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Daniel Snelson
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Senior coming back to drop a review on my favorite class. When I took electronic lit, ChatGPT had just launched to the public. Snelson was the first professor I had that addressed it, he changed the entire course to focus on learning about generative AI, critiquing it, understanding how it works, understanding what it means for our careers, for language and art overall.
If you want to work in writing, or archiving, or an artistic field, or anything the English major sets you up for, you NEED to really take the time to understand and properly critique AI. It's a fact of the industry now, and higher education at large hasn't caught up to that yet. I personally really dislike genAI but I recommend this class to everyone because it's just extremely relevant and useful.
Also, Snelson is very cool, gracious, and smart. If you like a more open-ended, creatively driven course, you'll enjoy this and find it relatively easy.
I LOVED Introduction to Graphic Fiction. This class is a GE that I highly, highly recommend to any students who want to take an engaging GE and actually enjoy it. It is a class about comics/anime/manga. Even though it seems really simple, this was my favorite class because it was funny but also really thought-provoking simultaneously. Our lectures would sometimes consist of funny activities (we started off class with a Virtual Kissing Simulator once) and sporadically, there would be guest speakers who came to talk about their own comics and the writing processes. We also would watch videos about different famous comics in class. Attendance was taken for each lecture, but it was in a fun way: doodles were mandatory in order to get attendance points (and if the professor likes the doodle, then he could put it on the board next class!). I will say that the workload was not a complete breeze, as there are long comics assigned for homework (but reading comics for homework is really not bad at all). You also need to write a short reflection (can be literally 4 sentences) about your thoughts on the comics you read for the two weekly prompts, called "reaction comics." Professor Snelson is an awesome, fun, engaging and really intelligent lecturer. The final project is completely and entirely open-ended (the only guideline is that it is a creative piece of work and that effort is put in), but what you decide to create is completely up to you and encourages creativity. I got really creative with this class and got an A for it, so if you want to have fun while learning and not have to worry about doing too much work, take this GE!
I fear I peaked too early in my UCLA classes with Intro to Graphic Fiction. It's a breath of fresh air for all the classes with strict expectations because this class encourages subverting expectations. There are so many fun aspects of this class like having the class on discord, exploring a truly diverse array of sequential media (I say this because we reviewed both comics and games), submitting doodles for attendance, and drawing without the fear of being judged for not being a "good artist," but I must emphasize Professor Snelson's contribution to the reason why I enjoyed this class so much. You can tell from his lectures that he is truly passionate about the specific effect comics have on storytelling. It's hard not to follow the enthusiasm for the class with someone teaching like that. Grade-wise, it's not very stressful. The class is structured for you to learn by experience. So as long as you come to lectures (even if you don't there are make up assignments) and you sincerely try to apply what the class tries to teach, you'll do well. TLDR; I HIGHLY recommend this class to anyone either in need of a GE, major credit, or just wants to have a fun class that opens your eyes to the storytelling skill of comics.
Professor Snelson is the best prof I've had at UCLA. He is compassionate, brilliant and engaging. Even if you have no interest in A.I., I would strongly recommend taking this class for an easy A and a fun/relaxing class atmosphere.
Attendance is taken at every lecture and discussion. You have to do a makeup assignment where you summarize an article you find related to that week's material if you miss. Class is extremely chill tho. Annoying reaction comics due before every lecture (2x a week), but if you do them and don't let them pile up then it's super easy and will take an hour MAX to do each one. You're supposed to read an entire new comic book that he assigns for each assignment and then make a reaction to it with whatever prompt is given, but I didn't read any of them and was fine. We did the class through Discord, so everyone sends their assignments in the same chat and you can just look at everyone's examples. If you let them pile up, it'll be the death of you tho. No midterm or any other assignments besides a final, which was an extremely open format project, where you can pretty much make anything creative, deliver a sequential argument, and demonstrate concepts from class (you dont have to know any). Occasional group assignments during class for attendance assignment, but they arent hard. Snelson and TAs are very understanding with personal circumstances and tolerate late work (A LOT). I turned in all my assignments during finals week and got an A. I saw a lot of people turn their finals in late but I wouldn't recommend. Syllabus: https://meta.humspace.ucla.edu/intro-to-comics-2023/ Grade Distribution: Attendance 20%, Final 20%, Final Project 20%, Discussion Participation 20% (easy), Reaction Comic Assignments 20%, Discord Server Interactions 20% (you just have to respond to two people's reaction comic assignments then put anything random is another channel-extremely minimal effort). DEFINITELY RECOMMEND!!!!!!!
