chicana literature, meaning of "familia" in Chicana lesbian lives, and impact of Chicana lesbian theory on Chicana/Chicano studies. Letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating 3.0
Easiness 1.3/ 5
Clarity 2.9/ 5
Workload 1.7/ 5
Helpfulness 2.9/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2021 - My mind was constantly blown away with how much this professor feeds off of the trauma of her students. Speaking of, she has no qualifications to deal with any kind of trauma and needs to do some desperate healing. Like, ASAP before she terrorizes another group of students. With less than 48 hours until our final was due, she decided to send out a rubric for our papers despite saying on the last day of class that “the rubric is not important”. Turns out it was, because there were a bunch of new requirements that had not ever been mentioned throughout the class! And despite writing and turning in my final, she has not even graded it, but has given me a final grade? Speaking of, her grading is bonkers and despite telling us that there would be no extensions for this paper, since we “had all quarter to work on it” she barley submitted half my grades two hours before they were due. Again, I have a final grade, but my final itself has not been graded. She claimed that this class was a “safe space” but assigned us to read aTERF article to “bring in other voices” which is the craziest shit I have ever heard. It’s one thing to bring in different perspectives and another thing to be blatantly transphobic. A terrible professor that made me dread going to class all the time. I wanted to drop this class, but I didn’t and it was the worst mistake of my life. I can honestly say she traumatized me. Taking this class and being taught by her was the worst experience I’ve ever had in the history of my schooling. Her qualifications as an educator should be revoked. She might thinks she’s brilliant, but I can assure you that is definitely not the case.
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