Information Technology in Accounting
Description: (Formerly numbered 142.) Lecture, seven and one half hours. Not open to freshmen. Introduction to role and use of models and modeling in managerial decision making, with focus on important types of models, their formulation and application, and insight and information that may be gained from use of modeling. Enables managers to understand role of quantitative models in firms that are most often applicable in business planning and decision making. Discussion of applications in area of accounting, finance, marketing, and operations, with emphasis on model formulation, interpretation of solutions, and understanding of mathematical versus verbal explanation of situations. Use of solution techniques and computer to solve problems. Offered in summer only. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - This may seem like an easy class, but the stress I had to endure was unforgettable. A 95.5 was a cut-off for A-, and our grade consisted of 40% Pearson homework, 50% Bruinlearn homework, and 10% participation. The Pearson homework was graded by AI, so if you use absolute cell referencing instead of normal cell referencing, it took off points. If you hard coded or forgot to reference the cell numbers, it took off points. However, the Bruinlearn homework was not much better either, a little mistake costs you 10 points. Initially, I was getting around a high 90 on all homework, but after week 4 everything started going downhill and I started getting 80 or even 70, my lowest was 68 on a Pearson homework. There are two Pearson homework and two Bruinlearn homework each week, except on midterm and final week you get 2 extra Pearson assignments. It is a helpful and fun class to take, but if you really care about your grade, you will put a lot of pressure on yourself. My friend told me doing the textbook practice helped a lot, so maybe you can do that because there is nothing else you can do to save your grade other than doing well on homework. Oh, lectures are recorded, but you are only allowed to be late or absent for once without taking off points. Be in class at least 10 minutes early because 5 minutes before class Professor gave out attendance quiz answer.
Fall 2024 - This may seem like an easy class, but the stress I had to endure was unforgettable. A 95.5 was a cut-off for A-, and our grade consisted of 40% Pearson homework, 50% Bruinlearn homework, and 10% participation. The Pearson homework was graded by AI, so if you use absolute cell referencing instead of normal cell referencing, it took off points. If you hard coded or forgot to reference the cell numbers, it took off points. However, the Bruinlearn homework was not much better either, a little mistake costs you 10 points. Initially, I was getting around a high 90 on all homework, but after week 4 everything started going downhill and I started getting 80 or even 70, my lowest was 68 on a Pearson homework. There are two Pearson homework and two Bruinlearn homework each week, except on midterm and final week you get 2 extra Pearson assignments. It is a helpful and fun class to take, but if you really care about your grade, you will put a lot of pressure on yourself. My friend told me doing the textbook practice helped a lot, so maybe you can do that because there is nothing else you can do to save your grade other than doing well on homework. Oh, lectures are recorded, but you are only allowed to be late or absent for once without taking off points. Be in class at least 10 minutes early because 5 minutes before class Professor gave out attendance quiz answer.