
Anish Nag

Overall Ratings
Based on 70 Users
Easiness 3.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.9 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (70)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 24, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Prof Anish is one of the best professors in general at UCLA. His lectures were always very engaging, never dry at all, and they were very clear and straightforward. He always took time to answer any questions students had and never made you feel bad for asking a question everyone else knew the answer to. By far the best chem prof out there. If you are going to take any chem prof this is the guy to do it with. He really cares about his students and was extremely understanding, especially during this time (I took it during the pandemic at home online). He even provided us with memes during class!

The basic break down of his class for my quarter was this:
100 points MT1, 100 points MT2, 200 points Final (if you were satisfied with your grade you were given the option to opt out of the final as well), but he also added in 80 points of extra credit, which meant that you could earn up to 20% of extra credit, and it was easy extra credit if you just did it. If you attended live lecture and discussion you received extra credit, and if you did bacon tutorials (which were super easy and took like 15 mins) you received extra credit. Anish also likes to make his class fun so students can create a funny music video about the class and receive extra credit.

The midterms were actually very challenging in my opinion, but he is an extremely lenient grader. He always says that he creates hard midterms in order to challenge us and to get us to actually learn and so he rewards us very generously with a lot of points for just attempting the question bc he doesn't believe we should be penalized for trying. For example, for one of the synthesis problems, I did the question completely wrong, but used the right method, and got half of the points for that question.

In all, I highly think you should take Anish, you won't regret it!


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July 8, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I loved professor Nag. I had him during his first quarter teaching at UCLA. His exams were difficult however, he took that into consideration when calculating the final grade. As long as you pay attention during lecture and memorize what you need to you'll do fine in this class. I recommend practicing a bit everyday. Nag was super helpful and you can tell he really cares about his students. His exams are meant to challenge you so don't feel discouraged if you get an average score on the exam.


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Dec. 24, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Professor Anish Nag is incredible. In all the classes I've taken at UCLA, I've never had a professor who cares as much as Professor Nag does. He even made the effort to learn everyone's names, and he actually almost succeeded! He genuinely cares about his students' well-being, and he wants us all to get good grades as well as actually learn the material. I found that I wasn't just memorizing for his class— the way he taught pushed me to understand the content, which allowed me to memorize it without too much difficulty. Before this class, I heard a ridiculous amount of horror stories about organic chemistry, and I assumed 14D would be the hardest chem class in the series. It was quite the opposite, actually. If you're willing to put in the time and effort required, the class is very manageable and actually enjoyable. Thank you Professor Nag for being so understanding— my experience in this class truly has been one of the best I've had so far.


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Dec. 23, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-

Professor Nag is hands down the best professor at UCLA!!!!!!!! His lectures were engaging, his sponge bob memes were on point, and he truly knows how to connect with his students. He truly cares about his students and took the time to know approximately everyones names! When someone had a question during lecture, he would call on the student using their first name. That blew me away! Though chem 14d and his exams were kind of difficult, I actually enjoyed learning the subject unlike other courses. If you ever want to take chem 14d, I highly recommend you to take it with professor Nag!!! He will help you a lot and honestly, go to his office hours and try to get to know one another. He's an amazing individual!


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Feb. 25, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-

Such a good guy! Favorite teacher I have had. Didn't enjoy chemistry prior to this class and now do. Currently in 14BL (despite finishing through 14D) and because of him I really enjoy the class. He was insanely helpful and caring and overall a super funny guy. Absolute beast


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 3, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Dr. Nag is an absolute angel. He is such a great teacher and makes the class so engaging that I somehow found chemistry interesting. Additionally, Professor Nag provided his students with so so many resources in order to be prepared for his examinations, which I admit were difficult. However, this man is so kind that he rewards students for effort as well and so his grading made it so that nobody should fail his class. Additionally, he provided so many opportunities for extra credit and just genuinely wanted his students to learn and succeed. I have never wanted to do well in a class just to make the professor proud more than this class, and I actually looked forward to going to lecture. Dr. Nag has been my favorite professor, and even with spring being online he found a way to try to connect with all his students and was so understanding. I was so lucky to have been able to take his class and I recommend it to absolutely everyone.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 2, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

This is hands down the best professor I have had in my career at UCLA. He will never give up on you, and he is beyond understanding of students conditions despite all the hurdles that we faced as a class this quarter. This man is more than a teacher, he is an idol. He has pulverized my fear of OChem and he will do the same for you. Just put in the effort and you will be fine.


