
Dale Kim

Overall Ratings
Based on 17 Users
Easiness 4.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (17)

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Dec. 5, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B

Professor Kim is an AMAZING professor!!! I will literally always recommend him to anyone taking stats 13 in the future. I can tell he truly cares for his students and their ability to learn as well as their overall success in the course. He is probably one of the best STEM professors at UCLA who is genuine and has passion for his work and doesn't disregard that some students learn differently than others. He isn't at all like other STEM professors who could care less about the students success and only about teaching the class and doing research. The class exams were very fair and related to the material learned in the course. He provides resources, such as practice problems and multiple examples to ensure the success of his student's learning. He is also often funny and really approachable. I came into this class with not a very strong background in statistics and I'm telling you, I not only learned statistics, but UNDERSTOOD statistics through him. For clarity, I received an 11/20 on his midterm and went to talk to him during office hours to discuss how I could still ensure my success in his class and he was so understanding, validating and willing to work with me. literally a 10/10 professor. I can tell he's genuinely a good person outside of teaching. I normally don't care to write evaluations but I was literally so excited to write this review and talk about how good of a professor he is lol. That should tell you something!


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Jan. 31, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

Kim is pretty funny, but the lectures are pretty long and he doesn't have any lecture slides or anything. He basically writes on the chalkboard the entire time while talking very theoretically about stats which made it kind of hard to focus. Lecture and discussions are recorded and non mandatory which is amazing. Labs are gone through in the recorded discussions as well so pretty easy to get 100% on those... only thing was that I turned in Lab 1 in the wrong format and he has a policy of not allowing any late work or resubmissions no matter the scenario. So I got a 0 from Lab 1, however he does give 5% extra credit so it evened out. He gives practice homework and practice exams before all the homework and tests are due, which are very similar to the actual tests and homework.


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April 13, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

One of the best classes at UCLA. Definitely easy to get an A but I heavily relied on my note sheet for exams. I got 100% on homework and labs. For those assignments I often collaborated and checked answers with people on GroupMe. The workload was manageable. He is also so so so funny!!!


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April 3, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Take this class with Professor Kim if you can.
Grades were composed of: midterm, final (wasn't cumulative), homework, labs.
Lectures: Recorded, must watch or attend because he does not post his notes and there is no textbook or slides.
Homework: took like 1 hour and had example problems you could directly follow the steps for, lowest dropped
Labs: super easy coding, TA and lab manual basically walks you through them
Exams: Multiple choice and you were allowed to bring 1 cheat sheet (so helpful, highly recommend you put examples and equations on it, you learn A LOT of different tests with different steps). Because they were multiple choice, it was super important to double check your math. There is a practice exam given and it is basically the same as the exam (tests the same concepts pretty much).
Class is designed for success. Put in effort but it is hard to not do well if you're doing the basics.


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April 1, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+

Prof Kim sounds exactly like a professor from an early 2000s college movie. He explains the concepts very well and makes them easy to understand. There are an extra 5% built into the grading scheme, so it's out of 105% instead of out of 100%. Overall, I very very very much recommend taking Prof Kim for Stats 13 if you can


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B
Dec. 5, 2023

Professor Kim is an AMAZING professor!!! I will literally always recommend him to anyone taking stats 13 in the future. I can tell he truly cares for his students and their ability to learn as well as their overall success in the course. He is probably one of the best STEM professors at UCLA who is genuine and has passion for his work and doesn't disregard that some students learn differently than others. He isn't at all like other STEM professors who could care less about the students success and only about teaching the class and doing research. The class exams were very fair and related to the material learned in the course. He provides resources, such as practice problems and multiple examples to ensure the success of his student's learning. He is also often funny and really approachable. I came into this class with not a very strong background in statistics and I'm telling you, I not only learned statistics, but UNDERSTOOD statistics through him. For clarity, I received an 11/20 on his midterm and went to talk to him during office hours to discuss how I could still ensure my success in his class and he was so understanding, validating and willing to work with me. literally a 10/10 professor. I can tell he's genuinely a good person outside of teaching. I normally don't care to write evaluations but I was literally so excited to write this review and talk about how good of a professor he is lol. That should tell you something!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 31, 2024

Kim is pretty funny, but the lectures are pretty long and he doesn't have any lecture slides or anything. He basically writes on the chalkboard the entire time while talking very theoretically about stats which made it kind of hard to focus. Lecture and discussions are recorded and non mandatory which is amazing. Labs are gone through in the recorded discussions as well so pretty easy to get 100% on those... only thing was that I turned in Lab 1 in the wrong format and he has a policy of not allowing any late work or resubmissions no matter the scenario. So I got a 0 from Lab 1, however he does give 5% extra credit so it evened out. He gives practice homework and practice exams before all the homework and tests are due, which are very similar to the actual tests and homework.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 13, 2024

One of the best classes at UCLA. Definitely easy to get an A but I heavily relied on my note sheet for exams. I got 100% on homework and labs. For those assignments I often collaborated and checked answers with people on GroupMe. The workload was manageable. He is also so so so funny!!!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 3, 2024

Take this class with Professor Kim if you can.
Grades were composed of: midterm, final (wasn't cumulative), homework, labs.
Lectures: Recorded, must watch or attend because he does not post his notes and there is no textbook or slides.
Homework: took like 1 hour and had example problems you could directly follow the steps for, lowest dropped
Labs: super easy coding, TA and lab manual basically walks you through them
Exams: Multiple choice and you were allowed to bring 1 cheat sheet (so helpful, highly recommend you put examples and equations on it, you learn A LOT of different tests with different steps). Because they were multiple choice, it was super important to double check your math. There is a practice exam given and it is basically the same as the exam (tests the same concepts pretty much).
Class is designed for success. Put in effort but it is hard to not do well if you're doing the basics.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
April 1, 2024

Prof Kim sounds exactly like a professor from an early 2000s college movie. He explains the concepts very well and makes them easy to understand. There are an extra 5% built into the grading scheme, so it's out of 105% instead of out of 100%. Overall, I very very very much recommend taking Prof Kim for Stats 13 if you can


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