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Daniela Dover
Based on 17 Users
****SELLING PLATO'S "THE REPUBLIC" in great condition for $10! TEXT ME @ **************
This is a philosophy class, so there's never any order at all (and this is coming from a North Campus major). You will ALWAYS be confused about what you're supposed to be doing for this class and whether or not you're doing it right because there's no rubric or handouts or anything.
Do NOT take this class with Michael Skiles as your TA. He's extremely unorganized and would always just ramble on and on in section about one aspect of the readings. I went to his office hours for feedback on my final project and when I asked him for his expectations (because no one was given a rubric despite the class syllabus promising one), he instead told me that the nature of philosophy is open-ended. That was totally wrong because when I got my final project back, he marked me down heavily for things that I failed to include that he wanted to see.
Overall, the class workload isn't too bad. You read Plato's The Republic and a few other PDFs; there's an in-class midterm and take-home final in which you create your own utopia.
I took Philos 6 with Daniela Dover Winter 2017. This was her first time teaching a large lecture (she previously had only taught graduate seminars). She is very sweet and accommodating of students, but she had no idea how to make a plan for coursework for the quarter. She was quite sick for a large portion of the quarter and we thereby fell far behind, and she expected students to continue learning coursework even when lectures were cancelled multiple times. That being said, you can put in minimal work into this class and still receive a good grade. The midterm was open note and the final, she gives you the questions that she'll be asking on the midterm. Overall, this course wasn't what I was expecting and it isn't the easiest GE just because it can get quite frustrating, but it's an easy way to fulfill certain GE requirements.
I loved taking this class so much! It was interesting to learn about justice, the just man, injustice, and the idea of the "good". Professor Dover is a great lecturer. Her lectures were very engaging and I was interested in each lecture the whole time. In this class, we read The Republic by Plato, which is a somewhat difficult book to understand. However, her lectures help one understand the reading material much better. The coursework is not heavy, although one has to read the material twice in order to understand the meaning. Overall, I loved taking philosophy 6 with Professor Dover.
Philosophy 6 with Dover is one of those classes that you neither love nor hate. 90% of her class consists of reading Plato's The Republic, which definitely takes some getting used to. There is basically no hw, except for a few sporadic assignments here and there. Sparknotes is your best friend in the class. Midterms are both easy, final paper is interesting (create your own utopia). There is no final as well, which is a big plus.
Easily one of the worst professors at UCLA. Not quite sure how this woman got hired. Extremely disorganized and showed up to late to EVERY lecture... seriously. Sends out nasty emails 24/7 trying to legitimize the class and make all the students feel guilty that they aren't doing enough work. Alternatively, the class is a joke, and her psychology to make students take it seriously is quite transparent and pathetic. Easy A, take it but dont show up, no point.
Professor Dover is very passionate about her work. She is just incredibly boring to the point that I found it difficult to keep my eyes open. As long as you do the reading and at least half listen in lecture and discussion sections you will do fine in the class.
Professor Dover is one of the worst professors I've encountered at UCLA. She is abysmally and hopelessly lost as an academic. Her lectures are disorganized and plagued with technical issues. She is easily flustered and fails to teach in an engaging way. Her lack of preparation makes her lectures incredibly difficult to follow and her class a pain to attend. She treats the course as an opportunity to rant and follows no apparent structure. She spends most of the course discussing each component of the Republic, but fails to ever say anything substantial.
The majority of the class is spent analyzing Plato's The Republic, which makes it a pretty limited scope but it is after all an intro class. After finishing the book assigned readings included Du Bois and Lorde.
Personally, I found the class and the concepts brought up in the readings interesting. Professor Dover listens to students and makes changes to lectures to accommodate for her students. She stutters quite a bit, and her lecture slides don't provide a lot of context, but that just means you have to go to lecture to get the main points of her analysis.
I know a good amount of people didn't like the class because the teachings are very left-leaning, but as long as you keep an open mind going into it then there are a lot of interesting concepts that come up.
Also I had Jen as a TA and she was amazing.
I was in the 2018 fall session. I don't know why so many people criticize Professor Dover. Her speech is clear and really mind-blowing. If I were not in her class, I would have no chance to figure out the glamour of philosophy. We spent most of the time reading Republic, and then Du Bois and Lorde. Readings are fair and Utopia project is interesting. A good course to take.
Do you want an easy GE? Then take this class!
It was honestly a really good class that required the purchase of only one book (that you can find a pdf for online), she always summarizes what you should have read so in theory, you don't have to read it... I stopped reading after the midterm because well, the final is a paper. If you want to take an easy class with a super nice teacher, that genuinely cares about your learning and what you think, take this class.
ps. she does sometimes go off track, but who doesn't?
