Adina Matisoff
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2020 - Cons: time management is bad. This is just a recent example that I remember, but there are plenty of other times: she spent 15 minutes explaining how to complete the course evaluations during lecture, but it ended up that the evaluations were pass due so that was for naught. Basically she spends too much time over explaining and over complicating things that could be said in a much more succinct manner. She’s reluctant to discuss grades and is slightly passive aggressive when it’s brung up. There was only one grade inputted and the rest were inputted the day grades were due, so the class was left in the dark about grades. Grade breakdown: 20% discussion posts - this required a lot of elbow grease and for what. group based work 20% podcast - group based. Decently easy imo, but could vary based on the topic you’re given 10% film paper 5% final reflection paper - you gotta write about what you learned in the class and what you liked/ didn’t like in the class. 5% office hour meeting 40% final research paper - write about covid and how it impacted global regulatory systems. Prompts gonna vary per quarter I suppose. Overall this class was fine, but it was a lot of work and combined with the bad time management and late grading left a bad taste.
Summer 2020 - Cons: time management is bad. This is just a recent example that I remember, but there are plenty of other times: she spent 15 minutes explaining how to complete the course evaluations during lecture, but it ended up that the evaluations were pass due so that was for naught. Basically she spends too much time over explaining and over complicating things that could be said in a much more succinct manner. She’s reluctant to discuss grades and is slightly passive aggressive when it’s brung up. There was only one grade inputted and the rest were inputted the day grades were due, so the class was left in the dark about grades. Grade breakdown: 20% discussion posts - this required a lot of elbow grease and for what. group based work 20% podcast - group based. Decently easy imo, but could vary based on the topic you’re given 10% film paper 5% final reflection paper - you gotta write about what you learned in the class and what you liked/ didn’t like in the class. 5% office hour meeting 40% final research paper - write about covid and how it impacted global regulatory systems. Prompts gonna vary per quarter I suppose. Overall this class was fine, but it was a lot of work and combined with the bad time management and late grading left a bad taste.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2024 - Unfortunately, I would not recommend taking this class as a GE. The entire grade is based on a group project, final, midterm, and discussion participation, and as a result, there is no clarity to what your grade might be. You’re expected to memorize authors and ideas of multiple 30+ page readings, that only have like 1 key idea related to the course. While I really appreciated my TA and her discussion section, the amount of participation needed was extremely unclear. Slides discussed in lecture were extremely vague and didn’t help much in terms of the final and midterm.
Winter 2024 - Unfortunately, I would not recommend taking this class as a GE. The entire grade is based on a group project, final, midterm, and discussion participation, and as a result, there is no clarity to what your grade might be. You’re expected to memorize authors and ideas of multiple 30+ page readings, that only have like 1 key idea related to the course. While I really appreciated my TA and her discussion section, the amount of participation needed was extremely unclear. Slides discussed in lecture were extremely vague and didn’t help much in terms of the final and midterm.