
Charley Harrison

Overall Ratings
Based on 144 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (144)

12 of 12
12 of 12
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July 2, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A

This was a great GE for me to take my first quarter at UCLA, it was low stress and was an easy A. Just make sure you listen to the songs in advance, I usually listened to them on the way to class. Although his lectures do get a little boring sometimes, it's still very interesting to learn about. And I really learned to like jazz after taking this class.


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April 2, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A-

Selling textbooks. Message me. **********


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Dec. 15, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

sell Ethnomu50A (Charley Harrison) Course Reader for $15 !!!
text ********** if you are interested


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Dec. 15, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+

This class is SUPER easy. The discussions are mandatory, so show up, and the TAs and the information are actually pretty cool. The lecture itself is super boring though, the professor is great but the lecture style was not my favorite. I barely went to lecture and did not buy the materials and did just fine. I dont know if the material is helpful, but you can survive without it. Just be sure to GO TO THE TEST BANK for the midterm and study hard for the final. The final is just memorization of a bunch of terms, so go on quizlet and work your magic. The essays are okay-- just make sure to actually do them. The songs are good! The first set was a little harder for me, just be sure to identify something at the beginning of the song and youll be golden. (for the song part of the exams) Overall, I really didn't like this class that much but it was so easy that I appreciated it as a fourth class. Take this if you want an easy A!


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Dec. 22, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+

Harrison's favorite line to use is "short story long" which is essentially how he conducts lecture. He includes a lot of unnecessary background info (such as dates and hometowns) on a lot of the musical figures. Study the midterms in the test bank and study the quizlets and GoogleDocs for the final and you'll get an A. Discussions are mandatory but completely useless depending on which TA you get. Two 4-5 page papers, just need good organization and some semblance of understanding of the content. Check books out from the library early so you aren't fighting with other students for sources. Selling the course reader, brand new condition, no markings in the text. **********


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Dec. 24, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+

Debatably the easiest GE you can take at UCLA. The test bank midterm was "hint hint" very, very similar to the one you will probably take - participation for the 1st half of the course was in consequence not really that necessary to attend for notes. The final however is not at the test bank, so make sure to attend lecture then or find notes elsewhere. The papers are typically an easy grade if effort is shown, and they're not BS. The textbook is really useless for the class since you can't cite it for papers and the info on tests are from lectures anyways. The course reader is useful for the 1st paper if you need some sources since you can cite it.


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
July 2, 2017

This was a great GE for me to take my first quarter at UCLA, it was low stress and was an easy A. Just make sure you listen to the songs in advance, I usually listened to them on the way to class. Although his lectures do get a little boring sometimes, it's still very interesting to learn about. And I really learned to like jazz after taking this class.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A-
April 2, 2018

Selling textbooks. Message me. **********


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Dec. 15, 2017

sell Ethnomu50A (Charley Harrison) Course Reader for $15 !!!
text ********** if you are interested


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+
Dec. 15, 2017

This class is SUPER easy. The discussions are mandatory, so show up, and the TAs and the information are actually pretty cool. The lecture itself is super boring though, the professor is great but the lecture style was not my favorite. I barely went to lecture and did not buy the materials and did just fine. I dont know if the material is helpful, but you can survive without it. Just be sure to GO TO THE TEST BANK for the midterm and study hard for the final. The final is just memorization of a bunch of terms, so go on quizlet and work your magic. The essays are okay-- just make sure to actually do them. The songs are good! The first set was a little harder for me, just be sure to identify something at the beginning of the song and youll be golden. (for the song part of the exams) Overall, I really didn't like this class that much but it was so easy that I appreciated it as a fourth class. Take this if you want an easy A!


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+
Dec. 22, 2017

Harrison's favorite line to use is "short story long" which is essentially how he conducts lecture. He includes a lot of unnecessary background info (such as dates and hometowns) on a lot of the musical figures. Study the midterms in the test bank and study the quizlets and GoogleDocs for the final and you'll get an A. Discussions are mandatory but completely useless depending on which TA you get. Two 4-5 page papers, just need good organization and some semblance of understanding of the content. Check books out from the library early so you aren't fighting with other students for sources. Selling the course reader, brand new condition, no markings in the text. **********


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+
Dec. 24, 2017

Debatably the easiest GE you can take at UCLA. The test bank midterm was "hint hint" very, very similar to the one you will probably take - participation for the 1st half of the course was in consequence not really that necessary to attend for notes. The final however is not at the test bank, so make sure to attend lecture then or find notes elsewhere. The papers are typically an easy grade if effort is shown, and they're not BS. The textbook is really useless for the class since you can't cite it for papers and the info on tests are from lectures anyways. The course reader is useful for the 1st paper if you need some sources since you can cite it.


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12 of 12

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