
Bingling Wang

Overall Ratings
Based on 65 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (65)

4 of 5
4 of 5
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Aug. 31, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A

This was the easiest asynchronous STATS class I've taken and I'm a history major. There were only 2 projects that were counted towards the final grade, a weekly quiz, and one midterm and final which were both multiple choice. There was a weekly discussion online but attendance was not mandatory only needed if you need extra help.


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June 28, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

This was Professor Wang's first time teaching Stats 100A, and I think it showed. Lecture was incredibly dry, and she wasn't the best at explaining how to apply theorems to problems. Lecture was way too heavy on derivation, and not enough on problem solving or thought process or applicable examples. This led to HW being really confusing at times, but overall they weren't too bad. Tests were relatively easy, with a chill midterm and take home final. Overall, I found this class very mind numbing and boring, but it's not that hard to get a good grade. If all you care about is getting an A, I would take this class with Wang.


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June 25, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Lovely professor. Easy class. Decent group project presentation. TAs are very helpful with code. We only had a midterm exam and weekly quizzes, plus a coding and math exercise assignment every few weeks.


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June 24, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

THIS IS A REALLY, REALLY EASY CLASS. Seriously, weekly lectures (all posted online) cover all the material needed for the midterm in perfect detail. The assignments in the class are R-based, but the TAs are extremely helpful and essentially give you the code anyway. There is only one midterm, which is really, really easy. Studying the night before/morning of will get you an A. There is no final exam so I stopped attending class after week 6, only a final project. You get to work in groups, and the project is fairly easy and straightforward. Attendance is recorded, but it is a quiz on Canvas you finish after class. So, technically, you don't even need to go to class as long as you log in on time to finish the quiz. Definitely recommend Professor Wang -- she's a good lecturer, cares about her students, and has a really easy course structure too. Overall, I 100% recommend this class as it is an easy A with little/no effort.


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March 25, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B

I didn't like this class at all. Don't be fooled by the "easy A" reviews, this class requires a lot more work than I would have ever thought was necessary for an introduction class. For the record, I've never taken any kind of statistics class so I had no knowledge coming into it and I found the material to be convoluted, like it was being explained in a way to make it harder than it really was.

There are coding assignments due every other week that have nothing to do with anything else in the class, except a project at the very end that serves no purpose besides stressing you out during finals week. If you're lucky, you'll get a TA that gives you all the answers, or will give them to you when you ask. If not... good luck. There are also weekly quizzes and discussion questions, which weren't too bad I guess.

If you do poorly on the midterm and final, make sure you take advantage of the extra credit opportunities that are offered, and try to score high on the assignments and quizzes.


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April 4, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C-

The class was overall harder then expected. I would not recommend taking the online class. I feel like collaboration is a necessity for this class even though the teacher expects much work to be done on your own. You have to teach yourself a lot of the materials because the weekly video lectures given doesn’t do a great job doing that. I would say what helped most with the class was the practice exams otherwise nothing else was much help.I would also say that campus-wire also helps a lot. I would recommend doing the assignments ahead of time because they weigh a lot on your grade and doing the 30 points extra credit. I feel like the coding part was the most easiest of the class but the final project was very difficult because I feel like we didn’t learn all the coding material that was in the final coding project. The midterm and final we’re very difficult as well I would suggest studying a week in advance.


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April 2, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

This class was so easy I forgot I even took it


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April 1, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+

This class was online asynch for me. If you're a stem major, the workload is pretty light and the assignments are easy, but feel like busy work often. Basically a free A because of the number of assignments, midterm and final were both easy and homework was pretty leniently graded + we had extra credit.


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Sept. 12, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A

I have the textbook for the class (like new) and am willing to sell it for a good price! You can email me via ************* if you're interested :)


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June 2, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

Wang is a great professor! We had a midterm exam and a project for the final, which was managable. Make sure you go to class for the participation credit!


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Aug. 31, 2024

This was the easiest asynchronous STATS class I've taken and I'm a history major. There were only 2 projects that were counted towards the final grade, a weekly quiz, and one midterm and final which were both multiple choice. There was a weekly discussion online but attendance was not mandatory only needed if you need extra help.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 28, 2024

This was Professor Wang's first time teaching Stats 100A, and I think it showed. Lecture was incredibly dry, and she wasn't the best at explaining how to apply theorems to problems. Lecture was way too heavy on derivation, and not enough on problem solving or thought process or applicable examples. This led to HW being really confusing at times, but overall they weren't too bad. Tests were relatively easy, with a chill midterm and take home final. Overall, I found this class very mind numbing and boring, but it's not that hard to get a good grade. If all you care about is getting an A, I would take this class with Wang.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 25, 2024

Lovely professor. Easy class. Decent group project presentation. TAs are very helpful with code. We only had a midterm exam and weekly quizzes, plus a coding and math exercise assignment every few weeks.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 24, 2024

THIS IS A REALLY, REALLY EASY CLASS. Seriously, weekly lectures (all posted online) cover all the material needed for the midterm in perfect detail. The assignments in the class are R-based, but the TAs are extremely helpful and essentially give you the code anyway. There is only one midterm, which is really, really easy. Studying the night before/morning of will get you an A. There is no final exam so I stopped attending class after week 6, only a final project. You get to work in groups, and the project is fairly easy and straightforward. Attendance is recorded, but it is a quiz on Canvas you finish after class. So, technically, you don't even need to go to class as long as you log in on time to finish the quiz. Definitely recommend Professor Wang -- she's a good lecturer, cares about her students, and has a really easy course structure too. Overall, I 100% recommend this class as it is an easy A with little/no effort.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
March 25, 2024

I didn't like this class at all. Don't be fooled by the "easy A" reviews, this class requires a lot more work than I would have ever thought was necessary for an introduction class. For the record, I've never taken any kind of statistics class so I had no knowledge coming into it and I found the material to be convoluted, like it was being explained in a way to make it harder than it really was.

There are coding assignments due every other week that have nothing to do with anything else in the class, except a project at the very end that serves no purpose besides stressing you out during finals week. If you're lucky, you'll get a TA that gives you all the answers, or will give them to you when you ask. If not... good luck. There are also weekly quizzes and discussion questions, which weren't too bad I guess.

If you do poorly on the midterm and final, make sure you take advantage of the extra credit opportunities that are offered, and try to score high on the assignments and quizzes.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C-
April 4, 2024

The class was overall harder then expected. I would not recommend taking the online class. I feel like collaboration is a necessity for this class even though the teacher expects much work to be done on your own. You have to teach yourself a lot of the materials because the weekly video lectures given doesn’t do a great job doing that. I would say what helped most with the class was the practice exams otherwise nothing else was much help.I would also say that campus-wire also helps a lot. I would recommend doing the assignments ahead of time because they weigh a lot on your grade and doing the 30 points extra credit. I feel like the coding part was the most easiest of the class but the final project was very difficult because I feel like we didn’t learn all the coding material that was in the final coding project. The midterm and final we’re very difficult as well I would suggest studying a week in advance.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
April 2, 2024

This class was so easy I forgot I even took it


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
April 1, 2024

This class was online asynch for me. If you're a stem major, the workload is pretty light and the assignments are easy, but feel like busy work often. Basically a free A because of the number of assignments, midterm and final were both easy and homework was pretty leniently graded + we had extra credit.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A
Sept. 12, 2023

I have the textbook for the class (like new) and am willing to sell it for a good price! You can email me via ************* if you're interested :)


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
June 2, 2023

Wang is a great professor! We had a midterm exam and a project for the final, which was managable. Make sure you go to class for the participation credit!


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4 of 5

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