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Dec. 20, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Professor Nag is a wonderful professor and hands down the best professor in STEM fields at least. And he is an even better human being. He truly goes above and beyond what he or any other professor needs to or ever does for the students. The lectures are unparalleled, there wasn't a single moment when I felt either bored or not being able to follow what he was doing. He is really funny as well which is always a plus and makes o chem relatable and enjoyable and honestly by the end of it all I was kinda hooked on o chem which is shocking to me! Chem 14D is quite different from Chem 14C. This class is the nitty gritty of o chem and relies heavily on memorization. 14A-C are primarily about concepts and problem solving, but 14D by its very nature is memorization applied to problem solving. And if you put in the minimum effort and have a strong memorization game, the problem solving aspect of it is more fun than any other lower div south campus class by far! That's where Nag's brilliance lies, he showed how much fun it can actually be to master this subject and become good at stringing together like the 100 odd reactions to solve a problem that would have seemed impossible at first! The exams are tough, but the grading curve was so generous because Nag honestly just cares for us and he wanted us to learn and succeed at the same time. I mean both the midterm averages were around 75 which is EXTREMELY fair in a STEM class. Besides his grading scheme in general, all the extra credit he offers, his lecturing style and personality, and the fact the he would in all likelihood get to know you and become your friend by the end of the 10 weeks and give you a broader perspective on life in general, all makes Professor Nag one of the best and if you don't take a class with him, you are missing out!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 5, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Anish was one of the most caring, involved professors I have had the privilege of being taught from at UCLA. Anish did the absolute most to make sure that all his students had a fair opportunity in the class, and that everyone succeeded. He offered more extra credit than I have ever seen a professor offer, and genuinely made O-Chem interesting. I wish I could take this class with him again!!! I recommend taking this class, or any class for that matter, by Anish. You will not want the quarter to be over!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 17, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Best professor I've ever had, not just at UCLA but in my life. He is an absolute legend. I never thought I would be sad to finish a class, especially one like this with all the 14D horror stories you hear, but I was actually sad when he finished his last lecture. All the man wants to do is help you. His lectures move quickly but they're very clear and he lays out everything you need to know. He gives his students so many practice problems and posts old midterms to make you feel as prepared as possible. He gives out SO much extra credit. Like other people have already mentioned, this is fundamentally a tough class and the exams are challenging by design, but Anish gives you all the materials to be able to do it. As a person, he is just so genuine and caring. He was accommodating to everyone's situations and adjusted his already generous grading scheme to help us even further. He answers emails quickly and always gives helpful advice, whether it's related to the material or not. He's so personable and I have so much respect for him. I can't say enough good things about this man. If you have any opportunity to take any of his classes, do it.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 24, 2020

Prof Anish is one of the best professors in general at UCLA. His lectures were always very engaging, never dry at all, and they were very clear and straightforward. He always took time to answer any questions students had and never made you feel bad for asking a question everyone else knew the answer to. By far the best chem prof out there. If you are going to take any chem prof this is the guy to do it with. He really cares about his students and was extremely understanding, especially during this time (I took it during the pandemic at home online). He even provided us with memes during class!

The basic break down of his class for my quarter was this:
100 points MT1, 100 points MT2, 200 points Final (if you were satisfied with your grade you were given the option to opt out of the final as well), but he also added in 80 points of extra credit, which meant that you could earn up to 20% of extra credit, and it was easy extra credit if you just did it. If you attended live lecture and discussion you received extra credit, and if you did bacon tutorials (which were super easy and took like 15 mins) you received extra credit. Anish also likes to make his class fun so students can create a funny music video about the class and receive extra credit.

The midterms were actually very challenging in my opinion, but he is an extremely lenient grader. He always says that he creates hard midterms in order to challenge us and to get us to actually learn and so he rewards us very generously with a lot of points for just attempting the question bc he doesn't believe we should be penalized for trying. For example, for one of the synthesis problems, I did the question completely wrong, but used the right method, and got half of the points for that question.

In all, I highly think you should take Anish, you won't regret it!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
July 8, 2020

I loved professor Nag. I had him during his first quarter teaching at UCLA. His exams were difficult however, he took that into consideration when calculating the final grade. As long as you pay attention during lecture and memorize what you need to you'll do fine in this class. I recommend practicing a bit everyday. Nag was super helpful and you can tell he really cares about his students. His exams are meant to challenge you so don't feel discouraged if you get an average score on the exam.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 24, 2019

Professor Anish Nag is incredible. In all the classes I've taken at UCLA, I've never had a professor who cares as much as Professor Nag does. He even made the effort to learn everyone's names, and he actually almost succeeded! He genuinely cares about his students' well-being, and he wants us all to get good grades as well as actually learn the material. I found that I wasn't just memorizing for his class— the way he taught pushed me to understand the content, which allowed me to memorize it without too much difficulty. Before this class, I heard a ridiculous amount of horror stories about organic chemistry, and I assumed 14D would be the hardest chem class in the series. It was quite the opposite, actually. If you're willing to put in the time and effort required, the class is very manageable and actually enjoyable. Thank you Professor Nag for being so understanding— my experience in this class truly has been one of the best I've had so far.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-
Dec. 23, 2019

