Demetri Terzopoulos
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2020 - The professor usually plays some animated shorts at the beginning of lecture which are pretty interesting. His lectures however are straight from the powerpoint and pretty dry. Our midterm was only 10 multiple choice questions so it was pretty stressful... for the most part the questions were easy and there was an extra credit question that is usually about WebGl. The final project was honestly pretty fun as you can create anything you want to display graphical elements and I had some OP teammates who made our project a lot better. The tiny graphics API that we use, however, is not user friendly and there is not much documentation on it so I'm honestly not sure if the things we learned when using it will be of much help. Shoutout to Yunqi Guo for being an awesome TA, he discussion sections really helped me understand the material more and he's really nice but a bit soft spoken.
Winter 2020 - The professor usually plays some animated shorts at the beginning of lecture which are pretty interesting. His lectures however are straight from the powerpoint and pretty dry. Our midterm was only 10 multiple choice questions so it was pretty stressful... for the most part the questions were easy and there was an extra credit question that is usually about WebGl. The final project was honestly pretty fun as you can create anything you want to display graphical elements and I had some OP teammates who made our project a lot better. The tiny graphics API that we use, however, is not user friendly and there is not much documentation on it so I'm honestly not sure if the things we learned when using it will be of much help. Shoutout to Yunqi Guo for being an awesome TA, he discussion sections really helped me understand the material more and he's really nice but a bit soft spoken.
Most Helpful Review
174A I think fewer people take Demetri's course because they think he taught it in the 'boring' math way. However, as a TA who took his course and TAing another 174A course, I think Demetri's way of emphasizing the understanding of math behind the graphics transformations is essential. He is one of the most influential guy in graphics field when it comes to research. Many of the times he is quite busy having meeting all over the world but he managed to give all lectures. For students who want to learn hard-core graphics rather than passing another course for graduation, Demetri's course is what I recommend most.
174A I think fewer people take Demetri's course because they think he taught it in the 'boring' math way. However, as a TA who took his course and TAing another 174A course, I think Demetri's way of emphasizing the understanding of math behind the graphics transformations is essential. He is one of the most influential guy in graphics field when it comes to research. Many of the times he is quite busy having meeting all over the world but he managed to give all lectures. For students who want to learn hard-core graphics rather than passing another course for graduation, Demetri's course is what I recommend most.