
Ayako Janet Tomiyama

Overall Ratings
Based on 29 Users
Easiness 4.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (29)

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April 9, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

I enjoyed Prof Tomiyama's class even though I am not very interested in health psych. There's a lot to learn and I found a lot of the content to be useful in life. I would say that the exams are not as easy as they seem in these reviews. They weren't ridiculous but they're all application questions and half are specific details from the readings. Luckily they're open note and she drops the the questions that most people get wrong so it's definitely doable. I would definitely recommend the class if you're interested.


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March 7, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

1. Professor Tomiyama is very intelligent, poised, and passionate. I respect her very much. Her lectures are engaging and relevant to everyday life; I recommend everyone take this class, even if they are not a Psychology major. Regarding note-taking, her lectures are not entirely clear and seem to jump around a lot, but it is not unbearable as she allows many questions and clarifies any confusion. She is very engaged with her students and attempted to learn all of our names (which is super awesome). She cares about our learning experience; she has the class vote on their preferred testing formats and then compiles the tests to mirror the class distribution (e.g., 5% of the test is true/false, 25% is multiple choice, etc.). The homework assignments are very interesting and have a lot of value to them. They are also very reasonable (there are only 2). However, I wish each one was worth a little more than 2.5% because I feel they are more reflective of knowledge than the exams (to some extent), which take up 93% of the grade (yeah). Overall, the professor cares about her students, teaches well, takes into account our thoughts, and is a great representation of what a professor should be like. I loved her and I would totally take her again.


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Dec. 13, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

Definitely take your psych lab requirement with Dr. T. She is very supportive and truly cares about you. The classwork and group activities are graded on completion except for the peer review, presentation, and research design. Our T.A. Kristen is amazing and super knowledgeable to help you with your statistical analysis and research design. I was nervous about the lab requirement since 100B was challenging and I am not too interested in psych research, but this class went smoothly as she gives a refresher on research methods. I was lucky to have a good research group and work with great people so be prepared to work with others for sure.


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June 22, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

easily one of the most interesting psych classes I've taken. there's 3 exams total and the top 2 are taken. I would say the exams are a little tricky just because they're all application based questions and you don't have a practice or study guide going into it, but I rewatched all the lectures before the exams and was able to only take the first two exams. this meant the course practically ended in week 7 for me since I turned in the additional assignment early. there's two writing assignments that are the same prompt and one-page requirement each; you basically find an article online about a topic related to health psychology and summarize and critique it. prof tomiyama also offers a percent of extra credit for doing sona studies!


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June 11, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

Take this class! Dr. T is an excellent lecturer, her class is well organized, and she cares about the success of her students. There is not textbook, she assigns interesting articles that are FREE, best 2 out of 3 exams and 2 short writing assignments. Extra credit for Sono participation. This was a genuinely enjoyable class. If you aren't sure how interested you are in working in health psych, take this class anyway for the interesting content and with a professor who cares about learning. The class isn't designed to be stressful it's designed for you to get invested in the topics and want to learn more.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 9, 2024

I enjoyed Prof Tomiyama's class even though I am not very interested in health psych. There's a lot to learn and I found a lot of the content to be useful in life. I would say that the exams are not as easy as they seem in these reviews. They weren't ridiculous but they're all application questions and half are specific details from the readings. Luckily they're open note and she drops the the questions that most people get wrong so it's definitely doable. I would definitely recommend the class if you're interested.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 7, 2024

1. Professor Tomiyama is very intelligent, poised, and passionate. I respect her very much. Her lectures are engaging and relevant to everyday life; I recommend everyone take this class, even if they are not a Psychology major. Regarding note-taking, her lectures are not entirely clear and seem to jump around a lot, but it is not unbearable as she allows many questions and clarifies any confusion. She is very engaged with her students and attempted to learn all of our names (which is super awesome). She cares about our learning experience; she has the class vote on their preferred testing formats and then compiles the tests to mirror the class distribution (e.g., 5% of the test is true/false, 25% is multiple choice, etc.). The homework assignments are very interesting and have a lot of value to them. They are also very reasonable (there are only 2). However, I wish each one was worth a little more than 2.5% because I feel they are more reflective of knowledge than the exams (to some extent), which take up 93% of the grade (yeah). Overall, the professor cares about her students, teaches well, takes into account our thoughts, and is a great representation of what a professor should be like. I loved her and I would totally take her again.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Dec. 13, 2022

Definitely take your psych lab requirement with Dr. T. She is very supportive and truly cares about you. The classwork and group activities are graded on completion except for the peer review, presentation, and research design. Our T.A. Kristen is amazing and super knowledgeable to help you with your statistical analysis and research design. I was nervous about the lab requirement since 100B was challenging and I am not too interested in psych research, but this class went smoothly as she gives a refresher on research methods. I was lucky to have a good research group and work with great people so be prepared to work with others for sure.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
June 22, 2022

easily one of the most interesting psych classes I've taken. there's 3 exams total and the top 2 are taken. I would say the exams are a little tricky just because they're all application based questions and you don't have a practice or study guide going into it, but I rewatched all the lectures before the exams and was able to only take the first two exams. this meant the course practically ended in week 7 for me since I turned in the additional assignment early. there's two writing assignments that are the same prompt and one-page requirement each; you basically find an article online about a topic related to health psychology and summarize and critique it. prof tomiyama also offers a percent of extra credit for doing sona studies!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
June 11, 2022

Take this class! Dr. T is an excellent lecturer, her class is well organized, and she cares about the success of her students. There is not textbook, she assigns interesting articles that are FREE, best 2 out of 3 exams and 2 short writing assignments. Extra credit for Sono participation. This was a genuinely enjoyable class. If you aren't sure how interested you are in working in health psych, take this class anyway for the interesting content and with a professor who cares about learning. The class isn't designed to be stressful it's designed for you to get invested in the topics and want to learn more.


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