ENGL 91D is one of the best courses I've taken here - I recommend this class to anyone if you're looking for a GE, especially if you're interested in quirky literature and comics! Prof. Snelson has a genuine passion for the content and integrates fun games and interactiveness into lectures. The late lecture time was honestly worth the easiness of the class - I never felt stressed from this class and honestly enjoyed the readings. Assignments were readings of a graphic novel per lecture and a final project at the end of the quarter with a lot of creative freedom. We used Discord to communicate and send in our final project. Super laidback, fun, and you learn a lot.
Professor Snelson deserves some ratings. Don't think, just take him! If you're looking for an avant-garde/unconventional English class, this is a great option. I also would take Electronic Literature with him because I loved it even more. He thrives off creativity and is one of the most caring and kind Professors I've ever had. You will think about literature and poetry in such a new light and do experiments and projects that you'd never be able to in other English required classes. I LOVE HIM. Very chill reading/homework assignments, no tests, and a great class to take between some harder ones. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
An all-time favorite teacher, if not my favorite teacher I've had so far at UCLA. Even in a remote time, this was able to be a fun and engaging class with a sense of community. Using discord for the class, something most people might find an unexpected combination was a highlight of the class. Both the way it allowed an organization for the class and the materials, as well as allowing space for the community to build and engage constantly even after class had ended completely was an enlightening experience. For this class specifically, the projects and formats were new to me and I felt like I both learned a lot and came out of the class with excitement for using some of the ideas and platforms I used again in the future. Snelson, as a professor, is very humble and inviting of what the students want to engage with, often adjusting or planning within the first week with students for what the syllabus will contain for that quarter. The projects will vary in difficulty. One week you might have to make a single page description for a board game, and another week you might have to learn how to code with Twine (my favorite). There were a couple of group projects, which ended up being more fun than the usual hastle. Ultimately, the work is pretty manageable, you'll probably have a final that is very open to what you want to do if you're taking one of his more creative-mediums-based classes. At the end of the quarter, he sat down with us (virtually) to go over the strengths and weaknesses of the course as a class discussion. He cares about his students, a student interested, and ultimately wants everyone to enjoy themselves and do what they want to. His flexibility can be a big plus when it comes to that. I encourage anyone who is interested to take a class with him- it could end up being a highlight class for you.
Snelson's comic class was by far my favorite class at ucla. our class became very close, even over zoom and discord, and our class sessions were us talking and learning about comics. the projects were fun, and Snelson is an amazing professor!
Senior coming back to drop a review on my favorite class. When I took electronic lit, ChatGPT had just launched to the public. Snelson was the first professor I had that addressed it, he changed the entire course to focus on learning about generative AI, critiquing it, understanding how it works, understanding what it means for our careers, for language and art overall.
If you want to work in writing, or archiving, or an artistic field, or anything the English major sets you up for, you NEED to really take the time to understand and properly critique AI. It's a fact of the industry now, and higher education at large hasn't caught up to that yet. I personally really dislike genAI but I recommend this class to everyone because it's just extremely relevant and useful.
Also, Snelson is very cool, gracious, and smart. If you like a more open-ended, creatively driven course, you'll enjoy this and find it relatively easy.
I LOVED Introduction to Graphic Fiction. This class is a GE that I highly, highly recommend to any students who want to take an engaging GE and actually enjoy it. It is a class about comics/anime/manga. Even though it seems really simple, this was my favorite class because it was funny but also really thought-provoking simultaneously. Our lectures would sometimes consist of funny activities (we started off class with a Virtual Kissing Simulator once) and sporadically, there would be guest speakers who came to talk about their own comics and the writing processes. We also would watch videos about different famous comics in class. Attendance was taken for each lecture, but it was in a fun way: doodles were mandatory in order to get attendance points (and if the professor likes the doodle, then he could put it on the board next class!). I will say that the workload was not a complete breeze, as there are long comics assigned for homework (but reading comics for homework is really not bad at all). You also need to write a short reflection (can be literally 4 sentences) about your thoughts on the comics you read for the two weekly prompts, called "reaction comics." Professor Snelson is an awesome, fun, engaging and really intelligent lecturer. The final project is completely and entirely open-ended (the only guideline is that it is a creative piece of work and that effort is put in), but what you decide to create is completely up to you and encourages creativity. I got really creative with this class and got an A for it, so if you want to have fun while learning and not have to worry about doing too much work, take this GE!
