Population and Society in Middle East


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Overall Rating 3.6
Easiness 2.4/ 5
Clarity 3.0/ 5
Workload 2.4/ 5
Helpfulness 2.8/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Population and Society in the Middle East. Professor Nasrin is extremely organized and eloquent. She is an expert and lends us the information from an internal perspective (she's from Iran). Some people say she is boring, but if you have the attention span of a 12 year old and aren't truly interested in what the class is about, you will have trouble. She paints with color to an otherwise amibiguous/grey picture on the conditions in the Middle East..and she does it with ease, organization, and in clear, simple terms. Her tests are initially hard, but can be easy if you study and really honestly know the stuff to a T...the questions she asks require you to have a sociological understanding, rather than a simple memorization of a few dates and facts. She gives you a list of about 20 questions that might be on the midterm/final, and only picks about 7 to put on the test. This is frustrating. But you must bite the bullet and do it. I like this because it forces me to not be lazy and learn the material honestly. Your answers must be razor-sharp precise because she is very detail oriented. Her readings are essential, relevant, and never superfluous. Overall, Professor Nasrin is a very passionate, organized, and clear professor (despite her accent--she speaks 5 languages!). She also leads a very historical past, and reveals a little bit of this in the class. Very interesting. She is UCLA's internal source to what is going on in the Middle East from an objective sociological viewpoint. Please take advantage of this professor, as she is leaving after Spring 2002!
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