
Belzu Jones

Overall Ratings
Based on 27 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (27)

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March 2, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A

I'm really liking this class so far! The material itself can be difficult to grasp but it's so interesting and really changes how you view the world. There's also barely any work: all you need to do is post 3 weekly discussion posts (10% of your grade), take the midterm (45% of your grade) and then take the final (45% of your grade). A lot of people were complaining about the midterm which was tedious and definitely fast-paced, but he ended up curving it a ton. Gabe is an incredibly engaging lecturer and I definitely recommend taking this comm req with him over anyone else


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 12, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

The material in the class is a bit complex, but Professor Jones does a good job at breaking things down in an engaging way. The class is mostly based on weekly discussion posts and response papers, which were more work than the average Comm class but not unreasonable by any means. Reading is necessary for this class in order to complete the response papers, but they're all posted for free on BruinLearn. Professor Jones was also incredibly responsive to students' questions. Overall I would recommend taking this class with him.


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 13, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

Dr. Jones was the reason I survived this class! He was thoughtful and there for his students. Couldn't recommend taking him more!


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Aug. 22, 2022
Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A

This is my first upper div for COMM 100 and I absolutely loved it! Mainly due to the professor as he was so sarcastic and truly engaging to learn from. The summer course followed similar guidelines as the previous reviews except there was no 4 page review paper. Instead it went like weekly discussions posts and responses, weekly essay prompts, and a final paper. Very manageable - if you do not receive an A from this prof/course, I would be surprised. Although a couple of the reviews for this course say that the science behind the theories are difficult to understand but I found it relatively simple - perhaps it is Prof Jones who makes it this way, but don't be afraid of this course. Personally, it was one of my favorite under the COMM department! A lot of the material is can be applicable to real life which should assist in your understanding.

All in all, great prof, great course.


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July 31, 2022
Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: B

My review of this class has nothing to do with the professor, but with the material. It wasn't what I expected. And, he used really great methods making us actually use the theories and come up with our own hypotheses and ways to test the theories, and much of it was a bit abstract and hard to apply to a real life situation. He gave a lot of great examples in the lecture. His lectures were very organized and great slides. This was a summer course, so the lectures were 2 hours and 5 minutes twice a week, and he used 2 hours and 5 minutes and didn't stop a minute early, and took no breaks. So, that was tough as the material was deep and complex and it was tough to still be soaking anything in during the second half. So, I spent a lot of time going back and having to spend even more time re-listening to lectures so that I understood the material. But, he is a great instructor, it's just the material was hard for me to understand.


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 4, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: P

Professor Jones has been very open to feedback, criticism, answering questions, etc. with students the entire quarter. A huge issue with this class was that the TAs had different expectations and ideas with the professor himself. Sometimes, the topics that the professor suggested may not be accepted by the TA (who does the grading). My TA had expected us to have graduate level writing *ridiculous* and only left feedback for the first paper (had to go to office hours for feedback which didn't work for me who is in another time zone).


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 8, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

I took Professor Jones’ Communication Science course in Winter 2021 when it was online. The course grade consisted of 9 weekly discussion boards, 5 response papers, and 2 reflection papers. Toward the end of the class, he decided to make some of these assignments optional to accommodate for the difficult circumstances, which many students appreciated. His lecturers were asynchronous, and Professor Jones did an excellent job in explaining and breaking down each topic. The content of the course was very interesting, and as a first-year transfer student and Communication Major who is interested in research, I highly recommend taking this class in winter if you are interested in research or gaining a broad overview of communication studies. My favorite topics were the philosophy of science and models of communication while the most difficult for me was social networks. My TA, Kelsey Kim, was extraordinary, cheerful, and very clear with what we needed to write for our papers. Discussion sections with her were really helpful in guiding us on how we should write our papers, and she was a very fair grader. I was very fortunate to have her because the TA can very much make or break your experience in this class. Overall, this was a solid class with Professor Jones, Kelsey, and the topics we learned about.


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June 26, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Comm 100 is one of the core courses for the Communications major, so you can't really avoid this class. But Professor Jones made it interesting, integrating topics from psychology, engineering, and art into his lectures. (Although I will say that the class focuses a bit too much on evolution theory for what is supposed to be a communication science course.)

The lectures are twice per week for 75 minutes. Prof talks SUPER FAST so an automated transcript app is extremely helpful for studying. Also be mindful that his exams are all short answer/essays so you really have to know the content through and through. Office hours are somewhat helpful although I've sometimes left them feeling more confused. Online resources are plenty and study groups are a great resource to lean into. I found that the best study method is trying to make sense of his slides, whereas reading his 20 page assignments are not so necessary.

If you've taken Comm 10 with Suman, be prepared to put in a similar amount of effort. This course has a high volume of content with limited time for review and the grading scheme heavily weighs exam scores, as discussions are optional and there is only 1 project he assigns in the quarter. Best of luck to anyone taking this class! It will be challenging but it is entirely possible to get an A.


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 14, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

Professor Jones was really understanding this quarter & made himself available at all times for questions. Grades were made up of weekly discussion posts/replies, weekly response papers, and the final. The final was take-home and we had ~2 days to finish it (but it did not take the whole time). Grading was very fair and the expectations/rubrics for assignments were made very clear. Professor Jones gave the option of recorded lectures or attending in person. Discussion section is optional (not mandatory or part of the grade) but it was very helpful. I had Theo as my TA and he was the best!!


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Jan. 7, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Really enjoyed this class, but it is a bit tough. Our midterm was pretty difficult, BUT prof offered a midterm makeup and moved the final to take home. He's very understanding and helpful, and made lectures more engaging!