I fear I peaked too early in my UCLA classes with Intro to Graphic Fiction. It's a breath of fresh air for all the classes with strict expectations because this class encourages subverting expectations. There are so many fun aspects of this class like having the class on discord, exploring a truly diverse array of sequential media (I say this because we reviewed both comics and games), submitting doodles for attendance, and drawing without the fear of being judged for not being a "good artist," but I must emphasize Professor Snelson's contribution to the reason why I enjoyed this class so much. You can tell from his lectures that he is truly passionate about the specific effect comics have on storytelling. It's hard not to follow the enthusiasm for the class with someone teaching like that. Grade-wise, it's not very stressful. The class is structured for you to learn by experience. So as long as you come to lectures (even if you don't there are make up assignments) and you sincerely try to apply what the class tries to teach, you'll do well. TLDR; I HIGHLY recommend this class to anyone either in need of a GE, major credit, or just wants to have a fun class that opens your eyes to the storytelling skill of comics.
Professor Snelson is the best prof I've had at UCLA. He is compassionate, brilliant and engaging. Even if you have no interest in A.I., I would strongly recommend taking this class for an easy A and a fun/relaxing class atmosphere.
Attendance is taken at every lecture and discussion. You have to do a makeup assignment where you summarize an article you find related to that week's material if you miss. Class is extremely chill tho. Annoying reaction comics due before every lecture (2x a week), but if you do them and don't let them pile up then it's super easy and will take an hour MAX to do each one. You're supposed to read an entire new comic book that he assigns for each assignment and then make a reaction to it with whatever prompt is given, but I didn't read any of them and was fine. We did the class through Discord, so everyone sends their assignments in the same chat and you can just look at everyone's examples. If you let them pile up, it'll be the death of you tho. No midterm or any other assignments besides a final, which was an extremely open format project, where you can pretty much make anything creative, deliver a sequential argument, and demonstrate concepts from class (you dont have to know any). Occasional group assignments during class for attendance assignment, but they arent hard. Snelson and TAs are very understanding with personal circumstances and tolerate late work (A LOT). I turned in all my assignments during finals week and got an A. I saw a lot of people turn their finals in late but I wouldn't recommend. Syllabus: https://meta.humspace.ucla.edu/intro-to-comics-2023/ Grade Distribution: Attendance 20%, Final 20%, Final Project 20%, Discussion Participation 20% (easy), Reaction Comic Assignments 20%, Discord Server Interactions 20% (you just have to respond to two people's reaction comic assignments then put anything random is another channel-extremely minimal effort). DEFINITELY RECOMMEND!!!!!!!
ENGL 91D is one of the best courses I've taken here - I recommend this class to anyone if you're looking for a GE, especially if you're interested in quirky literature and comics! Prof. Snelson has a genuine passion for the content and integrates fun games and interactiveness into lectures. The late lecture time was honestly worth the easiness of the class - I never felt stressed from this class and honestly enjoyed the readings. Assignments were readings of a graphic novel per lecture and a final project at the end of the quarter with a lot of creative freedom. We used Discord to communicate and send in our final project. Super laidback, fun, and you learn a lot.
Professor Snelson deserves some ratings. Don't think, just take him! If you're looking for an avant-garde/unconventional English class, this is a great option. I also would take Electronic Literature with him because I loved it even more. He thrives off creativity and is one of the most caring and kind Professors I've ever had. You will think about literature and poetry in such a new light and do experiments and projects that you'd never be able to in other English required classes. I LOVE HIM. Very chill reading/homework assignments, no tests, and a great class to take between some harder ones. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
An all-time favorite teacher, if not my favorite teacher I've had so far at UCLA. Even in a remote time, this was able to be a fun and engaging class with a sense of community. Using discord for the class, something most people might find an unexpected combination was a highlight of the class. Both the way it allowed an organization for the class and the materials, as well as allowing space for the community to build and engage constantly even after class had ended completely was an enlightening experience. For this class specifically, the projects and formats were new to me and I felt like I both learned a lot and came out of the class with excitement for using some of the ideas and platforms I used again in the future. Snelson, as a professor, is very humble and inviting of what the students want to engage with, often adjusting or planning within the first week with students for what the syllabus will contain for that quarter. The projects will vary in difficulty. One week you might have to make a single page description for a board game, and another week you might have to learn how to code with Twine (my favorite). There were a couple of group projects, which ended up being more fun than the usual hastle. Ultimately, the work is pretty manageable, you'll probably have a final that is very open to what you want to do if you're taking one of his more creative-mediums-based classes. At the end of the quarter, he sat down with us (virtually) to go over the strengths and weaknesses of the course as a class discussion. He cares about his students, a student interested, and ultimately wants everyone to enjoy themselves and do what they want to. His flexibility can be a big plus when it comes to that. I encourage anyone who is interested to take a class with him- it could end up being a highlight class for you.
Snelson's comic class was by far my favorite class at ucla. our class became very close, even over zoom and discord, and our class sessions were us talking and learning about comics. the projects were fun, and Snelson is an amazing professor!