Collins Odhiambo
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - Collins Odhiambo is unfit for a classroom. He has issues communicating clearly and struggles to comprehend and answer basic questions posed by students. He and his TA do not communicate well so there are often discrepancies that hinder the learning experience as a student. I quickly realized his lectures were not worth attending and that missing lectures does not set you behind at all because the actual math is easy enough to learn when doing homework. Odhiambo's other big issue is that he frequently creates problems with errors on the homework and the quizzes, which will trip you up and waste time. There were easily 3-4 errors per quiz, for which you would have to wait for them to be corrected. The grade is comprised as such: Homework (20%): Homeworks were somewhat long with sometimes upwards of 6 multi-part questions but for the most part not too bad. In my opinion, Odhiambo did have too many homework assignments, at a total of 9. This meant that there were homework assignments due at the end of Thanksgiving break and at the end of week 10, right before finals. These homework assignments frequently contained subject matter not taught in the course and the TA had to step in on the first assignment to get Odhiambo to change the content. Homework was graded for accuracy on each problem so it was easy to miss points on each problem. Lowest homework dropped. Quizzes (20%): The quizzes were much easier than the homework. You also had two guesses so you could pretty much guarantee full credit each time. The main problem with the quizzes was the numerous errors per quiz, but the TA would tell you the answer if you explained the problem to him. Lowest quiz dropped. Midterm (30%): The midterm was completely online and asynchronous during a 24 hour period. It was not difficult and because it was open book and open note, the questions were easy to answer. I believe close to 50% of the class got the full 100/100. Final (30%): Closed-note and in person. The final ended up being pretty easy but he did make us memorize the derivation of 7 means for the final. He offered 0.5% extra credit but put it in as 0.5/0.5 so everyone's grade increased by ~0.02% instead of 0.5% and refused to change it when asked about it. While this class is by no means difficult to earn an A in, I would advise against it as your knowledge of statistics and probability will not really grow and your learning experience with Odhiambo will be unpleasant.
Fall 2023 - Collins Odhiambo is unfit for a classroom. He has issues communicating clearly and struggles to comprehend and answer basic questions posed by students. He and his TA do not communicate well so there are often discrepancies that hinder the learning experience as a student. I quickly realized his lectures were not worth attending and that missing lectures does not set you behind at all because the actual math is easy enough to learn when doing homework. Odhiambo's other big issue is that he frequently creates problems with errors on the homework and the quizzes, which will trip you up and waste time. There were easily 3-4 errors per quiz, for which you would have to wait for them to be corrected. The grade is comprised as such: Homework (20%): Homeworks were somewhat long with sometimes upwards of 6 multi-part questions but for the most part not too bad. In my opinion, Odhiambo did have too many homework assignments, at a total of 9. This meant that there were homework assignments due at the end of Thanksgiving break and at the end of week 10, right before finals. These homework assignments frequently contained subject matter not taught in the course and the TA had to step in on the first assignment to get Odhiambo to change the content. Homework was graded for accuracy on each problem so it was easy to miss points on each problem. Lowest homework dropped. Quizzes (20%): The quizzes were much easier than the homework. You also had two guesses so you could pretty much guarantee full credit each time. The main problem with the quizzes was the numerous errors per quiz, but the TA would tell you the answer if you explained the problem to him. Lowest quiz dropped. Midterm (30%): The midterm was completely online and asynchronous during a 24 hour period. It was not difficult and because it was open book and open note, the questions were easy to answer. I believe close to 50% of the class got the full 100/100. Final (30%): Closed-note and in person. The final ended up being pretty easy but he did make us memorize the derivation of 7 means for the final. He offered 0.5% extra credit but put it in as 0.5/0.5 so everyone's grade increased by ~0.02% instead of 0.5% and refused to change it when asked about it. While this class is by no means difficult to earn an A in, I would advise against it as your knowledge of statistics and probability will not really grow and your learning experience with Odhiambo will be unpleasant.