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- Bonnie Goff
- PSYCH 130
Based on 66 Users
- Uses Slides
- Engaging Lectures
- Often Funny
- Gives Extra Credit
- Would Take Again
- Is Podcasted
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Professor Goff is not only an amazing professor, but also an amazing human being with great passion for developmental psych. She is very thorough with her explanations and she does not stop explaining a concept until you truly understand it. She is willing to make time for you, if you can't make it to office hours, she will take any moment possible to squeeze you in despite her busy schedule. Don't simply take this class just to learn about the material, try to actually talk to professor Goff because she is an intelligent, funny, kind individual who could help you figure your future out as well. Take her!
This has been my favorite class so far at UCLA. Dr. Goff is an amazing professor and has amazing lectures and uses funny and engaging examples to help students understand. I wanted to go to a lecture every day and enjoyed all of the topics I learned in this class. The hardest part is the group project just because it's hard to have others' work count as your own. Would take this class again in a heartbeat. The only downside is the class is out of 150 points which means you need to do well on the tests but they aren't hard and you can drop one of the two midterms. There is also extra credit you can earn by participating in studies on campus. Go to her office hours the day before the exam because they are very helpful. 10/10 recommend to anyone debating this class.
Professor Goff made this class one of my favorites I've ever taken at UCLA. She's thorough, kind, helpful, and super fair. There are two midterms but one is droppable. Discussion is mandatory! The final is just like the midterms, but somewhat cumulative (not really). She loves to give examples of concepts by showing videos/pictures of her kids which makes the class all the more enjoyable! Honestly, take her you will have 0 regrets and actually feel like you're learning something and having fun while doing it! Oh and bonus, all lectures are recorded so you don't really even have to show up unless you want TopHat credit which isn't required but just gives you extra credit at the end!!
Dr Goff is hilarious, the weekly writing assignments are easy and make you think, and this class helped me come to terms with a much of my inner turmoil. A very, very manageable and rewarding class that you will learn a LOT from.
Professor Goff is amazing. The exams were a little tricky but other than that this is a MUST-TAKE course. 100% would recommend.
I took this online in Fall 2020. It was an awesome class; Professor Goff unfortunately had to take a leave of absence in the middle of the quarter due to her son getting COVID-19, so Professor Scott Johnson took over briefly and the class was made asynchronous. That's about my only gripe with this class.
Other than that, 130 is pretty smooth sailing. There are NO TEXTBOOKS AT ALL: the most you'll have is to watch a short video or two that accompanies lecture. The class is out of 150 points with 2 possible extra credit points for responding to a related Netflix episode. All sections were optional; you still had homework every week in submitting a short written assignment (8 assignments worth 10 points each). The TAs have rubrics outlining exactly what to write each week though and it's moreso graded on completion and if you wrote something relevant. Midterm and final were 50 questions each and although originally they accounted for 35 points each, the lower of the two got weighed less (out of 28 points and the better scored test out of 42). I didn't do so hot on the midterm (got a 80+%) but did get a 96% on the final and clutched an A+ by scoring full points on everything else. This is one of the best Column Bs you can take!
Perhaps the most engaged I have been with lectures at UCLA. Not only is Professor Goff a great speaker (maybe a bit fast at times), but the material is interesting and she does a great job at applying it to reality.
There is one weekly homework assignment asking you to apply a concept from that week's lectures to some sort of prompt. It should never take more than half an hour to complete. The rest of the grade is based off of midterm and final exam scores. Participation is not required and the lectures are recorded.
Exam questions can be tricky because they are almost never just "recall the definition" tasks. Read the answers carefully and use process of elimination.
I highly recommend this course.
Bonnie Goff is a L E G E N D. I had such a fun time in this class. I took this class as a Cognitive Science major elective and am really glad I did. Professor Goff is engaging and super easy to understand, and she often incorporated examples from her own kids in lecture. She's also really funny! I would really recommend this class as it's fun and also small workload. Here's what the class consists of:
Every week we look at a topic in developmental psych, connecting material to past themes with examples and psych experiments. Lectures were somewhat fast paced, but you can rewatch recordings to see if you missed any. The course material is pretty clear so I never had to ask for clarifications.
