
Bingling Wang

Overall Ratings
Based on 64 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (64)

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Dec. 25, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A

STATS 10 is supposed to be an easy GE, but my engineering friends agreed that she made the weekly quizzes and exams unnecessarily hard and the exams as well. The averages on the midterm (80%) and final (70%) were always too low for STATS 10 in my opinion, as this is class had historically been known as the easiest GE. I'm not sure if this class has gotten harder or the reviews on this professor in the past are no longer representative, but personally I do not recommend taking STATS 10 with her if you want an easy A. Albeit, the workload is very minimal and her lectures are very clear as the content is pretty straightforward. This does not relate to the professor but the graders for the projects were also pretty strict with grading, as my friends who took the class in the past with other professors said the TAs walked through and gave the answers to the project, which wasn't the case for this class.


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March 27, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-

please don't listen to the covid-19 reviews. assignments are NOT optional, they are assigned bi weekly and require lots of coding as well as a "part two" which involves you doing separate math problems. you have to take weekly quizzes which were hard for no reason. i remember one week, there were some questions on the quiz that involved content that we never went over. the next week, she put those same questions on that week's quiz with no explanation whatsoever. if i remember correctly, the average on the midterm was around 80% and on the final it was 72% (this was despite the fact that each exam was only 30 questions and open note), which was pretty low for what is known as an "easy" GE. there is also a project at the end of the quarter in which you have to do coding, and while it was pretty annoying, the TAs were pretty helpful with it and most people got good grades on it. i would say that although i did not like this class, the only part i DID like was the fact that you were able to offset your grade pretty easily even if you did not do well on something, since there are many things that go into your grade, like generous extra credit through campus wire and the 10% discussion grade. however, i think most people are better off taking this class with a different professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 25, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

I took this class as a major prereq and was concerned at first with my lack of experience in stats and any programming, however, prof Wang is an amazing lecturer and this class became one of the easier courses in my schedule and probably the easiest “math” class I’ve ever taken. Definitely recommend wang for stats 10, she’s very organized, clear, and cares about student learning, and accommodates to different time zones by expanding test windows and extending deadlines, etc

Grade breakdown:
20% - Lecture View Quizzes: about two per week and you have a two-day window to take it an indefinite number of times
20% - Online Quizzes: 7 weekly quizzes where your lowest score is dropped
20% - Labs: due every other week (5 in total) pretty tedious but the TAs walk you through everything so just following along to what they do will most likely give you an A in this category; toughest part is downloading R and figuring out errors that may come up in your code, I recommend choosing Andy as your TA!
20% - Midterm: Wang hosts a review session prior along with posting a practice midterm that is fairly similar to the actual one; midterm was pretty easy I think most ppl got a A or B on it
20% - Final: Same reviews and practices as midterm, final covers material post-midterm but content is more difficult imo
1% - Extra credit: end of quarter course evaluation

TLDR: if you have to take this class take it with wang; easy A if you just complete the work, attend lectures and watch section vids


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 15, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

** I took it virtually because of COVID

Pretty easy class, but I took AP Stats in highschool. Overall the Prof was really nice and uploaded slides, recorded lectures, etc; the only warning I would give is that there is some coding in R Studio. My TA uploaded all the code to CCLE so it was okay, but it was definitely what I struggled with most in the class. Prof Wang structured it so that 20% was labs (coding in R, there were 5 labs), 20% participation (by completing lecture view quizzes that you could attempt infinitely), 20% quizzes (there was one each week and she dropped the lowest two), 20% midterm and 20% final which were both around 30 questions and multiple choice. She did assign homework, but it was optional, and she provided the textbook PDF so that we did not have to buy it. She grades on an absolute scale and the top 5% get an A+. I would take this class again for sure.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 12, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A

I highly recommend this Professor Wang to anybody considering Stats 10. First, she is very sweet and clearly cares about the student's well-being. For the class itself, it won't be the easiest class you've ever taken, but it will be far from the hardest. It's around the 15th - 20th percentile of courses in terms of difficulty of those I have taken. You have to put in some work throughout the quarter with labs and such, but it is all extremely manageable. The first 2 sessions with the TA are by far the most important. Pay attention carefully and be prepared to learn the basics of R very fast. After that, the discussions are pretty light. The midterm and final are manageable and there is a favorable grade scale. Grade scale: 20% participation, 20% weekly quizzes (unlimited time, open note, and lowest get dropped), 20% labs, 20% midterm, 20% final, and 1% extra credit for a survey. I suggest taking this class if you have 1 or 2 other hard courses to even out the workload. It's a nice easy - medium effort class where you learn a lot and satisfy a GE requirement, lab requirement, and possibly a pre major requisite.


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June 19, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B

If you have a background in STATS from high school, great! You're basically set for an A+ in this class. But if not (like me), be prepared to settle for a B. Don't trust all these amazing reviews about her if you are not good at/ don't know STATS.

