America in Sixties: Politics, Society, and Culture, 1954 to 1974
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours. Course 60A is enforced requisite to 60B, which is enforced requisite to 60CW. Limited to first-year freshmen. Interdisciplinary exploration of U.S. society from Brown versus Board of Education (1954) to resignation of Nixon. Topics include civil rights, Great Society, anti-Vietnam war movement, political and artistic countercultures, and changes in technology, law, and media. Letter grading.
Units: 6.0
Units: 6.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - Literally so lit, all we did was analyze politics, culture, music, film, art, intersectionality, of American history in the 50s-70s. SOOOOO easy if you took APUSH bc you can easily pull stuff from apush for essays! but honestly not too much boring history yk. super engaging! all the professors are lit
Fall 2023 - Literally so lit, all we did was analyze politics, culture, music, film, art, intersectionality, of American history in the 50s-70s. SOOOOO easy if you took APUSH bc you can easily pull stuff from apush for essays! but honestly not too much boring history yk. super engaging! all the professors are lit
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - Fink undoubtedly was the best professor in the 60s cluster and truly made students excited to go to lecture. Because his material is so novel (musicology), it was the only part of this course that didn’t feel like a repeat of APUSH and was incredibly engaging. I actually learned so much from his lectures and often wished he lectured more; he is funny, has participatory activities, and was just plain fun. For his portion of the 60s cluster, start studying early for the midterm and later the cumulative final in 60b. There are plenty of musicology playlists on Spotify to help you start differentiating between versions of songs, artists, and years. I would shuffle those playlists and try to identify the songs by short snippets by paying attention to instruments. This course is also very TA-dependent because TAs grade all assignments, so make sure you pick a good one. From what other students have said, do NOT pick Holland as a TA. Finally, the readings are not all necessary for this course, but it’s still good to at least skim or read the first and last sections. I felt that the musicology readings were often the hardest to digest but were also the most interesting and helpful since they directly provided the context/significance of genres and songs, so if you have the time and want to learn something new I really recommend them. They are also great study materials for the musicology portion of the exams.
Fall 2024 - Fink undoubtedly was the best professor in the 60s cluster and truly made students excited to go to lecture. Because his material is so novel (musicology), it was the only part of this course that didn’t feel like a repeat of APUSH and was incredibly engaging. I actually learned so much from his lectures and often wished he lectured more; he is funny, has participatory activities, and was just plain fun. For his portion of the 60s cluster, start studying early for the midterm and later the cumulative final in 60b. There are plenty of musicology playlists on Spotify to help you start differentiating between versions of songs, artists, and years. I would shuffle those playlists and try to identify the songs by short snippets by paying attention to instruments. This course is also very TA-dependent because TAs grade all assignments, so make sure you pick a good one. From what other students have said, do NOT pick Holland as a TA. Finally, the readings are not all necessary for this course, but it’s still good to at least skim or read the first and last sections. I felt that the musicology readings were often the hardest to digest but were also the most interesting and helpful since they directly provided the context/significance of genres and songs, so if you have the time and want to learn something new I really recommend them. They are also great study materials for the musicology portion of the exams.