Dario Ringach
Most Helpful Review
Dr. Ringach is doing a really good job in my opinion. He really makes an effort to communicate with students and provide latest updates in brain research and neuroscience. I would say he is a good teacher and fair grader even though material is very complicated! As long as you go to lectures and at least make an effort to read the assigned articles you are all set. it woths it to work hard for his class because your grade unlike a lot of psych classes is going to be a reflection of the amount of work you put in it.
Dr. Ringach is doing a really good job in my opinion. He really makes an effort to communicate with students and provide latest updates in brain research and neuroscience. I would say he is a good teacher and fair grader even though material is very complicated! As long as you go to lectures and at least make an effort to read the assigned articles you are all set. it woths it to work hard for his class because your grade unlike a lot of psych classes is going to be a reflection of the amount of work you put in it.