ECON 453

Fundamentals of Blockchain and Web 3.0

Description: Lecture, three hours. Limited to Master of Quantitative Economics students. Requisite: course 409 or 432. Designed for students seeking to understand the implementation of blockchain technology in various industries and its transformative potential in the realm of financial services and the global economy. In today's competitive landscape, major financial institutions, digital asset investment firms, data analytic companies, venture capital funds, government agencies, and Web3 companies among others entities are actively exploring blockchain and digital assets, leading to a growing demand for blockchain experts, data analysts, researchers, and executives. These institutions are leveraging blockchain to streamline financial transactions including cross-border payments, over-the-counter transactions, bond issuances, tokenized real-world assets, and other financial instruments. Provides a comprehensive exploration of blockchain technology and its applications in finance and economics. Letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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