
Dave Zes

Overall Ratings
Based on 32 Users
Easiness 4.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (32)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 13, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

You literally need to have a pulse to get an A. I did not attend a single lecture and was able to get an A+. Granted, the class was online and so the quizzes/tests were open note, but the material is not hard to learn (and a majority of it is common sense).

The HW and the Labs were both pretty easy. If you couldn't figure it out yourself, the TA does it for you during discussion so you just need to copy it.

The tests/quizzes were werid. You get 3 tries on them, but the kicker is that wrong answers are worth negative points. (sometimes I'd get like -4/8 on them on my first try). But after 3 tries you should be able to do decently enough I guess.


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Feb. 11, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

zes is AMAZING!! i took this class spring q and he was super helpful and a great teacher! workload was super manageable and midterm/final was online. try to get a good ta for help regarding r studio coding, but my ta was super awesome and helped us with the lab each week!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 29, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

Professor Zes was fantastic and I have absolutely nothing negative to say about him. I have no hesitation recommending taking his class.

The TAs were pretty hit or miss. But that's just how it goes. Plus, you could definitely just watch another TAs review sessions instead and it's no big deal.


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June 22, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

Professor Zes is really approachable and responsive on Campuswire, and he's got a good sense of humor so lectures aren't as boring as initially expected. He's able to explain many of the Stats concepts in a manner that is easy for us to understand through a combination of examples and analogies. If you have programming background, the coding portion for labs should be manageable. Highly recommended!


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June 2, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

I rarely write reviews but I really loved this class. It's structured in a way that you can succeed in the class as long as you read the textbook and understand the discussion lessons in R. I didnt go to the professor OH but I would go to TA OH once a week and would read the book in advance but it was overall never too stressful. Plus quizzes and really fair and the professor is really responsive on Campuswire. Loved this class overall and would take it again :) + the professor is really nice!


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Nov. 28, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

This class was beyond confusing. I took stats in high school and the way this class was set up was very complicated and made very little sense. The lecture was not mandatory so many people simply did not show up. However, on his exams, he rewards the people who do show up by including some questions about stories he told in class. The class itself was fine, kind of confusing, but overall fine.

What was not good was the discussion section or "lab". You have to use R studio. I have little to no experience in coding so this was really difficult. My TA was very unhelpful in actually teaching us how to do it. My friend was having trouble even getting the system to run on her computer and the TA didn't provide any assistance to her in troubleshooting the problem. Just simply said, "Oh that's weird". I disliked how the coding was not covered at all in the lecture and was only done in lab. Kind of felt like I was taking two separate classes; a coding class and a stats class.

That all being said, the grading was overly kind. I don't feel that I really learned anything but still was able to secure a solid A in the class. Professor Zes has his exams set up "jeopardy style" which essentially means that you get one point for every correct answer and minus a point for every incorrect one. This is daunting when on your first attempt you get a -10, however, you have three attempts to take the exam. It is broken up into like 5 or 6 sections and you get separate scores for each of them. I am not sure if I am recalling this correctly, but I am pretty sure he records your best attempt for each section. I believe I scored almost a 100% on the exams, despite not really knowing what I was doing.

I know this is a class that a lot of people have to take as a pre-rec. If you have to take it, take it with Zes since the grading is so kind. However, if you don't like your TA try and switch so you don't have to go through the pain and suffering I did.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
Aug. 13, 2021

You literally need to have a pulse to get an A. I did not attend a single lecture and was able to get an A+. Granted, the class was online and so the quizzes/tests were open note, but the material is not hard to learn (and a majority of it is common sense).

The HW and the Labs were both pretty easy. If you couldn't figure it out yourself, the TA does it for you during discussion so you just need to copy it.

The tests/quizzes were werid. You get 3 tries on them, but the kicker is that wrong answers are worth negative points. (sometimes I'd get like -4/8 on them on my first try). But after 3 tries you should be able to do decently enough I guess.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
Feb. 11, 2024

zes is AMAZING!! i took this class spring q and he was super helpful and a great teacher! workload was super manageable and midterm/final was online. try to get a good ta for help regarding r studio coding, but my ta was super awesome and helped us with the lab each week!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
July 29, 2021

Professor Zes was fantastic and I have absolutely nothing negative to say about him. I have no hesitation recommending taking his class.

The TAs were pretty hit or miss. But that's just how it goes. Plus, you could definitely just watch another TAs review sessions instead and it's no big deal.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
June 22, 2023

Professor Zes is really approachable and responsive on Campuswire, and he's got a good sense of humor so lectures aren't as boring as initially expected. He's able to explain many of the Stats concepts in a manner that is easy for us to understand through a combination of examples and analogies. If you have programming background, the coding portion for labs should be manageable. Highly recommended!


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 2, 2023

I rarely write reviews but I really loved this class. It's structured in a way that you can succeed in the class as long as you read the textbook and understand the discussion lessons in R. I didnt go to the professor OH but I would go to TA OH once a week and would read the book in advance but it was overall never too stressful. Plus quizzes and really fair and the professor is really responsive on Campuswire. Loved this class overall and would take it again :) + the professor is really nice!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
Nov. 28, 2022

This class was beyond confusing. I took stats in high school and the way this class was set up was very complicated and made very little sense. The lecture was not mandatory so many people simply did not show up. However, on his exams, he rewards the people who do show up by including some questions about stories he told in class. The class itself was fine, kind of confusing, but overall fine.

What was not good was the discussion section or "lab". You have to use R studio. I have little to no experience in coding so this was really difficult. My TA was very unhelpful in actually teaching us how to do it. My friend was having trouble even getting the system to run on her computer and the TA didn't provide any assistance to her in troubleshooting the problem. Just simply said, "Oh that's weird". I disliked how the coding was not covered at all in the lecture and was only done in lab. Kind of felt like I was taking two separate classes; a coding class and a stats class.

That all being said, the grading was overly kind. I don't feel that I really learned anything but still was able to secure a solid A in the class. Professor Zes has his exams set up "jeopardy style" which essentially means that you get one point for every correct answer and minus a point for every incorrect one. This is daunting when on your first attempt you get a -10, however, you have three attempts to take the exam. It is broken up into like 5 or 6 sections and you get separate scores for each of them. I am not sure if I am recalling this correctly, but I am pretty sure he records your best attempt for each section. I believe I scored almost a 100% on the exams, despite not really knowing what I was doing.

I know this is a class that a lot of people have to take as a pre-rec. If you have to take it, take it with Zes since the grading is so kind. However, if you don't like your TA try and switch so you don't have to go through the pain and suffering I did.


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