Physiology and Human Biology

Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, 75 minutes. Enforced requisite: course 7B. Organization of cells into tissues and organs and principles of physiology of organ systems. Introduction to human genetics and genomics. Letter grading.

Units: 5.0
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Overall Rating 3.0
Easiness 4.0/ 5
Clarity 3.0/ 5
Workload 3.0/ 5
Helpfulness 4.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2020 - 7c isn't a difficult class in and of itself, but it shares the same bad reputation for unclear test questions that the entire 7 series is known for. I would say that 7c is the most unfair when it comes to test questions. I had a very easy time in 7a and 7b, and though I did end up with an A in this course, it was not without some anxiety. There were multiple unclear/unfair questions on both midterms that resulted in initial scores that were very low. My midterm scores ended up going up about 10% each after many students contacted the TAs and professor about bad questions. To her credit, Professor Das was very accomodating and removed most of the bad questions or allowed multiple answers. Compared to other professors my friends have had, I think that my experience with Dr. Das was actually pretty fortunate. The class is not that difficult if you do the Launchpad readings and make note of what is emphasized during the discussion sections. I found that discussions for this class were much more helpful than those for 7a and 7b, so take advantage of that. I also found it helpful to watch Armando Hasudungan's anatomy and physiology videos on youtube. I would recommend watching once before doing the readings and again to review for exams. My final piece of advice is to remain calm when taking this course and trust the professor. Even though many of us were stressed about our grades during the course, Dr. Das was fair about final grades and it seemed that many of us ended with A's.
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating 4.0
Easiness 2.8/ 5
Clarity 4.3/ 5
Workload 3.0/ 5
Helpfulness 4.2/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - Honestly love this Professor. I'm sure by the many other comments posted you can hear in detail how great of a lecturer he is. He's pretty funny and really wants you to absorb the material through a balance of clicker questions and conceptual slides. Overall, it is structured similarly to the other classes in the LS7 series, but if you like physiology then you're going to love this class. The material overall is much denser than LS7A and LS7B so you need to have better organization if you want to complete the material ahead of time (ie: launchpad ). That being said since everything was recorded you could easily catch up if you're behind. Exams: Because of COVID they changed the structure of the exams slightly. The midterms were timed 120 minutes each, around 45 multiple choice questions, worth 2 points each (90 points), and conceptually based on weeks 1-3 for midterm 1 and 4-6 for midterm 2. After each midterm, we had an "exam wrapper" which basically was a chance to get 8 points back on your exam grade by answering a series of questions reflective of what was most missed on each midterm. The final was timed 150 minutes, 82 multiple choice questions, worth 2.25 points each (meaning you could earn 184.5 out of 180 points). The final was 60% new material ie: weeks 7-10, and 40% review material ie: weeks 1-6. I honestly thought the final was much easier than the midterms, but there was no exam wrapper. Discussion: Discussions were very helpful! The only issue was that it was sometimes really hard the finish the whole worksheet within the discussion and I spent some time outside of the discussion to finish my responses. But besides that, the TAs were actually amazing. Other: Just remember to do launchpad to get those assignment points and go to CLC sessions and PLF sessions if you can.
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