
Bernardo Silveira

Overall Ratings
Based on 33 Users
Easiness 3.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (33)

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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 15, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

overall, the class was pretty difficult, but i found that the pre-recorded lectures were really clear and didn't need to go to the q and a sessions. akina is also an amazing ta and would go through the problem sets step-by-step with me. the first midterm was definitely the harder of the two and the second one was almost identical to the practice ones he gave us. the final was really difficult, but gave a super nice curve. he's really understanding as an econ prof and definitely wants us to understand the material


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Dec. 31, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Did worse than a lot of people on the first midterm which was considered to be the easiest out of the 3 exams but got an A on the final which saved me. The final ate me up, needed the entire 3 hours or however long we were allowed but as long as you can memorize all of the equations and methods you'll be fine. It wasn't hard in the sense that we were given problems we had never seen, it was just a daunting amount of problems with a bunch of steps required for each problem. One tip is to be as organized as possible when solving each problem on the final and you should be good.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 26, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Overall, Professor Silveria is a gem within the economics department and did a great job teaching this course that is notorious for being difficult. His lectures were clear, the tests were pretty fair, and the class content was well organized. I highly recommend that you take this class with him.
Lectures: Due to remote instruction, lectures consisted of recorded videos explaining key concepts both with slides and examples done on his iPad. None of the lectures were too long, he does a good job balancing both theory and examples, his explanations were clear, and I found them to be engaging. He also held informal Q&A sessions during scheduled class time (these were optional and I only attended a few times but found them helpful for exam review)
Discussions: Discussions were live on zoom and recorded. They consisted of going over additional practice problems and reviewing midterms.
Problem Sets: We had a total of 7 problem sets (only 4 were graded as the others lined up with exams). They consisted of 3-4 problems each and were graded half for participation, half for accuracy on one problem. I found the questions to be of similar difficulty to the exams (although worded in a different format). Great review for exams. Lowest one also dropped.
Exams: This class can be notorious for difficult exams, but I found them overall to be pretty fair. The first midterm was the most difficult for me (he included a multi-part curve ball question that threw many people off), but the second midterm and final were more straightforward. Averages were in the 70s for the first midterm and final and 85 for the second midterm. He also provided two practice tests for each exam that were pretty helpful for studying. Questions were all multiple choice and consist of multi-part questions. As long as if you review these exams, your problem sets, and review your notes, you should do well.
Helpfulness: Overall, Prof. Silveria was very helpful and transparent throughout the quarter. He would frequently email us with updates, hold office hours and answer questions over email, and genuinely takes the student's interest to heart.

Great class and great professor!


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June 28, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+

professor silveira is a super nice person and a great lecturer. his slides are very organized and makes class recordings available in a timely manner. i wish I went to more office hours because he does his best to explain tougher concepts and is willing to explain things over and over again.
there were the protests on campus happening during this quarter and when students felt unsafe to go to the second midterm, he changed the grading scheme to make it essentially optional and when the scores came back a lot lower than the first midterm he attributed it to having to transition to asynchronous learning for a couple of weeks and gave everyone 2 points back (a 10% increase). he and the econ dept also changed the final to be online (ppl could still go in person if they wanted) to accommodate to some alarming events happening on campus.
other than that, the workload of this class wasn't too bad. we had weekly problem sets which was good practice for the final. it can take a while to complete those esp the trickier problems so it's good to work w other people or be active on the class groupme. the tests were really tough; midterms weren't too bad but there were some questions that weren't exactly shown in class and required creative reasoning. the final though was kinda crazy. he said he didn't change the questions when switching to the online format but the questions were so much harder than what I think most of us were expecting. all of the tests were also on a time crunch and multiple choice so that for sure made them so much harder. luckily the class was curved relatively generously. all in all would take prof silveira again if he decides to teach other classes.


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June 17, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

I really enjoyed the content of this class and found the math to be satisfying once understood. Silveira is a very understanding and accommodating professor, especially with all of the protests going on this quarter. He records his lectures and upload the notes so it is not required to go to class, but Silveira can be quite funny and makes it sometimes enjoyable to attend lecture. There are practice sets with usually 9 questions worth 10% of your grade based on accuracy so it is helpful to have some friends in the class to collaborate with. There are 2 midterms and a final and you are able to drop one of the midterms (in our case because of the protests we could drop both if necessary). He provides practice exams and exams from the previous years to study with but I usually found the actual exams to be harder than the ones he provided, but it is different every year. Time was an issue for me as well as many of my classmates during the tests so it would be a good idea to practice timing yourself while doing the practice exams. The midterms are 1 hour 15 mins with roughly 20 questions and the final is 2 hours with about 27 questions. He does multiple choice questions with short questions in the beginning and long questions that build off of each other at the end. He goes a little quick through the slides so I typed my notes but lots of people used ipads/notebooks because there is a lot of math involved. Make sure to focus in the beginning because everything builds onto each other (except for utility). Overall if you have to take this class I would recommend to take it with Silveira!


