Benjamin Wu
Most Helpful Review
be 10 was superrrr easy. and really boring. the class is structured so that each week, a different upper division bioengineering professor talks about what they do. you get points for asking questions and attendance. if you leave after signing in, dr wu will notice. discussion is only like 5 minutes long. the paper is kind of a pain, but its the only assignment you do all quarter. you dont have to know anything that is lectured about in class. everyone gets an A if you just go to class and follow the given format of the paper.
be 10 was superrrr easy. and really boring. the class is structured so that each week, a different upper division bioengineering professor talks about what they do. you get points for asking questions and attendance. if you leave after signing in, dr wu will notice. discussion is only like 5 minutes long. the paper is kind of a pain, but its the only assignment you do all quarter. you dont have to know anything that is lectured about in class. everyone gets an A if you just go to class and follow the given format of the paper.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - The reviews from 2015 are more or less accurate, but the class structure seems to have changed a bit. The grading scheme is as follows: Quiz 1: 30% (Week 4) (Avg = 58.3%) Quiz 2: 30% (Week 7) (Avg = 70%) Quiz 3: 40% (Week 10) (Avg = 66.2%) "Over 30% of the class earned A's, 58% received B's, 13% received C's" - Wu I got ~73% on all three quizzes and got an A-. The quizzes are non-cumulative and are basically just a memorization game. There were around 30-35 questions and we were given 60 minutes for quizzes 1 and 2 and 90 minutes for quiz 3. This year the format was all multiple choice, except for a single calculus problem on Quiz 1. The quizzes were taken in class, but on your laptop using a Lockdown browser. Wu has a system where if you manage to get one of the top 5 scores on any one of the quizzes, then you automatically get an A. He also had an alternate grading scheme that allowed you to drop either Quiz 1 or 2, but be graded against everyone else's top 2 quizzes. There were also recorded covid-versions of each lecture that were posted. There were also practice quizzes that were on bruinlearn (not sure if they were created by TA’s or by Wu). Personal opinion territory: I didn’t think this class was nearly as awful as the 2015 reviews make it out to be. It wasn't the most riveting class, but BE 100 and 110 were wayyyyyyy harder. There’s not that much conceptual thinking required in this class since the material is all just ‘facts’ being thrown at you. The main thing seems to be that there is just a lot of material and details and you have to memorize it all. I started making anki flashcards after Quiz 2, but in hindsight I should have started making them from the very start. Wu was a decent lecturer, but I stopped attending lectures after week 4 and just watched his posted lectures since I could take better notes that way. The main topics were FDA regulations, materials science of implants, how implants and other stuff trigger immune system + immune response, and slight electrochemistry of implants.
Spring 2022 - The reviews from 2015 are more or less accurate, but the class structure seems to have changed a bit. The grading scheme is as follows: Quiz 1: 30% (Week 4) (Avg = 58.3%) Quiz 2: 30% (Week 7) (Avg = 70%) Quiz 3: 40% (Week 10) (Avg = 66.2%) "Over 30% of the class earned A's, 58% received B's, 13% received C's" - Wu I got ~73% on all three quizzes and got an A-. The quizzes are non-cumulative and are basically just a memorization game. There were around 30-35 questions and we were given 60 minutes for quizzes 1 and 2 and 90 minutes for quiz 3. This year the format was all multiple choice, except for a single calculus problem on Quiz 1. The quizzes were taken in class, but on your laptop using a Lockdown browser. Wu has a system where if you manage to get one of the top 5 scores on any one of the quizzes, then you automatically get an A. He also had an alternate grading scheme that allowed you to drop either Quiz 1 or 2, but be graded against everyone else's top 2 quizzes. There were also recorded covid-versions of each lecture that were posted. There were also practice quizzes that were on bruinlearn (not sure if they were created by TA’s or by Wu). Personal opinion territory: I didn’t think this class was nearly as awful as the 2015 reviews make it out to be. It wasn't the most riveting class, but BE 100 and 110 were wayyyyyyy harder. There’s not that much conceptual thinking required in this class since the material is all just ‘facts’ being thrown at you. The main thing seems to be that there is just a lot of material and details and you have to memorize it all. I started making anki flashcards after Quiz 2, but in hindsight I should have started making them from the very start. Wu was a decent lecturer, but I stopped attending lectures after week 4 and just watched his posted lectures since I could take better notes that way. The main topics were FDA regulations, materials science of implants, how implants and other stuff trigger immune system + immune response, and slight electrochemistry of implants.