****SELLING PLATO'S "THE REPUBLIC" in great condition for $10! TEXT ME @ **************
This is a philosophy class, so there's never any order at all (and this is coming from a North Campus major). You will ALWAYS be confused about what you're supposed to be doing for this class and whether or not you're doing it right because there's no rubric or handouts or anything.
Do NOT take this class with Michael Skiles as your TA. He's extremely unorganized and would always just ramble on and on in section about one aspect of the readings. I went to his office hours for feedback on my final project and when I asked him for his expectations (because no one was given a rubric despite the class syllabus promising one), he instead told me that the nature of philosophy is open-ended. That was totally wrong because when I got my final project back, he marked me down heavily for things that I failed to include that he wanted to see.
Overall, the class workload isn't too bad. You read Plato's The Republic and a few other PDFs; there's an in-class midterm and take-home final in which you create your own utopia.
I took Philos 6 with Daniela Dover Winter 2017. This was her first time teaching a large lecture (she previously had only taught graduate seminars). She is very sweet and accommodating of students, but she had no idea how to make a plan for coursework for the quarter. She was quite sick for a large portion of the quarter and we thereby fell far behind, and she expected students to continue learning coursework even when lectures were cancelled multiple times. That being said, you can put in minimal work into this class and still receive a good grade. The midterm was open note and the final, she gives you the questions that she'll be asking on the midterm. Overall, this course wasn't what I was expecting and it isn't the easiest GE just because it can get quite frustrating, but it's an easy way to fulfill certain GE requirements.
I loved taking this class so much! It was interesting to learn about justice, the just man, injustice, and the idea of the "good". Professor Dover is a great lecturer. Her lectures were very engaging and I was interested in each lecture the whole time. In this class, we read The Republic by Plato, which is a somewhat difficult book to understand. However, her lectures help one understand the reading material much better. The coursework is not heavy, although one has to read the material twice in order to understand the meaning. Overall, I loved taking philosophy 6 with Professor Dover.
Philosophy 6 with Dover is one of those classes that you neither love nor hate. 90% of her class consists of reading Plato's The Republic, which definitely takes some getting used to. There is basically no hw, except for a few sporadic assignments here and there. Sparknotes is your best friend in the class. Midterms are both easy, final paper is interesting (create your own utopia). There is no final as well, which is a big plus.
Easily one of the worst professors at UCLA. Not quite sure how this woman got hired. Extremely disorganized and showed up to late to EVERY lecture... seriously. Sends out nasty emails 24/7 trying to legitimize the class and make all the students feel guilty that they aren't doing enough work. Alternatively, the class is a joke, and her psychology to make students take it seriously is quite transparent and pathetic. Easy A, take it but dont show up, no point.
Professor Dover is very passionate about her work. She is just incredibly boring to the point that I found it difficult to keep my eyes open. As long as you do the reading and at least half listen in lecture and discussion sections you will do fine in the class.
Professor Dover is one of the worst professors I've encountered at UCLA. She is abysmally and hopelessly lost as an academic. Her lectures are disorganized and plagued with technical issues. She is easily flustered and fails to teach in an engaging way. Her lack of preparation makes her lectures incredibly difficult to follow and her class a pain to attend. She treats the course as an opportunity to rant and follows no apparent structure. She spends most of the course discussing each component of the Republic, but fails to ever say anything substantial.
The majority of the class is spent analyzing Plato's The Republic, which makes it a pretty limited scope but it is after all an intro class. After finishing the book assigned readings included Du Bois and Lorde.
Personally, I found the class and the concepts brought up in the readings interesting. Professor Dover listens to students and makes changes to lectures to accommodate for her students. She stutters quite a bit, and her lecture slides don't provide a lot of context, but that just means you have to go to lecture to get the main points of her analysis.
I know a good amount of people didn't like the class because the teachings are very left-leaning, but as long as you keep an open mind going into it then there are a lot of interesting concepts that come up.
Also I had Jen as a TA and she was amazing.
I was in the 2018 fall session. I don't know why so many people criticize Professor Dover. Her speech is clear and really mind-blowing. If I were not in her class, I would have no chance to figure out the glamour of philosophy. We spent most of the time reading Republic, and then Du Bois and Lorde. Readings are fair and Utopia project is interesting. A good course to take.
Do you want an easy GE? Then take this class!
It was honestly a really good class that required the purchase of only one book (that you can find a pdf for online), she always summarizes what you should have read so in theory, you don't have to read it... I stopped reading after the midterm because well, the final is a paper. If you want to take an easy class with a super nice teacher, that genuinely cares about your learning and what you think, take this class.
ps. she does sometimes go off track, but who doesn't?