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- Bonnie Goff
- PSYCH 133D
Based on 5 Users
- Engaging Lectures
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Grading scheme for this class is: exam 1 - 40 points, exam 2 - 40 points, exam 3 - 40 points, in class written assignments (12 of 15) - 60 points total, final paper (2 pages double spaced) - 20 points. The exams were all MCQ and pretty fair, but some questions were trickily written in a way where multiple answers could be genuinely aruged as correct. Exams are not cumulative. Dr. Goff records audio only of lectures and shows a lot of videos in class that are tested on exams. She also requires attendance through a short written assignment at the end of each class meeting (I believe she also mentioned that she tracks the location of where the assignments are submitted from) so there's not really a way to skip this class and I would really recommend attending in person. She provides 10-15 minutes in class to get the assignment done. There weren't really any readings for this class. The first midterm was made online due to the LA fires and the final was online as well (no lockdown browser or proctoring.) Dr. Goff is a wonderful, engaging lecturer and I think she's really approachable/easy to talk to. This class is pretty easy and relatively interesting, and it doesn't require an insane amount of work to get an A. I would recommend taking it.
Dr. Goff is an incredible professor. She has really engaging lectures and has a lot of open conversations with students in class. She also has a lot of respect for her students and is super accommodating and understanding. There's a short reflection assignment after each lecture but it was really simple and usually just about relating your own experiences to course material. Exams were very straightforward and drew directly from lecture material.
Professor Goff was my favorite professor of Fall 2023. She was funny and caring and so smart. I learned so much from this class, but it was never hard or unfair. The workload was very manageable, no take home assignments, only in class work. The tests were really fair. All based off of the slides. She took off questions if the majority got it wrong or if someone told her it felt like a trick question. She was super approachable and very understanding.
Bonnie is an amazing professor, and this was overall a great class! It was her first time teaching this class, so a few things changed over the course of the quarter but we had one midterm and one final, both of which were multiple choice 40 questions, and the final was during week 10 instead of finals week. She uses slides with a lot of words, likes to show videos/documentaries, and records AUDIO ONLY to post on BruinLearn for review/if you can't make class. For this class she also used TopHat for participation/extra credit. The grading was a points system rather than a weighted average: 40 points midterm, 40 points final, 40 points total for short writing assignments due after every class, and 2 quizzes each worth 10 points. The writing assignments were 250 reflection assignments due at the end of the day each day that we had class and were easy to do. Our first quiz was based on a short research paper that we read for homework and was open note online. I think that quiz was easy, but we had a lot of technical issues so we didnt' have an official second quiz following that format but rather just provided feedback to Bonnie for the course - not sure if she will keep quizzes in the format of the class next time she teaches it. I found the wording of some of her exam questions tricky, which was interesting since I took 134J with her at the same time and found those exams to be very straightforward. However, she does give free points for questions that less than 50% of the class answers correctly, which is really helpful. Overall, very interesting content about personality and a reasonable workload so I definitely recommend!!
Grading scheme for this class is: exam 1 - 40 points, exam 2 - 40 points, exam 3 - 40 points, in class written assignments (12 of 15) - 60 points total, final paper (2 pages double spaced) - 20 points. The exams were all MCQ and pretty fair, but some questions were trickily written in a way where multiple answers could be genuinely aruged as correct. Exams are not cumulative. Dr. Goff records audio only of lectures and shows a lot of videos in class that are tested on exams. She also requires attendance through a short written assignment at the end of each class meeting (I believe she also mentioned that she tracks the location of where the assignments are submitted from) so there's not really a way to skip this class and I would really recommend attending in person. She provides 10-15 minutes in class to get the assignment done. There weren't really any readings for this class. The first midterm was made online due to the LA fires and the final was online as well (no lockdown browser or proctoring.) Dr. Goff is a wonderful, engaging lecturer and I think she's really approachable/easy to talk to. This class is pretty easy and relatively interesting, and it doesn't require an insane amount of work to get an A. I would recommend taking it.
Dr. Goff is an incredible professor. She has really engaging lectures and has a lot of open conversations with students in class. She also has a lot of respect for her students and is super accommodating and understanding. There's a short reflection assignment after each lecture but it was really simple and usually just about relating your own experiences to course material. Exams were very straightforward and drew directly from lecture material.
Professor Goff was my favorite professor of Fall 2023. She was funny and caring and so smart. I learned so much from this class, but it was never hard or unfair. The workload was very manageable, no take home assignments, only in class work. The tests were really fair. All based off of the slides. She took off questions if the majority got it wrong or if someone told her it felt like a trick question. She was super approachable and very understanding.
Bonnie is an amazing professor, and this was overall a great class! It was her first time teaching this class, so a few things changed over the course of the quarter but we had one midterm and one final, both of which were multiple choice 40 questions, and the final was during week 10 instead of finals week. She uses slides with a lot of words, likes to show videos/documentaries, and records AUDIO ONLY to post on BruinLearn for review/if you can't make class. For this class she also used TopHat for participation/extra credit. The grading was a points system rather than a weighted average: 40 points midterm, 40 points final, 40 points total for short writing assignments due after every class, and 2 quizzes each worth 10 points. The writing assignments were 250 reflection assignments due at the end of the day each day that we had class and were easy to do. Our first quiz was based on a short research paper that we read for homework and was open note online. I think that quiz was easy, but we had a lot of technical issues so we didnt' have an official second quiz following that format but rather just provided feedback to Bonnie for the course - not sure if she will keep quizzes in the format of the class next time she teaches it. I found the wording of some of her exam questions tricky, which was interesting since I took 134J with her at the same time and found those exams to be very straightforward. However, she does give free points for questions that less than 50% of the class answers correctly, which is really helpful. Overall, very interesting content about personality and a reasonable workload so I definitely recommend!!
Based on 5 Users
- Engaging Lectures (4)