Ann Karagozian
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - I went into this class thinking I hated fluids; 103 felt like a lot of busy work and I didn't feel like I really got a solid background in fluid mechanics. Karagozian flipped my hate of fluids on its head. Her lectures are extremely thorough and really help you understand the material and where everything comes from as opposed to just giving out the formulas and calling it a day. About half of her lectures are her going through the course reader and the other half is her working derivations and examples on the board. I never felt that she was wasting time in lectures. Her course reader is probably one of the best textbooks I have ever used. I honestly think you could get by in the whole class with the course reader alone if you can get the textbook problem statements from someone; I probably only used the Wilcox textbook for maybe 3 or so formulas in the whole class (I did need it for the homework problem statements). I am still constantly referring to the 150A course reader in other upper division classes, it is definitely worth holding on to. The homework and exams were very fair. None of her problems in the assignments or the homework were "gotcha" questions, they were just challenging at times in that they required you to really understand the theory. I think the homework problems that she writes herself did the best at helping me really get a hold on the concepts. The final did feel like a little bit of a marathon, but again none of the questions struck me as excessively difficult. She gave out extra credit on the two midterms (15 points EC available on each) and gave a whole extra credit question one of the homeworks, which I through was huge and kind of fun. The midterm grading was also pretty generous with the partial credit. Overall, I really loved this class and this is easily my favorite class in the Aerospace major up to now. Definitely not easy, but not hard either. I think its really difficult to walk out of this class feeling like it's a waste of time. You're taking a fluids class with one of the most accomplished researchers in the field, it really doesn't get much better than that.
Winter 2022 - I went into this class thinking I hated fluids; 103 felt like a lot of busy work and I didn't feel like I really got a solid background in fluid mechanics. Karagozian flipped my hate of fluids on its head. Her lectures are extremely thorough and really help you understand the material and where everything comes from as opposed to just giving out the formulas and calling it a day. About half of her lectures are her going through the course reader and the other half is her working derivations and examples on the board. I never felt that she was wasting time in lectures. Her course reader is probably one of the best textbooks I have ever used. I honestly think you could get by in the whole class with the course reader alone if you can get the textbook problem statements from someone; I probably only used the Wilcox textbook for maybe 3 or so formulas in the whole class (I did need it for the homework problem statements). I am still constantly referring to the 150A course reader in other upper division classes, it is definitely worth holding on to. The homework and exams were very fair. None of her problems in the assignments or the homework were "gotcha" questions, they were just challenging at times in that they required you to really understand the theory. I think the homework problems that she writes herself did the best at helping me really get a hold on the concepts. The final did feel like a little bit of a marathon, but again none of the questions struck me as excessively difficult. She gave out extra credit on the two midterms (15 points EC available on each) and gave a whole extra credit question one of the homeworks, which I through was huge and kind of fun. The midterm grading was also pretty generous with the partial credit. Overall, I really loved this class and this is easily my favorite class in the Aerospace major up to now. Definitely not easy, but not hard either. I think its really difficult to walk out of this class feeling like it's a waste of time. You're taking a fluids class with one of the most accomplished researchers in the field, it really doesn't get much better than that.