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COMM 100
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A
March 2, 2023

I'm really liking this class so far! The material itself can be difficult to grasp but it's so interesting and really changes how you view the world. There's also barely any work: all you need to do is post 3 weekly discussion posts (10% of your grade), take the midterm (45% of your grade) and then take the final (45% of your grade). A lot of people were complaining about the midterm which was tedious and definitely fast-paced, but he ended up curving it a ton. Gabe is an incredibly engaging lecturer and I definitely recommend taking this comm req with him over anyone else


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
Nov. 12, 2022

The material in the class is a bit complex, but Professor Jones does a good job at breaking things down in an engaging way. The class is mostly based on weekly discussion posts and response papers, which were more work than the average Comm class but not unreasonable by any means. Reading is necessary for this class in order to complete the response papers, but they're all posted for free on BruinLearn. Professor Jones was also incredibly responsive to students' questions. Overall I would recommend taking this class with him.


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
Sept. 13, 2022

Dr. Jones was the reason I survived this class! He was thoughtful and there for his students. Couldn't recommend taking him more!


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COMM 100
Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A
Aug. 22, 2022

This is my first upper div for COMM 100 and I absolutely loved it! Mainly due to the professor as he was so sarcastic and truly engaging to learn from. The summer course followed similar guidelines as the previous reviews except there was no 4 page review paper. Instead it went like weekly discussions posts and responses, weekly essay prompts, and a final paper. Very manageable - if you do not receive an A from this prof/course, I would be surprised. Although a couple of the reviews for this course say that the science behind the theories are difficult to understand but I found it relatively simple - perhaps it is Prof Jones who makes it this way, but don't be afraid of this course. Personally, it was one of my favorite under the COMM department! A lot of the material is can be applicable to real life which should assist in your understanding.

All in all, great prof, great course.


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COMM 100
Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: B
July 31, 2022

My review of this class has nothing to do with the professor, but with the material. It wasn't what I expected. And, he used really great methods making us actually use the theories and come up with our own hypotheses and ways to test the theories, and much of it was a bit abstract and hard to apply to a real life situation. He gave a lot of great examples in the lecture. His lectures were very organized and great slides. This was a summer course, so the lectures were 2 hours and 5 minutes twice a week, and he used 2 hours and 5 minutes and didn't stop a minute early, and took no breaks. So, that was tough as the material was deep and complex and it was tough to still be soaking anything in during the second half. So, I spent a lot of time going back and having to spend even more time re-listening to lectures so that I understood the material. But, he is a great instructor, it's just the material was hard for me to understand.


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: P
March 4, 2021

Professor Jones has been very open to feedback, criticism, answering questions, etc. with students the entire quarter. A huge issue with this class was that the TAs had different expectations and ideas with the professor himself. Sometimes, the topics that the professor suggested may not be accepted by the TA (who does the grading). My TA had expected us to have graduate level writing *ridiculous* and only left feedback for the first paper (had to go to office hours for feedback which didn't work for me who is in another time zone).


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
July 8, 2021

I took Professor Jones’ Communication Science course in Winter 2021 when it was online. The course grade consisted of 9 weekly discussion boards, 5 response papers, and 2 reflection papers. Toward the end of the class, he decided to make some of these assignments optional to accommodate for the difficult circumstances, which many students appreciated. His lecturers were asynchronous, and Professor Jones did an excellent job in explaining and breaking down each topic. The content of the course was very interesting, and as a first-year transfer student and Communication Major who is interested in research, I highly recommend taking this class in winter if you are interested in research or gaining a broad overview of communication studies. My favorite topics were the philosophy of science and models of communication while the most difficult for me was social networks. My TA, Kelsey Kim, was extraordinary, cheerful, and very clear with what we needed to write for our papers. Discussion sections with her were really helpful in guiding us on how we should write our papers, and she was a very fair grader. I was very fortunate to have her because the TA can very much make or break your experience in this class. Overall, this was a solid class with Professor Jones, Kelsey, and the topics we learned about.


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COMM 100
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
June 26, 2024

Comm 100 is one of the core courses for the Communications major, so you can't really avoid this class. But Professor Jones made it interesting, integrating topics from psychology, engineering, and art into his lectures. (Although I will say that the class focuses a bit too much on evolution theory for what is supposed to be a communication science course.)

The lectures are twice per week for 75 minutes. Prof talks SUPER FAST so an automated transcript app is extremely helpful for studying. Also be mindful that his exams are all short answer/essays so you really have to know the content through and through. Office hours are somewhat helpful although I've sometimes left them feeling more confused. Online resources are plenty and study groups are a great resource to lean into. I found that the best study method is trying to make sense of his slides, whereas reading his 20 page assignments are not so necessary.

If you've taken Comm 10 with Suman, be prepared to put in a similar amount of effort. This course has a high volume of content with limited time for review and the grading scheme heavily weighs exam scores, as discussions are optional and there is only 1 project he assigns in the quarter. Best of luck to anyone taking this class! It will be challenging but it is entirely possible to get an A.


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COMM 100
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 14, 2022

Professor Jones was really understanding this quarter & made himself available at all times for questions. Grades were made up of weekly discussion posts/replies, weekly response papers, and the final. The final was take-home and we had ~2 days to finish it (but it did not take the whole time). Grading was very fair and the expectations/rubrics for assignments were made very clear. Professor Jones gave the option of recorded lectures or attending in person. Discussion section is optional (not mandatory or part of the grade) but it was very helpful. I had Theo as my TA and he was the best!!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 7, 2024

Really enjoyed this class, but it is a bit tough. Our midterm was pretty difficult, BUT prof offered a midterm makeup and moved the final to take home. He's very understanding and helpful, and made lectures more engaging!


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