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Dec. 18, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

Silva was honestly pretty goated. Can drop one midterm if needed. He gives out practice tests that are extremely good prep for the actual exams. Try to take this with friends as the problem sets are graded for accuracy and can sometimes be tricky.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
April 15, 2021

overall, the class was pretty difficult, but i found that the pre-recorded lectures were really clear and didn't need to go to the q and a sessions. akina is also an amazing ta and would go through the problem sets step-by-step with me. the first midterm was definitely the harder of the two and the second one was almost identical to the practice ones he gave us. the final was really difficult, but gave a super nice curve. he's really understanding as an econ prof and definitely wants us to understand the material


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ECON 101
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
Dec. 31, 2024

Did worse than a lot of people on the first midterm which was considered to be the easiest out of the 3 exams but got an A on the final which saved me. The final ate me up, needed the entire 3 hours or however long we were allowed but as long as you can memorize all of the equations and methods you'll be fine. It wasn't hard in the sense that we were given problems we had never seen, it was just a daunting amount of problems with a bunch of steps required for each problem. One tip is to be as organized as possible when solving each problem on the final and you should be good.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 26, 2021

Overall, Professor Silveria is a gem within the economics department and did a great job teaching this course that is notorious for being difficult. His lectures were clear, the tests were pretty fair, and the class content was well organized. I highly recommend that you take this class with him.
Lectures: Due to remote instruction, lectures consisted of recorded videos explaining key concepts both with slides and examples done on his iPad. None of the lectures were too long, he does a good job balancing both theory and examples, his explanations were clear, and I found them to be engaging. He also held informal Q&A sessions during scheduled class time (these were optional and I only attended a few times but found them helpful for exam review)
Discussions: Discussions were live on zoom and recorded. They consisted of going over additional practice problems and reviewing midterms.
Problem Sets: We had a total of 7 problem sets (only 4 were graded as the others lined up with exams). They consisted of 3-4 problems each and were graded half for participation, half for accuracy on one problem. I found the questions to be of similar difficulty to the exams (although worded in a different format). Great review for exams. Lowest one also dropped.
Exams: This class can be notorious for difficult exams, but I found them overall to be pretty fair. The first midterm was the most difficult for me (he included a multi-part curve ball question that threw many people off), but the second midterm and final were more straightforward. Averages were in the 70s for the first midterm and final and 85 for the second midterm. He also provided two practice tests for each exam that were pretty helpful for studying. Questions were all multiple choice and consist of multi-part questions. As long as if you review these exams, your problem sets, and review your notes, you should do well.
Helpfulness: Overall, Prof. Silveria was very helpful and transparent throughout the quarter. He would frequently email us with updates, hold office hours and answer questions over email, and genuinely takes the student's interest to heart.

Great class and great professor!


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ECON 101
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
June 28, 2024

professor silveira is a super nice person and a great lecturer. his slides are very organized and makes class recordings available in a timely manner. i wish I went to more office hours because he does his best to explain tougher concepts and is willing to explain things over and over again.
there were the protests on campus happening during this quarter and when students felt unsafe to go to the second midterm, he changed the grading scheme to make it essentially optional and when the scores came back a lot lower than the first midterm he attributed it to having to transition to asynchronous learning for a couple of weeks and gave everyone 2 points back (a 10% increase). he and the econ dept also changed the final to be online (ppl could still go in person if they wanted) to accommodate to some alarming events happening on campus.
other than that, the workload of this class wasn't too bad. we had weekly problem sets which was good practice for the final. it can take a while to complete those esp the trickier problems so it's good to work w other people or be active on the class groupme. the tests were really tough; midterms weren't too bad but there were some questions that weren't exactly shown in class and required creative reasoning. the final though was kinda crazy. he said he didn't change the questions when switching to the online format but the questions were so much harder than what I think most of us were expecting. all of the tests were also on a time crunch and multiple choice so that for sure made them so much harder. luckily the class was curved relatively generously. all in all would take prof silveira again if he decides to teach other classes.


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ECON 101
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 17, 2024

I really enjoyed the content of this class and found the math to be satisfying once understood. Silveira is a very understanding and accommodating professor, especially with all of the protests going on this quarter. He records his lectures and upload the notes so it is not required to go to class, but Silveira can be quite funny and makes it sometimes enjoyable to attend lecture. There are practice sets with usually 9 questions worth 10% of your grade based on accuracy so it is helpful to have some friends in the class to collaborate with. There are 2 midterms and a final and you are able to drop one of the midterms (in our case because of the protests we could drop both if necessary). He provides practice exams and exams from the previous years to study with but I usually found the actual exams to be harder than the ones he provided, but it is different every year. Time was an issue for me as well as many of my classmates during the tests so it would be a good idea to practice timing yourself while doing the practice exams. The midterms are 1 hour 15 mins with roughly 20 questions and the final is 2 hours with about 27 questions. He does multiple choice questions with short questions in the beginning and long questions that build off of each other at the end. He goes a little quick through the slides so I typed my notes but lots of people used ipads/notebooks because there is a lot of math involved. Make sure to focus in the beginning because everything builds onto each other (except for utility). Overall if you have to take this class I would recommend to take it with Silveira!


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ECON 101
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 18, 2023

Silva was honestly pretty goated. Can drop one midterm if needed. He gives out practice tests that are extremely good prep for the actual exams. Try to take this with friends as the problem sets are graded for accuracy and can sometimes be tricky.


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