
David Weisbart

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Easiness 2.7/ 5
Clarity 3.7/ 5
Workload 2.7/ 5
Helpfulness 4.2/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2015 grade distribution: 25% midterm 25% quizzes 50% final OR 100% final Professor Weisbart: The professor was very strangely in love with math. It was cool to see he was so passionate about it, but it was still kind of creepy. Haha for me personally, I didn't like his teaching style. He kind of freestyles lecture, and I'd rather a professor who had a set plan for teaching. It was really hard to understand the concepts he was teaching because of how abstract he made things seem. TA: My TA was Cassidy Mentus, and he was actually really helpful in going over examples. He basically went over problems by himself on the board, and he went pretty fast. But it was still easy to follow him, and he would answer any questions you had while breezing through a ton of examples. I thought attending discussion was really helpful. Midterm grade: 39/50 78% He sent out a practice midterm and solutions for those problems that had more questions (8) than were going to be on the midterm. I think they would have been helpful if I reviewed it more. It was 4 questions with multiple parts. Quizzes grade: 48/80 60% There was no homework, only suggested problems (and I suggest you do them). I did really bad on the 8 quizzes he sporadically did. He would let you know at least two days before that there were quizzes. You needed to print out your own quiz form, and in the beginning of class he'd give you a bit of time to do two problems. I hated those quizzes. Final grade: 62/80 77.5% He also sent out a practice final with 8 questions and solutions. The actual final was a less than 8 questions though. It was really weird because during the final he made us stop, look up, and he'd take a big camera and take a picture of all of us. And when we turned in our final he'd make us hold them up with our BruinCard and he'd take a picture. He says it protects people in case they lose their exam, but it also helped against cheating. The final was similarly formatted to the midterm. Overall grade: B Thank goodness the class was curved. I did so well in 3A that I was really discouraged with this class. I didn't like his teaching style, but if I worked harder at learning on my own, I feel like I would have done better in the class.
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