The first discussion was required, but the rest were optional. Basically, they functioned as review sessions for the previous week's material. My TA was Soph, she was super kind and knowledgeable. Every week we have a written assignment where we explain and connect lecture material to our lives, and these were graded pretty easily.
We had two exams (during week 5 and during week 10), that were application-based. They weren't hard, I just rewatched lectures once to review and got a 90% on both exams. The average on both was around an 86% if I remember correctly. There's only a few tricky questions on them. Although they were multiple choice, the exams were somewhat stressful because you take them during lecture, and so you only have an hour and fifteen minutes for 50 questions.
Professor Goff offered 2 points of extra credit if you wrote a mini essay after watching a documentary. Everyone had their first midterm grade boosted by two points because the exam took place on election day, which was more than generous.
Grade Breakdown:
Exams - 65/70
Written Assignments - 80/80
Final Grade - 145/150 (A+)
Prof Bonnie Goff is amazing. She truly cares about all her students and it's obvious that she has a passion for developmental psych. She made her lectures very engaging. I was never bored and I was excited for this class and to learn everything she had to say. I even found myself applying what I learned in my every day life because it was that interesting.
Her tests are very straightforward and she is completely understanding if something becomes a conflict.
I highly recommend this class, you won't regret taking it with Bonnie!
Prof. Goff is extremely dedicated to student learning, and very understanding and accommodating of student difficulties during coronavirus/lockdown. She talks sorta fast, but since the lectures are all recorded and she takes the last 10-15 mins of lecture to answer any questions we may have, it's not too bad. Her poll questions are helpful in applying knowledge, and her tests and assignments are fair and well-written. I would definitely take another class with her again if I could. If you need this as a major requirement or elective, then I would def recommend it with Prof. Goff! She's amazing :)
Professor Goff is not only an amazing professor, but also an amazing human being with great passion for developmental psych. She is very thorough with her explanations and she does not stop explaining a concept until you truly understand it. She is willing to make time for you, if you can't make it to office hours, she will take any moment possible to squeeze you in despite her busy schedule. Don't simply take this class just to learn about the material, try to actually talk to professor Goff because she is an intelligent, funny, kind individual who could help you figure your future out as well. Take her!
This has been my favorite class so far at UCLA. Dr. Goff is an amazing professor and has amazing lectures and uses funny and engaging examples to help students understand. I wanted to go to a lecture every day and enjoyed all of the topics I learned in this class. The hardest part is the group project just because it's hard to have others' work count as your own. Would take this class again in a heartbeat. The only downside is the class is out of 150 points which means you need to do well on the tests but they aren't hard and you can drop one of the two midterms. There is also extra credit you can earn by participating in studies on campus. Go to her office hours the day before the exam because they are very helpful. 10/10 recommend to anyone debating this class.
Professor Goff made this class one of my favorites I've ever taken at UCLA. She's thorough, kind, helpful, and super fair. There are two midterms but one is droppable. Discussion is mandatory! The final is just like the midterms, but somewhat cumulative (not really). She loves to give examples of concepts by showing videos/pictures of her kids which makes the class all the more enjoyable! Honestly, take her you will have 0 regrets and actually feel like you're learning something and having fun while doing it! Oh and bonus, all lectures are recorded so you don't really even have to show up unless you want TopHat credit which isn't required but just gives you extra credit at the end!!
Dr Goff is hilarious, the weekly writing assignments are easy and make you think, and this class helped me come to terms with a much of my inner turmoil. A very, very manageable and rewarding class that you will learn a LOT from.
Professor Goff is amazing. The exams were a little tricky but other than that this is a MUST-TAKE course. 100% would recommend.
