
Charley Harrison

Overall Ratings
Based on 144 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (144)

7 of 12
7 of 12
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June 29, 2009
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Okay. I took this class because of what other people wrote here about 50A, not 50B (since 50B was a new class). The thing is 50B consists of A LOT of names you have to memorize. This class is purely based on memorization. I thought it would be easy but, seriously, if you have to know about 100 persons with their specific instrument, a few songs each, and is not the easiest thing. And seriously, how entertaining can ethnomusicology get? Of course, some music we listened to seemed fun and interesting, but it's not worth it, in my opinion. So basically, if you are looking for a easy GE course, don't take 50B, but take 50A!


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Dec. 15, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

TAKE IT!!!!!!

All you have to do is basically memorize musicians and their instruments as well as little facts he tells you in class. There are also songs you have to memorize as well. He's a super nice guy, very down to Earth. There are also 2 papers and 1 performance report but they're so easy it's a joke!

My grades:
Paper 1: 92%
Paper 2: 99%
Performance Report: 100%
Midterm: 100%
Final: 99%

I only studied ONE DAY prior to the test!


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Dec. 4, 2009
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

THIS CLASS IS NOT AS EASY AS OTHERS ARE SAYING IT IS! I went into this class hoping to get a break from the two other chem classes I am taking, but I found that this class is no cake walk. For each midterm, I had to memorize about 100 musicians and the specific instrument they played... and this was only half of the exam. The rest was half based on the textbook (over $100 at the Ackerman Store) and his lectures. There was a lot of reading to do... about 4 chapters per week. There was sooo much information. My TA graded my essays very strictly. She is a jazz major for the graduate program and knows just as much as the professor. I would even go on to say that this class is hard.


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June 11, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Relatively easy class. Tons of names to memorize. Get AJ Kluth for your TA. He is a great guy and very helpful.
Selling Textbook and Course Reader for best deal you can find. I'll even throw in couple study guides I made. Text **********


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March 31, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

this class is super easy. the first two or three lectures were interesting, but after that they just got boring. take good notes in class since you cannot get them from the book. you have to do two papers and a concert report, which are super easy if you get going and get feedback from your TA. they will basically tell you what to change to get an A+. also, attendance in discussion is part of your grade, so go even if its boring. totally recommend this class though. the final is not cummulative and is during tenth week, and you need like 2 nights to study for the midterm and final. one to memorize the songs for it, and one to memorize names and instruments. its kind of a lot of names, but make flash cards and you'll be fine. the TAs give out study guides, so just learn the names on there. SUPER EASYYYY! take it.


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Sept. 8, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Harrison is one of the best professors that I've had at UCLA. He makes everything interesting and even says corny jokes and then laughs at himself. He made jazz super interesting (I was never ever interested in it before) and I even grew to appreciate it. The class is pretty easy but there is a handful of musicians and facts to memorize. Just don't cram everything and you'll be fine. The test is multiple choice and the papers are super easy because the topics are super broad. TAKE THIS CLASS :D One of the easiest GEs everrrrrrrr.

ALSO, I'm selling the course reader for this calss. I got it for $50 but I'm selling it for $30. Any takers?? :)


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Nov. 12, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A




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June 17, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Harrison is a great professor who legitimately cares about your learning. Everything you need to know in the class is taught in lecture, so you DO NOT have to buy the textbook. That's a plus.

He's very funny and understands what he's lecturing. Just pay attention in class and take GOOD NOTES (write down everything he says). Come midterm/final, create a spreadsheet of all the musicians with their style, instrument, and band. Memorize that spreadsheet, re-read your notes, and you'll do well.


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Dec. 12, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Super easy class. Just one audition in the beginning of the year and you're in if you actually know how to play! Fun overall; great experiences to be had. This is where it's at.


