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- Chuc V Bui
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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The workload for Thay Quyen Di's upper division classes is very very light compared to the workload for his lower division classes. In the upper division classes, all you have to do to get an A is show up to class, let him ramble about whatever Vietnamese novel he wants to ramble about, then write two short papers and make two skits/videos. The first paper (about 1-2 pages double spaced) is for your midterm, and the last one (also 1-2 pages double spaced) is for your final. You just have to write about anything you learned in class. It's ok if your grammar isn't perfect and stuff---as long as you write the paper, you get the A. He is a wonderfully easy-going teacher. Reminds me of a gentle grandpa. He brings food and stuffies during midterm week and finals week. There are many students who take advantage of his easiness and will only show up to less than half the classes. This class is an easy A---the least you can do is show up to class. He really just wants to teach some kids about all the Vietnamese books and poems that he's into.
The workload for Thay Quyen Di's upper division classes is very very light compared to the workload for his lower division classes. In the upper division classes, all you have to do to get an A is show up to class, let him ramble about whatever Vietnamese novel he wants to ramble about, then write two short papers and make two skits/videos. The first paper (about 1-2 pages double spaced) is for your midterm, and the last one (also 1-2 pages double spaced) is for your final. You just have to write about anything you learned in class. It's ok if your grammar isn't perfect and stuff---as long as you write the paper, you get the A. He is a wonderfully easy-going teacher. Reminds me of a gentle grandpa. He brings food and stuffies during midterm week and finals week. There are many students who take advantage of his easiness and will only show up to less than half the classes. This class is an easy A---the least you can do is show up to class. He really just wants to teach some kids about all the Vietnamese books and poems that he's into.
Based on 1 User
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