
Calin Martin

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Easiness 2.2/ 5
Clarity 2.5/ 5
Workload 2.2/ 5
Helpfulness 1.5/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Martin will not be the worst math professor you will ever have. Unlike some of the previous reviewers, I never had any idea what was going on in lecture, probably because his monotone voice lulled be into boredom -- which is of course, not his fault. But when I did pay attention I found that some of the concepts were simply jus not very well explained. I always taught myself the math later when I was doing the homeworks. Thats another thing actually -- the homework. I actually really enjoyed his pace on the homework. Having had a professor who only enjoyed proof problems the previous quarter, most of Martin's assigned problems were straightforward. What I appreciated the most was that he didn't assignment homework the first week of class or 10th week. So thank you Martin, that was nice of you. To get an A in his class, you just need to be able to do the hardest problems in each of the sections -- if you can do that, and actually understand the material at least somewhat, you should be fine and way ahead of the rest of the class. I think the curves are pretty generous, especially when I thought I failed the second midterm and ended up coming out with a score 11 points over the average. I don't know what the minimum requirements for an A were, but for the first midterm I had 15 points over the average, second 11, and for the final, 64 points above the average. The best advice I can give you is do not get low scores on the the midterms! If you do, then the final will end up being 65% of your grade, and thats a chance you probably don't want to take.
Easiness 2.3/ 5
Clarity 2.2/ 5
Workload 2.5/ 5
Helpfulness 1.5/ 5
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