Professor Nag is hands down the best professor at UCLA!!!!!!!! His lectures were engaging, his sponge bob memes were on point, and he truly knows how to connect with his students. He truly cares about his students and took the time to know approximately everyones names! When someone had a question during lecture, he would call on the student using their first name. That blew me away! Though chem 14d and his exams were kind of difficult, I actually enjoyed learning the subject unlike other courses. If you ever want to take chem 14d, I highly recommend you to take it with professor Nag!!! He will help you a lot and honestly, go to his office hours and try to get to know one another. He's an amazing individual!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-
Feb. 25, 2020

Such a good guy! Favorite teacher I have had. Didn't enjoy chemistry prior to this class and now do. Currently in 14BL (despite finishing through 14D) and because of him I really enjoy the class. He was insanely helpful and caring and overall a super funny guy. Absolute beast


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 3, 2020

Dr. Nag is an absolute angel. He is such a great teacher and makes the class so engaging that I somehow found chemistry interesting. Additionally, Professor Nag provided his students with so so many resources in order to be prepared for his examinations, which I admit were difficult. However, this man is so kind that he rewards students for effort as well and so his grading made it so that nobody should fail his class. Additionally, he provided so many opportunities for extra credit and just genuinely wanted his students to learn and succeed. I have never wanted to do well in a class just to make the professor proud more than this class, and I actually looked forward to going to lecture. Dr. Nag has been my favorite professor, and even with spring being online he found a way to try to connect with all his students and was so understanding. I was so lucky to have been able to take his class and I recommend it to absolutely everyone.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 2, 2020

This is hands down the best professor I have had in my career at UCLA. He will never give up on you, and he is beyond understanding of students conditions despite all the hurdles that we faced as a class this quarter. This man is more than a teacher, he is an idol. He has pulverized my fear of OChem and he will do the same for you. Just put in the effort and you will be fine.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 20, 2019

Professor Nag is a wonderful professor and hands down the best professor in STEM fields at least. And he is an even better human being. He truly goes above and beyond what he or any other professor needs to or ever does for the students. The lectures are unparalleled, there wasn't a single moment when I felt either bored or not being able to follow what he was doing. He is really funny as well which is always a plus and makes o chem relatable and enjoyable and honestly by the end of it all I was kinda hooked on o chem which is shocking to me! Chem 14D is quite different from Chem 14C. This class is the nitty gritty of o chem and relies heavily on memorization. 14A-C are primarily about concepts and problem solving, but 14D by its very nature is memorization applied to problem solving. And if you put in the minimum effort and have a strong memorization game, the problem solving aspect of it is more fun than any other lower div south campus class by far! That's where Nag's brilliance lies, he showed how much fun it can actually be to master this subject and become good at stringing together like the 100 odd reactions to solve a problem that would have seemed impossible at first! The exams are tough, but the grading curve was so generous because Nag honestly just cares for us and he wanted us to learn and succeed at the same time. I mean both the midterm averages were around 75 which is EXTREMELY fair in a STEM class. Besides his grading scheme in general, all the extra credit he offers, his lecturing style and personality, and the fact the he would in all likelihood get to know you and become your friend by the end of the 10 weeks and give you a broader perspective on life in general, all makes Professor Nag one of the best and if you don't take a class with him, you are missing out!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 5, 2020

Anish was one of the most caring, involved professors I have had the privilege of being taught from at UCLA. Anish did the absolute most to make sure that all his students had a fair opportunity in the class, and that everyone succeeded. He offered more extra credit than I have ever seen a professor offer, and genuinely made O-Chem interesting. I wish I could take this class with him again!!! I recommend taking this class, or any class for that matter, by Anish. You will not want the quarter to be over!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 17, 2020

Best professor I've ever had, not just at UCLA but in my life. He is an absolute legend. I never thought I would be sad to finish a class, especially one like this with all the 14D horror stories you hear, but I was actually sad when he finished his last lecture. All the man wants to do is help you. His lectures move quickly but they're very clear and he lays out everything you need to know. He gives his students so many practice problems and posts old midterms to make you feel as prepared as possible. He gives out SO much extra credit. Like other people have already mentioned, this is fundamentally a tough class and the exams are challenging by design, but Anish gives you all the materials to be able to do it. As a person, he is just so genuine and caring. He was accommodating to everyone's situations and adjusted his already generous grading scheme to help us even further. He answers emails quickly and always gives helpful advice, whether it's related to the material or not. He's so personable and I have so much respect for him. I can't say enough good things about this man. If you have any opportunity to take any of his classes, do it.


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