The grade distribution for this class ensures that if you put in the work, you're on track for lowest a B-, even if you don't understand the material. You get 10% for participation, another 10% for online quizzes that automatically becomes a 100% after you get 25 points total across the entire quarter, etc. The exams are what pull you down. They are extremely complicated, unlike anything she teaches in her classes, and only out of 20-25 points which means your grade drops every time you get 2-3 questions wrong. She also doesn't provide any practice problems throughout the quarter. Its strictly what she goes over in class and the homework problems, but since she doesn't provide an answer key for it, its no help at all. She also takes YEARS to grade assignments which doesn't make any sense to me because its all online and through Canvas.

I probably should have attended office hours to save my grade but she was so judgemental everytime someone asked a question in our zoom meetings that I was too scared to. All around, its a good class with an amazing distribution taught by a terrible and unresponsive teacher, which ruins the entire thing. Sure, its low effort class, but you will come out of it learning nothing, and realizing you were better off taking it at a community college, learning something, and scoring an A.


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May 28, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: N/A

This course remained remote for Spring 2022, so I can't say much on how in-person lectures would be. Professor Wang's lectures tend to be quite dry, but she uploads the slides and records the lectures. Weekly quizzes (one attempt) biweekly labs and homework assignments. I went to office hours once and didn't find it that helpful; her responses were curt and didn't help me understand my question any further. The labs are super easy as long as you just copy what the TAs are doing.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 12, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

A lot of majors, like mine, need Stats 10 as a pre-requisite. I went into the class with no prior experience in stats or coding. The material was a little fast-paced and I did not know that I would need to code for labs. Overall, the class was not too hard. The midterm and final were open-note but took a long time because it was all calculations. Professor Wang was really informative and detailed in her slides but I often had to go back and re-watch lectures or look at the slides to understand the concepts because she went through them too quickly. The weekly quizzes were not hard and were a good grade-booster. Yhis class was a lot easier this quarter than it would have been in person.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 17, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+

As a first year student with no stats experience, I found this class easy and interesting. The zoom meetings are optional because she uploads them on CCLE. To receive participation points, you must take a small quiz that has unlimited attempts. The chapter quiz are a little difficult but if you review the slides, you're okay. The Labs were the only thing I had some trouble with, but attending TA meetings allowed me to understand the material. If you are looking to enroll in this course, I really recommend it with Professor Wang. Good Luck!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 27, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A

Good class, good teacher. Really helped to know R in this class, made it so I wouldn't have to go to section ever. All he would do is screen share videos of himself explaining the R coding assignments anyways. Like... wtf?


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
Dec. 25, 2023

STATS 10 is supposed to be an easy GE, but my engineering friends agreed that she made the weekly quizzes and exams unnecessarily hard and the exams as well. The averages on the midterm (80%) and final (70%) were always too low for STATS 10 in my opinion, as this is class had historically been known as the easiest GE. I'm not sure if this class has gotten harder or the reviews on this professor in the past are no longer representative, but personally I do not recommend taking STATS 10 with her if you want an easy A. Albeit, the workload is very minimal and her lectures are very clear as the content is pretty straightforward. This does not relate to the professor but the graders for the projects were also pretty strict with grading, as my friends who took the class in the past with other professors said the TAs walked through and gave the answers to the project, which wasn't the case for this class.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-
March 27, 2024

please don't listen to the covid-19 reviews. assignments are NOT optional, they are assigned bi weekly and require lots of coding as well as a "part two" which involves you doing separate math problems. you have to take weekly quizzes which were hard for no reason. i remember one week, there were some questions on the quiz that involved content that we never went over. the next week, she put those same questions on that week's quiz with no explanation whatsoever. if i remember correctly, the average on the midterm was around 80% and on the final it was 72% (this was despite the fact that each exam was only 30 questions and open note), which was pretty low for what is known as an "easy" GE. there is also a project at the end of the quarter in which you have to do coding, and while it was pretty annoying, the TAs were pretty helpful with it and most people got good grades on it. i would say that although i did not like this class, the only part i DID like was the fact that you were able to offset your grade pretty easily even if you did not do well on something, since there are many things that go into your grade, like generous extra credit through campus wire and the 10% discussion grade. however, i think most people are better off taking this class with a different professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 25, 2021

I took this class as a major prereq and was concerned at first with my lack of experience in stats and any programming, however, prof Wang is an amazing lecturer and this class became one of the easier courses in my schedule and probably the easiest “math” class I’ve ever taken. Definitely recommend wang for stats 10, she’s very organized, clear, and cares about student learning, and accommodates to different time zones by expanding test windows and extending deadlines, etc

Grade breakdown:
20% - Lecture View Quizzes: about two per week and you have a two-day window to take it an indefinite number of times
20% - Online Quizzes: 7 weekly quizzes where your lowest score is dropped
20% - Labs: due every other week (5 in total) pretty tedious but the TAs walk you through everything so just following along to what they do will most likely give you an A in this category; toughest part is downloading R and figuring out errors that may come up in your code, I recommend choosing Andy as your TA!
20% - Midterm: Wang hosts a review session prior along with posting a practice midterm that is fairly similar to the actual one; midterm was pretty easy I think most ppl got a A or B on it
20% - Final: Same reviews and practices as midterm, final covers material post-midterm but content is more difficult imo
1% - Extra credit: end of quarter course evaluation