I took this online in Fall 2020. It was an awesome class; Professor Goff unfortunately had to take a leave of absence in the middle of the quarter due to her son getting COVID-19, so Professor Scott Johnson took over briefly and the class was made asynchronous. That's about my only gripe with this class.
Other than that, 130 is pretty smooth sailing. There are NO TEXTBOOKS AT ALL: the most you'll have is to watch a short video or two that accompanies lecture. The class is out of 150 points with 2 possible extra credit points for responding to a related Netflix episode. All sections were optional; you still had homework every week in submitting a short written assignment (8 assignments worth 10 points each). The TAs have rubrics outlining exactly what to write each week though and it's moreso graded on completion and if you wrote something relevant. Midterm and final were 50 questions each and although originally they accounted for 35 points each, the lower of the two got weighed less (out of 28 points and the better scored test out of 42). I didn't do so hot on the midterm (got a 80+%) but did get a 96% on the final and clutched an A+ by scoring full points on everything else. This is one of the best Column Bs you can take!
Perhaps the most engaged I have been with lectures at UCLA. Not only is Professor Goff a great speaker (maybe a bit fast at times), but the material is interesting and she does a great job at applying it to reality.
There is one weekly homework assignment asking you to apply a concept from that week's lectures to some sort of prompt. It should never take more than half an hour to complete. The rest of the grade is based off of midterm and final exam scores. Participation is not required and the lectures are recorded.
Exam questions can be tricky because they are almost never just "recall the definition" tasks. Read the answers carefully and use process of elimination.
I highly recommend this course.
Bonnie Goff is a L E G E N D. I had such a fun time in this class. I took this class as a Cognitive Science major elective and am really glad I did. Professor Goff is engaging and super easy to understand, and she often incorporated examples from her own kids in lecture. She's also really funny! I would really recommend this class as it's fun and also small workload. Here's what the class consists of:
Every week we look at a topic in developmental psych, connecting material to past themes with examples and psych experiments. Lectures were somewhat fast paced, but you can rewatch recordings to see if you missed any. The course material is pretty clear so I never had to ask for clarifications.
The first discussion was required, but the rest were optional. Basically, they functioned as review sessions for the previous week's material. My TA was Soph, she was super kind and knowledgeable. Every week we have a written assignment where we explain and connect lecture material to our lives, and these were graded pretty easily.
We had two exams (during week 5 and during week 10), that were application-based. They weren't hard, I just rewatched lectures once to review and got a 90% on both exams. The average on both was around an 86% if I remember correctly. There's only a few tricky questions on them. Although they were multiple choice, the exams were somewhat stressful because you take them during lecture, and so you only have an hour and fifteen minutes for 50 questions.
Professor Goff offered 2 points of extra credit if you wrote a mini essay after watching a documentary. Everyone had their first midterm grade boosted by two points because the exam took place on election day, which was more than generous.
Grade Breakdown:
Exams - 65/70
Written Assignments - 80/80
Final Grade - 145/150 (A+)
Prof Bonnie Goff is amazing. She truly cares about all her students and it's obvious that she has a passion for developmental psych. She made her lectures very engaging. I was never bored and I was excited for this class and to learn everything she had to say. I even found myself applying what I learned in my every day life because it was that interesting.
Her tests are very straightforward and she is completely understanding if something becomes a conflict.
I highly recommend this class, you won't regret taking it with Bonnie!
Prof. Goff is extremely dedicated to student learning, and very understanding and accommodating of student difficulties during coronavirus/lockdown. She talks sorta fast, but since the lectures are all recorded and she takes the last 10-15 mins of lecture to answer any questions we may have, it's not too bad. Her poll questions are helpful in applying knowledge, and her tests and assignments are fair and well-written. I would definitely take another class with her again if I could. If you need this as a major requirement or elective, then I would def recommend it with Prof. Goff! She's amazing :)
Based on 66 Users
- Uses Slides (50)
- Engaging Lectures (46)
- Often Funny (38)
- Gives Extra Credit (43)
- Would Take Again (47)
- Is Podcasted (36)