Brooke Scelza
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - Literally such an easy upper div if you just need upper div units. There's one midterm, one final, one argument paper, and 2 article reviews that you do in discussion that are dummy easy. There's no readings except for two articles that you pick and the material is exactly super interesting. Both my TA and the professor were really nice and easygoing though, so idk maybe that's why I never once shed a tear from this class. You just need to go to lecture and pay attention and take notes, the concepts are interesting and not hard. I'd take a class with Scelza any day she's cool and the classes are well structured, also the exams are multiple choice mostly with like 3 one-paragraph short answers, true/false, and fill-in-the-blanks.
Winter 2019 - Literally such an easy upper div if you just need upper div units. There's one midterm, one final, one argument paper, and 2 article reviews that you do in discussion that are dummy easy. There's no readings except for two articles that you pick and the material is exactly super interesting. Both my TA and the professor were really nice and easygoing though, so idk maybe that's why I never once shed a tear from this class. You just need to go to lecture and pay attention and take notes, the concepts are interesting and not hard. I'd take a class with Scelza any day she's cool and the classes are well structured, also the exams are multiple choice mostly with like 3 one-paragraph short answers, true/false, and fill-in-the-blanks.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - Dr. Scleza was an incredible professor who did very well even without a TA (though she absolutely deserved a couple). Her lectures were packed with information and she was very clear and accessible in the way that she presented. She left out superfluous topics, jargon, and information in order to clarify and emphasize the course topics, but she was not unwilling to delve further when prompted. She is very clearly knowledgable and passionate about her research, her work, and this class. This was one of my favorite classes I have ever taken. She gave us 4 quizzes and dropped the lowest grade. The quizzes were very 10 multiple choice questions and were very easy if you just pay attention in lecture. Her slides are quite hefty and definitely need her translation, especially for the case studies, so try to make it to class. If you can't it would be helpful to attend office hours just to gain clarity on some slides. She is super helpful and approachable. There was a final paper, but it was easy and fun!
Winter 2023 - Dr. Scleza was an incredible professor who did very well even without a TA (though she absolutely deserved a couple). Her lectures were packed with information and she was very clear and accessible in the way that she presented. She left out superfluous topics, jargon, and information in order to clarify and emphasize the course topics, but she was not unwilling to delve further when prompted. She is very clearly knowledgable and passionate about her research, her work, and this class. This was one of my favorite classes I have ever taken. She gave us 4 quizzes and dropped the lowest grade. The quizzes were very 10 multiple choice questions and were very easy if you just pay attention in lecture. Her slides are quite hefty and definitely need her translation, especially for the case studies, so try to make it to class. If you can't it would be helpful to attend office hours just to gain clarity on some slides. She is super helpful and approachable. There was a final paper, but it was easy and fun!