TLDR: if you have to take this class take it with wang; easy A if you just complete the work, attend lectures and watch section vids


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 15, 2021

** I took it virtually because of COVID

Pretty easy class, but I took AP Stats in highschool. Overall the Prof was really nice and uploaded slides, recorded lectures, etc; the only warning I would give is that there is some coding in R Studio. My TA uploaded all the code to CCLE so it was okay, but it was definitely what I struggled with most in the class. Prof Wang structured it so that 20% was labs (coding in R, there were 5 labs), 20% participation (by completing lecture view quizzes that you could attempt infinitely), 20% quizzes (there was one each week and she dropped the lowest two), 20% midterm and 20% final which were both around 30 questions and multiple choice. She did assign homework, but it was optional, and she provided the textbook PDF so that we did not have to buy it. She grades on an absolute scale and the top 5% get an A+. I would take this class again for sure.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A
March 12, 2021

I highly recommend this Professor Wang to anybody considering Stats 10. First, she is very sweet and clearly cares about the student's well-being. For the class itself, it won't be the easiest class you've ever taken, but it will be far from the hardest. It's around the 15th - 20th percentile of courses in terms of difficulty of those I have taken. You have to put in some work throughout the quarter with labs and such, but it is all extremely manageable. The first 2 sessions with the TA are by far the most important. Pay attention carefully and be prepared to learn the basics of R very fast. After that, the discussions are pretty light. The midterm and final are manageable and there is a favorable grade scale. Grade scale: 20% participation, 20% weekly quizzes (unlimited time, open note, and lowest get dropped), 20% labs, 20% midterm, 20% final, and 1% extra credit for a survey. I suggest taking this class if you have 1 or 2 other hard courses to even out the workload. It's a nice easy - medium effort class where you learn a lot and satisfy a GE requirement, lab requirement, and possibly a pre major requisite.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B
June 19, 2022

If you have a background in STATS from high school, great! You're basically set for an A+ in this class. But if not (like me), be prepared to settle for a B. Don't trust all these amazing reviews about her if you are not good at/ don't know STATS.

The grade distribution for this class ensures that if you put in the work, you're on track for lowest a B-, even if you don't understand the material. You get 10% for participation, another 10% for online quizzes that automatically becomes a 100% after you get 25 points total across the entire quarter, etc. The exams are what pull you down. They are extremely complicated, unlike anything she teaches in her classes, and only out of 20-25 points which means your grade drops every time you get 2-3 questions wrong. She also doesn't provide any practice problems throughout the quarter. Its strictly what she goes over in class and the homework problems, but since she doesn't provide an answer key for it, its no help at all. She also takes YEARS to grade assignments which doesn't make any sense to me because its all online and through Canvas.

I probably should have attended office hours to save my grade but she was so judgemental everytime someone asked a question in our zoom meetings that I was too scared to. All around, its a good class with an amazing distribution taught by a terrible and unresponsive teacher, which ruins the entire thing. Sure, its low effort class, but you will come out of it learning nothing, and realizing you were better off taking it at a community college, learning something, and scoring an A.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: N/A
May 28, 2022

This course remained remote for Spring 2022, so I can't say much on how in-person lectures would be. Professor Wang's lectures tend to be quite dry, but she uploads the slides and records the lectures. Weekly quizzes (one attempt) biweekly labs and homework assignments. I went to office hours once and didn't find it that helpful; her responses were curt and didn't help me understand my question any further. The labs are super easy as long as you just copy what the TAs are doing.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 12, 2021

A lot of majors, like mine, need Stats 10 as a pre-requisite. I went into the class with no prior experience in stats or coding. The material was a little fast-paced and I did not know that I would need to code for labs. Overall, the class was not too hard. The midterm and final were open-note but took a long time because it was all calculations. Professor Wang was really informative and detailed in her slides but I often had to go back and re-watch lectures or look at the slides to understand the concepts because she went through them too quickly. The weekly quizzes were not hard and were a good grade-booster. Yhis class was a lot easier this quarter than it would have been in person.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+
March 17, 2021

As a first year student with no stats experience, I found this class easy and interesting. The zoom meetings are optional because she uploads them on CCLE. To receive participation points, you must take a small quiz that has unlimited attempts. The chapter quiz are a little difficult but if you review the slides, you're okay. The Labs were the only thing I had some trouble with, but attending TA meetings allowed me to understand the material. If you are looking to enroll in this course, I really recommend it with Professor Wang. Good Luck!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A
March 27, 2021

Good class, good teacher. Really helped to know R in this class, made it so I wouldn't have to go to section ever. All he would do is screen share videos of himself explaining the R coding assignments anyways. Like... wtf?


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