
Ananya Roy

Overall Ratings
Based on 23 Users
Easiness 3.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (23)

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May 25, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-

I really enjoyed this class and I would recommend it to others. I went into the class not really interested in the content, but I ended up learning so much and it challenged me to think in new ways. I ended the class curious to learn more about the content. If you are interested in going into urban planning, public policy, sociology, or even economics I think the class will offer useful information. Professor Roy is extremely intelligent and well-versed on the content. The workload is manageable, we had an open-book midterm that consisted of two essays. We were given several days to complete it. Attendance in discussion section is graded, but I found discussion to be helpful for understanding the class content anyways.


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March 16, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

Selling Course Reader for Urban Planning/Social Welfare M110
If interested please contact me at *************


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April 18, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A-

The class is super interesting (though many of the readings can be a slog). We covered topics ranging from Black Lives Matter to coffee farms in the global South to the plight of undocumented people in the United States. The class opens your eyes to a lot of global and local issues, and I really couldn't be more thankful that I took it; I feel like it's one of those courses which you see in movies or envision when you dreamed about college (or at least when I did).

Roy is the best and most engaging professor I've taken at UCLA. She is passionate and incredibly knowledgable about the material. Because of this class I'm pursuing working with her under the Institute of Inequality and Democracy.

You won't regret taking this course.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 12, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

For Fall 2020, because of the COVID pandemic, Dr Roy utilized a "non-differentiated" grading format AKA all students received an A. I found this to be incredibly generous and flexible of her!

For the class itself, it's VERY heavy with readings. Be very mindful of that! Assignments were 3 short papers (500 words) and the final was essay-format of answering prompts.

Dr Roy is very knowledge, friendly, and personable. I would recommend this class if you're interested in planning history but to be very mindful of how heavy workload this course is. You've been warned!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 24, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A

AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! If you have ever wanted to take a class that will give you an encompassing understanding of social movements and revolutions, TAKE THIS!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
May 12, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Professor Roy is an extremely passionate, intelligent, and most importantly compassionate individual. I took this class out of rec from the PUBAFF counselor, who I think was most concerned with filling the course of the new major so I was slightly caught off guard by how "radical" the course is (my TA started a section with playing a song called ANTIFA Dance). If learning about radical social movements is your interest, you'd enjoy it. However, I struggled to stay interested in heavy and wordy readings each week. I do appreciate the goal of the class but I cannot say the content was for me. There was an "A for all" policy due to the pandemic, so it helped eased the stress of everything else going on. I want to emphasize the part on the readings as I do not think I could've kept up with the class and gotten an A had it not been for the grading policy. They're not the type you can easily skim through as the exams required a deep understanding and engagement with each of them. When there's upwards of 4 academic journals at around 20 pages each per week, it will be hard if you're not interested in the radical content of the course.


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July 2, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

This was the most interesting and useful class I have taken at UCLA. Professor Roy is extremely knowledgeable in what she teaches and it’s so interesting to get to listen to her during lecture - I often get bored during lectures but hers were very engaging and easy to follow. The workload was very easy to keep up with and the exams were not challenging. If you’re in any social science field I’d definitely recommend taking this course.


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April 28, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: N/A

This class was interesting but felt very one-sided with regard to the texts we were reading. The majority of the texts assigned throughout the quarter were from militantly Marxist authors; which is fine, but I think it'd be more beneficial to the student to analyze thoughts from various schools of political thought.


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June 6, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Professor Roy was the best professor I've had at UCLA, hands down. She's an incredible lecturer, as every single time she taught I was on the edge of my seat.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-
May 25, 2022

I really enjoyed this class and I would recommend it to others. I went into the class not really interested in the content, but I ended up learning so much and it challenged me to think in new ways. I ended the class curious to learn more about the content. If you are interested in going into urban planning, public policy, sociology, or even economics I think the class will offer useful information. Professor Roy is extremely intelligent and well-versed on the content. The workload is manageable, we had an open-book midterm that consisted of two essays. We were given several days to complete it. Attendance in discussion section is graded, but I found discussion to be helpful for understanding the class content anyways.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
March 16, 2017

Selling Course Reader for Urban Planning/Social Welfare M110
If interested please contact me at *************


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A-
April 18, 2017

The class is super interesting (though many of the readings can be a slog). We covered topics ranging from Black Lives Matter to coffee farms in the global South to the plight of undocumented people in the United States. The class opens your eyes to a lot of global and local issues, and I really couldn't be more thankful that I took it; I feel like it's one of those courses which you see in movies or envision when you dreamed about college (or at least when I did).

Roy is the best and most engaging professor I've taken at UCLA. She is passionate and incredibly knowledgable about the material. Because of this class I'm pursuing working with her under the Institute of Inequality and Democracy.

You won't regret taking this course.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Jan. 12, 2021

For Fall 2020, because of the COVID pandemic, Dr Roy utilized a "non-differentiated" grading format AKA all students received an A. I found this to be incredibly generous and flexible of her!

For the class itself, it's VERY heavy with readings. Be very mindful of that! Assignments were 3 short papers (500 words) and the final was essay-format of answering prompts.

Dr Roy is very knowledge, friendly, and personable. I would recommend this class if you're interested in planning history but to be very mindful of how heavy workload this course is. You've been warned!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A
June 24, 2021

AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! If you have ever wanted to take a class that will give you an encompassing understanding of social movements and revolutions, TAKE THIS!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
May 12, 2021

Professor Roy is an extremely passionate, intelligent, and most importantly compassionate individual. I took this class out of rec from the PUBAFF counselor, who I think was most concerned with filling the course of the new major so I was slightly caught off guard by how "radical" the course is (my TA started a section with playing a song called ANTIFA Dance). If learning about radical social movements is your interest, you'd enjoy it. However, I struggled to stay interested in heavy and wordy readings each week. I do appreciate the goal of the class but I cannot say the content was for me. There was an "A for all" policy due to the pandemic, so it helped eased the stress of everything else going on. I want to emphasize the part on the readings as I do not think I could've kept up with the class and gotten an A had it not been for the grading policy. They're not the type you can easily skim through as the exams required a deep understanding and engagement with each of them. When there's upwards of 4 academic journals at around 20 pages each per week, it will be hard if you're not interested in the radical content of the course.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
July 2, 2024

This was the most interesting and useful class I have taken at UCLA. Professor Roy is extremely knowledgeable in what she teaches and it’s so interesting to get to listen to her during lecture - I often get bored during lectures but hers were very engaging and easy to follow. The workload was very easy to keep up with and the exams were not challenging. If you’re in any social science field I’d definitely recommend taking this course.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: N/A
April 28, 2022

This class was interesting but felt very one-sided with regard to the texts we were reading. The majority of the texts assigned throughout the quarter were from militantly Marxist authors; which is fine, but I think it'd be more beneficial to the student to analyze thoughts from various schools of political thought.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 6, 2024

Professor Roy was the best professor I've had at UCLA, hands down. She's an incredible lecturer, as every single time she taught I was on the edge of my seat.


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