Arash Amini
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - This class was HARD. Like, it's definitely true when people say it's the hardest stats class at UCLA. But, I really liked Amini as a professor. His slides were super clear and concise, and they were soo helpful when doing the homework. But, be warned, the workload is HEAVY. The homework took me days to complete, and they were graded on correction through Gradescope. But I think the graders got really lazy by the end of the quarter, so they were pretty lenient about grading, which is nice. Amini had a midterm and a final, and they were both ridiculously and insanely hard. The averages on both tests were Ds, I'm pretty sure, but the curve was really good. He made the final open notes, book, and even laptop, but tbh it didn't even help because it was that hard. Still, I think his curve saved me. Overall, I really enjoyed this class because you get to learn about linear algebra as applied to stats, and Amini made it really clear to follow! But his tests and homework were really hard :(
Spring 2019 - This class was HARD. Like, it's definitely true when people say it's the hardest stats class at UCLA. But, I really liked Amini as a professor. His slides were super clear and concise, and they were soo helpful when doing the homework. But, be warned, the workload is HEAVY. The homework took me days to complete, and they were graded on correction through Gradescope. But I think the graders got really lazy by the end of the quarter, so they were pretty lenient about grading, which is nice. Amini had a midterm and a final, and they were both ridiculously and insanely hard. The averages on both tests were Ds, I'm pretty sure, but the curve was really good. He made the final open notes, book, and even laptop, but tbh it didn't even help because it was that hard. Still, I think his curve saved me. Overall, I really enjoyed this class because you get to learn about linear algebra as applied to stats, and Amini made it really clear to follow! But his tests and homework were really hard :(
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - This is a fairly mathematically intensive class that covers a lot of the theoretical background to decision theory and statistics. I would go into more detail here, but actually Prof. Amini makes all materials (including lecture videos) available on his own page here: http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~arashamini/teaching/200b-w23 Being an ECE major with an ML background, I found the class quite challenging, but also enjoyable as I felt it provided a deeper understanding of the relationship between data and the estimators (models). That said, the class is fairly abstract so it is more useful to someone who is interested in ML theory papers than implementation-focused ones. Regarding the lectures, I sometimes found Prof. Amini a bit difficult to understand as he soft-spoken, but as he records his lectures I could re-watch those moments again later.
Winter 2023 - This is a fairly mathematically intensive class that covers a lot of the theoretical background to decision theory and statistics. I would go into more detail here, but actually Prof. Amini makes all materials (including lecture videos) available on his own page here: http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~arashamini/teaching/200b-w23 Being an ECE major with an ML background, I found the class quite challenging, but also enjoyable as I felt it provided a deeper understanding of the relationship between data and the estimators (models). That said, the class is fairly abstract so it is more useful to someone who is interested in ML theory papers than implementation-focused ones. Regarding the lectures, I sometimes found Prof. Amini a bit difficult to understand as he soft-spoken, but as he records his lectures I could re-watch those moments again later.