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June 4, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

The class is straightforward. Its pretty much all memorization. You have to memorize musicians by the time periods they played in and what instrument they played. You also will have to read the book to get more facts for the midterm and final because the professor didn't cover them in class. Essay wise, the grading will vary, sometimes greatly, depending on which TA you have. I recommend AJ Kluth or Alex Rodriguez. They will help out a lot. I am almost certain the negative reviewers below had a bad TA. Overall, this is definitely one of the easiest GE's.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 29, 2009

Okay. I took this class because of what other people wrote here about 50A, not 50B (since 50B was a new class). The thing is 50B consists of A LOT of names you have to memorize. This class is purely based on memorization. I thought it would be easy but, seriously, if you have to know about 100 persons with their specific instrument, a few songs each, and is not the easiest thing. And seriously, how entertaining can ethnomusicology get? Of course, some music we listened to seemed fun and interesting, but it's not worth it, in my opinion. So basically, if you are looking for a easy GE course, don't take 50B, but take 50A!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 15, 2011

TAKE IT!!!!!!

All you have to do is basically memorize musicians and their instruments as well as little facts he tells you in class. There are also songs you have to memorize as well. He's a super nice guy, very down to Earth. There are also 2 papers and 1 performance report but they're so easy it's a joke!

My grades:
Paper 1: 92%
Paper 2: 99%
Performance Report: 100%
Midterm: 100%
Final: 99%

I only studied ONE DAY prior to the test!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 4, 2009

THIS CLASS IS NOT AS EASY AS OTHERS ARE SAYING IT IS! I went into this class hoping to get a break from the two other chem classes I am taking, but I found that this class is no cake walk. For each midterm, I had to memorize about 100 musicians and the specific instrument they played... and this was only half of the exam. The rest was half based on the textbook (over $100 at the Ackerman Store) and his lectures. There was a lot of reading to do... about 4 chapters per week. There was sooo much information. My TA graded my essays very strictly. She is a jazz major for the graduate program and knows just as much as the professor. I would even go on to say that this class is hard.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 11, 2014

Relatively easy class. Tons of names to memorize. Get AJ Kluth for your TA. He is a great guy and very helpful.
Selling Textbook and Course Reader for best deal you can find. I'll even throw in couple study guides I made. Text **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 31, 2010

this class is super easy. the first two or three lectures were interesting, but after that they just got boring. take good notes in class since you cannot get them from the book. you have to do two papers and a concert report, which are super easy if you get going and get feedback from your TA. they will basically tell you what to change to get an A+. also, attendance in discussion is part of your grade, so go even if its boring. totally recommend this class though. the final is not cummulative and is during tenth week, and you need like 2 nights to study for the midterm and final. one to memorize the songs for it, and one to memorize names and instruments. its kind of a lot of names, but make flash cards and you'll be fine. the TAs give out study guides, so just learn the names on there. SUPER EASYYYY! take it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 8, 2012

Professor Harrison is one of the best professors that I've had at UCLA. He makes everything interesting and even says corny jokes and then laughs at himself. He made jazz super interesting (I was never ever interested in it before) and I even grew to appreciate it. The class is pretty easy but there is a handful of musicians and facts to memorize. Just don't cram everything and you'll be fine. The test is multiple choice and the papers are super easy because the topics are super broad. TAKE THIS CLASS :D One of the easiest GEs everrrrrrrr.

ALSO, I'm selling the course reader for this calss. I got it for $50 but I'm selling it for $30. Any takers?? :)


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 12, 2012




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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 17, 2013

Professor Harrison is a great professor who legitimately cares about your learning. Everything you need to know in the class is taught in lecture, so you DO NOT have to buy the textbook. That's a plus.

He's very funny and understands what he's lecturing. Just pay attention in class and take GOOD NOTES (write down everything he says). Come midterm/final, create a spreadsheet of all the musicians with their style, instrument, and band. Memorize that spreadsheet, re-read your notes, and you'll do well.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 12, 2015

Super easy class. Just one audition in the beginning of the year and you're in if you actually know how to play! Fun overall; great experiences to be had. This is where it's at.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 4, 2015

The class is straightforward. Its pretty much all memorization. You have to memorize musicians by the time periods they played in and what instrument they played. You also will have to read the book to get more facts for the midterm and final because the professor didn't cover them in class. Essay wise, the grading will vary, sometimes greatly, depending on which TA you have. I recommend AJ Kluth or Alex Rodriguez. They will help out a lot. I am almost certain the negative reviewers below had a bad TA. Overall, this is definitely one of the easiest GE's.


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7 of 12

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