
Barbara Natterson

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Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Easiness 2.9/ 5
Clarity 3.7/ 5
Workload 2.9/ 5
Helpfulness 3.9/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2023 - I'd like to start off by saying this class format was changed so that there were weekly 30-minute quizzes during lectures. To make matters worse, lecture days were only on Friday afternoons, so studying the entire week for a small quiz after midterms and other exams was a complete drag. . These other high reviews were during COVID when the professor was just printing out A's based on effort and not accuracy. . The quiz and exam questions were overly specific random facts that were tested on instead of the main overarching ideas of the reading assigned. The readings were just excerpts from the professor's written books that you are required to purchase, and they took hours each week to complete. The chapters you are required to complete are just jargon stories of her time practicing medicine. The main takeaways should be of importance to the student, but you will end up being tested on random facts like the name of a penguin or seal discussed in the last paragraph of the chapter readings (weren't specifically tested on, but are just examples of what to expect). . The quizzes and exams weren't even the worst part, the professor decided to curve the class down an entire letter grade when she posted the final grades. There was no warning on her end or any mention of a downward curve the entire quarter. The class was based on rank from the beginning, despite her numerous claims that anyone who puts in the effort will earn an A. . My overall rating for this course is a 2/10. I simply cannot recommend it with good faith. There were too many inconsistencies coupled with a complete lack of support. It's perhaps one of the worst classes I have taken at UCLA. So many of my classmates including myself put so much energy into memorizing her ridiculous stories just to earn mediocre grades. It only satisfies the first box of major requirements for EEB majors, and believe me, other classes in those boxes are much easier. It has completely changed after COVID, and it seems like she plans on leaning more toward grade deflation than anything. If you have no other option than to enroll in EEB 186, since EEB gives very little variability in class selection I would understand, but if there is a possibility of taking another class I would choose any class over this, including the 3 quarters of biochem I took beforehand. . Don't take this review with a grain of salt. I was surrounded by high-performing students who had straight A's just like me, and they all shared the same views listed above. The professor never responds to any of her emails and has a tight-knit group of TAs who were cruel and never allowed for regrades. The TAs would even grade objective questions so subjectively as to lower certain students' grades in order to make the distribution more "even". If you notice you are receiving lower grades than what you think is fair, I would suggest dropping the class early, you are likely the "fall" person they plan on using to make the averages lower. I also found it funny that she stated anyone who puts effort in the class will get an A, the day she "requires" us to submit course evaluations. . I could go on and on about how terrible the structure of this class was from the beginning, but I think you get the GIST of it. Your grades and responses to questions are all dependent on the opinion of the grader/TA, if you are an A student like most of the people reading this, your grade will be given based on what they think is the right answer rather than what actually is a correct answer. It's not a typical class by any means so don't have expectations that the work put in will correlate to the grade received, this was simply not the case. . My best advice for students who take this class is to never show up to lecture, since nothing she talks about is ever on quiz or exam questions, it's all just random useless facts. Memorize her reading like it's Lehninger and pray that your rank is high, because after all your grade in the class is dependent on rank and not merit.
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
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